Chapter 2

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Kakashi's POV

How dare he show his face to me after all this time...?

How can he just stand there not even fazed? It's like he doesn't see me... Itachi

What do I care huh? I'm with Óbito now... well not officially together, we're just sleeping around... mmh I'm sure Rin is rolling in her grave right about now.


The last time I saw Itachi was when he tried to kidnap Naruto about 4-5 years ago but even then I wasn't his focus... It's always the same with him even when we were in the ANBU, Itachi always put others above me. Not like we were a thing, but at some point I felt that we were closer than some people yet at every opportunity he proved me wrong.


Kakashi: Long time no see Itachi Uchiha

My heart just skipped a beat at the sound of his name coming from my mouth... why?

He stiffened at the sound of my voice and avoided my gaze.

Sasuke: Aren't you going to say anything nii-san?

Itachi: Ah of course, mmh Hello K-K-Kakashi-san, it's been a while

The way he stuttered my name was so hot, just looking at him made me want to pin his ass down right here and eat him alive... AH what am I thinking? I'm not interested in him... I have Obito.

Kakashi: You don't have to sound so uncomfortable Itachi, if you didn't wish to say hello, you didn't need to force yourself because of Sasuke.

Naruto: Sensei, don't be like that hehe I'm sure you caught Itachi nii-san when his guard was down.

I turned to face Naruto... huh that kid doesn't know a thing about Itachi's and I relationshi- mmh old comrade memories.

Kakashi: Well then, I'm off to see Obito at his place so if you two need anything ask Sakura, Sai or Yamato. It was nice to see you Itachi.

I smiled at them and turned around, but as soon as I did I felt this awful pain in my heart and oddly enough I knew who caused this pain... Uchiha Itachi


I lied saying I was going to see Obito, I just wanted to leave, I couldn't keep my eyes off his sexy toned body... it's like my thoughts were being devoured by him every second since I've seen him.

I opened the door to my house "Tadaima" I said expecting no response, I live alone, but it's nice to pretend that I wasn't alone sometimes.

As I walked in to put my stuff down I felt a familiar chakra... too familiar for my tastes.

Itachi: Kakashi-san

A shiver went down my spine at the way he said my name, I felt my body tingle and grew hot.. I was incredibly turned on by him and I wanted more.

I turned to face him and slowly walked towards him closing the gap until we were so close our lips almost touching.

Kakashi: Itachi, what do I owe the pleasure?

Itachi: You've grown older Kakashi-san, hotter too

I blushed as he said that... He thinks I'm hot

I chuckled a bit.

Kakashi: So, you think I'm hot Itachi-chan

Itachi: And if I do? What are you going to do about it Kakashi Hatake?

He stepped closer, closing the small gap between us. I could feel his hot breathe on me and I wanted to feel his breathe all over my body.

Itachi: Ne Kakashi, I bet you taste hotter than how you look

Kakashi: Why don't you try and find out I-ta-chi

The room wasn't light, but light enough to see his blushed tomato face.

He slowly put his hand on my cheek and slowly leaned in... I began to feel impatient as time was passing by way too slow.

His lips touched mines and he was right this was hotter, and I wanted to burn this house down with the heat of our bodies.

Unfortunately, timing was never on our side.

All of a sudden there was a knock on the door.

Obito: Kashi-kun open up I miss you baby

I felt Itachi freeze as he heard those words, he quickly pulled his lips away from me and just stared at me. I wanted to grab his face and force my lips onto his, but he just looked at me, wiped his lips and gave me his gentle smile like he used too. God how I missed his smile... his touch.

Kakashi: Uh sorry Itachi, he's persistent

Itachi: Who you're lover? I'm sure he'd love to know that while he was happily coming over here, his boyfriend's tongue was in somebody else's throat waiting for me to fuck him.

Kakashi: It's not like that Itachi, we just fuck from time to time

Itachi: Seems he may actually feel different, well no matter I came here to apologize for being rude not to kiss you, I got caught up in the moment for a second you reminded me of my beloved Kisame.

He turned before I could even respond and walked straight through the FRONT DOOR as if Obito wasn't there.

Itachi: It's nice to see you cousin Obito, I was just stopping by to see how Sasuke was doing since well Kakashi was his sensei, but takes care of him

Obito: Itachi? It's been so long! And no need to explain, my lover over here will always take care of Sasuke-san.

I forgot they were cousins... as Itachi walked passed Obito, he saw as Obito pulled me into a sloppy wet kiss full of lust and the only thing I saw in his eyes was jealousy and sadness... why? I thought he had Kisame.

Alright y'all I know two chapters in one day! But it's just to start out, I'm definitely going to try my very best to upload Monday-Friday.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter and enjoy the series coming up! I have a lot planned and might even do a sequel.

Anyways some characters will be OOC sooo stay tuned when you see certain characters acting differently. 

Fully edited on January 30, 2022 

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