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How beautiful it would be to spend this day with the someone you have asked to Allah in your prayers....

Have you imagine kissing your crush like that small moment. I can't

I was too shy that even an eye contact will roam in my mind for nights.how people think something so wild I Amaya cannot think about such things am so  shy to imagine.

But never in million thoughts my mind crossed that I would be kissed in a bathroom, where I stand and brush my teeth. I never thought that my crush would kiss me here.

Nabhaan walked in I thought that he needed to use washroom so shrugging and passed him.

But when he held my wrist I turned to him. Raising my brows. He gently pulled me to him.

"You know my wife is so sweet and naive." He pulled me more to him.

"You know my hubby is a glarer who always glare me." He chuckle that low one while pushing me to a bathroom slab. I could feel his warmth around me, I could hear his heart beat which made my heart beat to increase.

He leaned caging me between his harms and slab I looked up in his eyes which held something for me.

"You know I can never ask more after you." I breathe a shallow one saying him.

"You know you are the best thing happened to me."I smiled hearing him

He held my hands and kept it over his chest where his heart race could felt. Slowly he trailed my hands to his neck which was really long.

I breathed out staring in his eyes how much I love to stare him. His eyes held everything I craved for he really is a man I wanted.

My breath hitched when I felt his breath over my lips. It is happening. Like now!

It's a moment when I felt his rough dry lips over mine which had gloss and were lot soft than him.

His big hand landed to my waist pulling me to him as he deepened the kiss. Our eyes closed feeling each other's love and saying that how much we trust each other after this.

He arched my neck while kissing me. I could feel him messaging my hairs as I do same for him. We had our moment.

He pulled back with a frown staring down at me while I stared his feet. He had neat nails.

We were catching our breathings our head joined while he chuckle huskily.

"You don't know how to kiss nai?" Now I want the ground to open and swallow me.

I shut my eyes tight hiding myself in his chest to hear his roaring laughter.


I could not look up in his eyes what the hell guys.

We were seated here in dinning hall with saadiq bhai and ayesha who were having a sour faces while everyone were laughing at them.

Well, according to my plan ayesha did her best and  now saadiq bhai has to  do his part.

I told ayesha just to tease saadiq bhai for a kiss but never even touch his lips as a punishment to which she cried harder saying that he will take it but he didn't as my plan. Now saadiq bhai has to calm his wife.

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