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I was rummaging through the drawers, trying to find a bandage to wrap my burnt hand with. I had woken up to my palm stinging, and it took me a few second to realize where I was. Memories flooded back quickly which made me dizzy for a bit, my injury and the pain also proved that this was indeed real and that my mind wasn't playing tricks on me again.

The drawers didn't have anything interesting, a bunch of papers, school supplies, books and oh? What's that? I pulled out what looked like a photo. In it was a younger version of Amy? Or was it Maly? I don't remember her name.. She looked happy, her goldish eyes held so much emotion. I couldn't see the person beside her, someone had ripped the other part of the picture all I could see was a bit of dark brown hair.

"What are you doing?"

I got startled and scrambled to get everything back in the drawer. Then I turned to face the person. I let out a sigh of relief when it turned out to be one of the twins .

"Emira told me to give you this" He had a tray in his hands, a silver one. "She said that humans needed to eat to recover." You watched him put the food on the desk. He stared at you for a moment before saying "It would be better if you don't touch Amity's stuff, we don't need another injury on you."

Amity! Thats her name!

He turned around to leave- "Do.. Do you have any bandage to wrap my hand with" He froze, not expecting you to talk to him. Honestly you didn't either, it just came out. You both stared at each other like dumb ducks for a few seconds. "I'm afraid not, those were last one that she left, us witches don't really need them."

So many questions and little time. As if he read your thoughts he added with a small smile "Emira is down stairs, she asked you to come down after eating to exlain everything." He stared at you. "That is, if you're comfortable enough of course" He then exited the room.

You took the tray to the bed and sat. You weren't sure where you were but you never thought that they would serve alive and non-cooked octopus parts (or what you hoped was ) in a soup somewhere on earth. The glass wasn't better, it had bubbles were forming on top and it didn't take long for one to explose in your face but, you know what they say, never judge a book by it's cover. You took the bended fork, and even though it's useless for a soup, you tried eat with it. Imeadiatly, without thinking, you spit whatever quantity you had put in your mouth. And got away from whatever poison they gave you.

Never mind, it's ok to judge a book by its cover.

As hungry as you were, you couldn't swallow that thing, you'd rather starve yourself. You figured that if the twins actually meant their word and cared about your well-being, they'll get suspicious if you don't touch the 'food' and eventually force you to eat it in front of them. Since you definitely didn't want that, you did what seemed best, and that was getting rid of it.

You took both the bowl and the cup and opened the window. And although you knew that was a terrible idea, you poured both of them outside.

"HEY! WHO DID THAT!?" Someone shouted outside. You quickly bent down and hoped that the person didn't see you. "It's probably one of those flying clowns, they tend to throw things on people, they think it's funny." said another voice "It's just your luck."

You heard some grumpy grumbling mixed with some threats of 'killing one of them' before the two of them walked away. You slowly got back up and made sure that nobody saw you before closing the window.

You rushed to put everything back on the tray, and slipped out of the door. You went down the stairs and set it down in a counter. The decoration...looked good, mostly gold with some pastel green for the walls, what you guessed was marble for the floor and the rest was dark tinted wood furniture. It was minimalistic but good, very good. Whoever choose it had really good taste.

"You like it? My grandma designed this place for us." Emira appeared beside you. She turned and smiled at you, "Father's mother was never fond of our mother. She   said that she'll only bring my father trouble but he still married her." Her smile was slowly erasing.. She whispered something before composing herself and going back to smiling, "I'm guessing you are looking for answers, right?" All you could do was nod.

Smiling still, she looked at the couch then back at you, silently telling you to sit. She sat in front of you then clapped her hands together, "So! What did you want to know?" Her being extremely friendly and happy (?) was very suspicious but you didn't really have a choice now did you?

"Where are we? What is this place?"
"Ah yes! The classical question,how could I forget!" She gestured to her surroundings, "This, is the Boiling Iles. Some like it, others not but I'd say that it is the perfect place to see your nightmares come true."
"Not...exactly reassuring.." you gave her a look of incertinity.
"I'm only being honest, another question?"
"What are you?"
"Physically I'm a witch, mentally I'd say a monster, and not the only one. This place is filled with magical creatures, and not the good kind you see in human fantasy books."

She got up and initiated for you to follow her upstairs, back in the room you were in. She stood next to the window and pointed to a small figure. "You see that boy there?"
"The child?"
"That's no child, that is a shape shifter trying to get the riches pity, then, when they let their guard down, he takes back his original form and.."
You watched as a well dressed little girl approched the child, eyes wide when he became bigger and bigger, opened his mouth and-

You rushed out to the bathroom, bent down and dry heaved there.

"Hm, I see you didn't eat what Ed gave you earlier. May I know why?"She appeared beside you. Her tone seemed disappointed,  but you were more interested in how your stomach was turning after what you saw. "Well?"

"Whatever you gave me was not food, it wasn't edible, not for me at least.." She seemed to be thinking for a second before light flashed in her eyes. She left you to clean yourself up and get back to the room where you waited for her to come back. When she did, she had a plate in her hand. She handed it to you, and watched as you hesitantly sniffed the sandwich. You took a small bite, then another and another until you were dusting your hand from the crumbs. Emira seemed satisfied at this.

"Someone was hungry" She chuckled. "I'll make sure you get human food from now on" She added "Rest while you still can, tomorrow we're going somewhere to get your wounds checked. They seem to be getting worse." You were too on alert to notice this but now that she pointed it out, you felt pain all over yourself.

I guess I'll need to trust them on this one.

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Save Me (lumityxfemreader) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora