Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Itachi's POV

Damn it Kakashi...

Why do you have to hide your sadness from me? I thought we'd be in this together, but you're just falsely pretending that my chronic disease isn't the worse thing that's happened to us. I'm scared shitless...

I love you... so why can't you be honest with me?

Do you pity me that much? I just want to grieve with you... not with anyone else, only you... but I can't if you pull away from me. After all you're my future husband.


I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared to tell the people I love the most that I'm dying and that they only have 2-4 years with me left... hopefully

I thought about sending scheduled letters on the day of my death, but I was too much of a chicken shit to actually write them down. I just felt like that would be so weak of me.

I don't even know who I'm going to talk to fir-

Deidara: Yo Itachi! You're back!! How did it go? You brought him back RIGHT?

Crap... I guess these two idiots first.

Itachi: Ah well it w-went well uh y-yeah

Sasori: Mmh you're not lying to us right I-ta-chi?

I'm so nervous right now...

Itachi: Of course not! We're finally together! And in fact, he asked me to marry him.

Sasori & Deidara: M-Marriage???

Itachi: Ha ha ha yeah marriage... as soon as possible.

Sasori: Cong-


Uck Deidara's hugs are always so suffocating.

Sasori: Tch. You're smothering him

Deidara: Hai hai gomen my love

I was so happy to hear them congratulating me... but there was sadness always lurking in the dark.

Itachi: Thank you both really... but we need to talk and it's really important. So, can we go to your place Saso-chan?

I knew I couldn't hide this forever.. It's better they know now then hearing I'm dead from Kakashi. We're best friends after all, so it should be fine... right?

Just by the look of their blank faces, I could tell how nervous they were and frankly that made me even more calm because I no longer felt alone.


Going to Sasori's place felt longer than usual. Maybe it's because of how far it was from the village or because of how awkward the air has turned because of nerves. It's like we're all walking on eggshells.

When we finally got there not one of us said a word. I wasn't sure if they were waiting for me to say something or if they were just bracing themselves for the worst.

It's now or never Itachi.

*Mikoto's faint whisper*

Ganbatte Itachi

Mom... thank you

Itachi: What I'm about to tell you might just be the hardest thing you guys have ever dealt with, but it's because I love you both that I'm telling my best friends the truth. i don't want you guys to hear this from anyone else, but me.

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