Chapter 24

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Itachi's POV

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't in pain.

I couldn't move much anymore; my body was aching everyday...

I could tell Kakashi was getting worried, I would be too in his shoes.

But I'd rather feel this pain than anyone else... I couldn't live with myself if Sasuke had it instead.

I'd give myself about 2 more months before I die... the funny thing is I've been married for 10 already...

I'm just too afraid to let go... the after thought is so terrifying that I'm holding on to dear life...

I don't want to die


Life wasn't as it used to be, I still can walk and move, I've grown used to hiding the pain in my eyes.

I wanted to feel normal even though I could feel the disease eating my soul alive.

Kakashi is hell bent on trying to safe me and "meet my needs" but I just want to live in the moment and experience life.

It's a bit childish of m-

Sasori: Ita-chan!!!!

The ringing in my ear as Sasori screamed my name... it had been a while since I've seen him, but it felt almost as if no time had passed.

To be honest, I was relieved to see him.

Itachi: Hey Saso-kun how have you been? It's been a couple of months

Sasori: As good as I can be... haha I'm starting to regret accepting Deidara's love, HE IS A FUCKING PAIN, but well I plan to propose soon.

Itachi: *chucking* Oh well I can imagine haha Kakashi is no picnic either, the only difference is I'm married to the guy, you still have a chance to save yourself, so if you have any doubts TAKE THEM AND RUN!

We both laughed for what felt like forever and in that moment I felt the air in lungs grow a bit lighter, the air felt breathable.

Sasori: How are you feeling? I'm sure the pain is getting worse, and everyone is worried about you

Itachi: Well, it's as it's always been... I'm always in pain, but it's bearable you know... I'm prepared to die; I've made peace with it. And even though I said that I'm so terrified of what happens after... I'm so scared that I'm holding on to dear life.

Sasori: You know I'll miss you when you die... and you do know that we're all behind you and no one will blame you for dying... The gang has been talking about it... Konan and Pain even want to move their wedding date up just so you can atte-

Itachi: No. I'm not some weakling to take pity on. I will always be with you guys, and I want things to stay the sa-

Just as the air was starting to feel lighter, my lungs were already suffocating in the darkness.

I just couldn't stop coughing; I was coughing and coughing to the point where I coughed out blood.

I guess death is closer than I imagined.

Sasori: *shocked* I-Itachi w-we need to take you to the hospital! HANG IN THERE!

I could feel my body slowly floating into the darkness, I could no longer hear Sasori's voice, this was it... this was the end of the line. I only wished Kakashi was here with me.


8:30 p.m. at Konoha Hospital

*Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep*

The Mangekyou to my Sharingan (Itakashi)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora