Chapter 8: The Escape?

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I sit on the cold floor for a bit, waiting until he's gone for sure. Once I'm sure he can't hear me, I get up- my joints aching from being thrown around- and jog to the wall by the chains. I grab hold to the cobblestones and shake them, trying to find a loose one. Finally, I find a loose one and pull it out of the wall. I toss it around in my hand before smiling, excitement and adrenaline pumping through my blood. I jog over to the skylight, and look up into the night sky.

"I never would have thought we were underground..." I think, noticing dirt and grass surrounding the border of the small window.

I take one last look around the punish room. Definitely not going to miss this place.

I turn my attention back to the window, nervousness joining the bunch. I get a good grip on the rock, and I throw. I watch as it goes flying into the air and crash against the dirty glass.


The glass shards come crashing down, making me back up a few steps.

"I have to hurry!"

I run back under the window and quickly jump up, grabbing the side of the use-to-be window, causing small glass shards to sink into my hands. Ignoring the pain, I use all my strength to push myself up and into the world. Once my upper body it through the tight squeeze, I hear the door to the punish room open.

"Hey!" He screams, footsteps coming towards me from below.

I push myself as much as I can, and look around for anybody to help. My foot is suddenly grabbed, and I'm starting to be pulled back through the ground. I suddenly spot a man walking his dog.

"Help! Help me! Help! Call the police!" I scream, making him look at me. Even though he's far from me, through the darkness I can see his eyes widen as he takes his cellphone from his pocket.

"My name is J- Ahhhh!" I scream as loose strength and am pulled through the window, a glass shard digging into my arm. It's hold inside of me is too strong, and I cry in pain and it breaks off the border.

"What were you thinking?!? How dare you do this to me!" The Psychopath screams into my face.

I'm completely paralyzed from fear, afraid of what he might do to me. I just stare at him, causing him to yell in anger as he lifts me over his shoulder.

"Stop! Put me down!" I scream as the grip he has on my arm is causing the glass shard to sink even further into my skin. I can feel the blood leaking out of it as he carries me to the main lab.

He sets me down onto the wooden chair and grabs rope from the ground. I immediately get up from the chair and try to run.

"Get back here, you idiot!" He screams, grabbing my leg. I fall to the ground with a thud, and am pulled back to the chair. He picks me up with an odd grip, and I flail around.

"Let go of me!" I scream, getting no response. But instead, he spots the glass in my arm and pushes on it, making me scream. He just smiles.

I cry in agony as he ties my arms behind me, making the knot extra tight. He gets another rope for my feet, but before he can grab them, I kick him in the shin.

"Stop, fucking, moving!" He screams, grabbing my ankles and tying them to the chair. His use of vocabulary get's me angry for some reason.

After he ties my ankles, he grabs my thighs for leverage as he stands up, making me extremely angry.

"Don't fucking touch me, you asshole!" I scream, my rage escaping my lips. He immediately turns his gaze towards me, and I can tell that got him angry. And with a blink of the eye, I feel the impact of his fist on my cheek, and go crashing to the ground. To make the pain even worse, I land on the glass shard, and scream in pain as it digs even further into my arm.

"Get me up!" I scream, tears flowing down my face as he picks up the chair and sets it back.

"How could you? Why would you think you could escape? I've told you I'm already one step ahead of everybody! That man you saw? He's dead! I killed him!" He screams, his eyes wide, a smile growing on his face as he shouts he killed the man. But it's gone as quickly as it appears.

I sit in shock, as I hear him scream he killed the man. That man was my only hope...

"H-how did y-you know..." I start, my voice quiet.

"Did you really think the cameras in the punish room were off? Of course not! I said I was always one step ahead! I watched you looking at the window, I mean how could I miss out on information? Seeing how you act in real-life situations in important information!" He screams, talking to me like I was stupid.

I immediately get angry that he lied to me.

"Why did you lie to me? You got my hopes up to tear them away from me! At least I'm not some lying maniac!" I scream, more tears coming to my eyes.

"At least when I was young my parents wanted to be with me, instead of saying they had work just to get the fuck away from me!" He screams.

I just sit there, taking in what he said. 'Do my parents really lie to me just to get away from me?' Tears start to form in my eyes as I think of all the times they said they had to leave for work.

"And at least my "best friend" isn't my friend because she feels pity for me!" He screams again, a smile growing on his face.

More tears start to form in my eyes until they finally fall.

"Same with my fucking neighbors! Those freaks just took you in because they pitied you!" He screams, my heart taking the blows like bombs.

"And at least I actually had girlfriends in school, unlike you, who the only boyfriend you had broke up with you for another girl! What, did he get glasses and realize how pathetic you are?" He concludes, this time pointing at me and laughing like a maniac.

"Just shut up!" I scream, more tears falling down my face. I feel completely broken, all of the things that were keeping me going, my parents, my neighbors Kate and Jonathan, my best friends Lauren, all of that taken away from me and turned around in my face.

I just cry as he laughs at me, feeling pathetic. It's like my my average ego just jumped off a cliff and died...

"Well, have fun with the puppets!" He screams as he puts on a gas mask. I look up at him, confused, until I remember what the next phobia is. The drugs start to fill the air, and at the moment, I will gladly fall asleep. He jumps off the stage and grabs my arm, pain from the glass being sent through me. I feel a pinch in my arm, and fall asleep as the chemical flows through my blood.

Hey guys! I'm so sorry I didn't post yesterday, I couldn't get on a computer until 11 last night, but I was too tired to write. Plus I didn't want to put up a bad chapter for you all.

Speaking of the chapter, what did you think of this one? It's completely different from the others, as there was no phobia in this one. Do you feel bad for Jess? I do! That Psychopath was just too mean to her... Sorry for the short chapter btw, I hadn't planned on this one.

Thank you all so much for reading, we're already past 350 reads!

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And of course,


Thanks again!

- Abby :)

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