Colin remained silent waiting for Briarly to continue and looked over to see that the Lord Rochester and Lord Fife were watching them curiously.

"She is in love with you, has been for quite some time. Do not break her heart again," said Briarly firmly.

Colin swallowed sharply. "I will not sir. I assure you that from now on her heart will be safe with me."

Briarly nodded. "Good luck then," he replied before walking back downstairs.

After a moment Colin sat down in a nearby chair and smiled. He was glad that others besides himself and his family could see how utterly special Penelope really was.

"What was that all about Bridgerton?" asked Lord Fife.

Colin looked to Lord Fife and Lord Rochester who were staring at him. "Nothing of importance."

The three gentlemen waited approximately ten more minutes before the doors slowly opened and none other than Michael Stirling exiting the drawing room. Colin could see that both Lord Fife and Rochester were staring at Michael with the nothing short of derision in their eyes. Upon seeing the look on their faces, Michael smirked before stopping in front of Colin.

"Good Morning Mr. Bridgerton. I thought I might see you here this morning. I have just been having a delightful morning with Miss Featherington. She is such a tremendous conversationalist. I cannot think of another young lady amongst the ton that I would rather spend time with," said Michael clearly trying to goad a reaction from Colin.

"Yes, Miss Penelope is an exceptional woman. I say Stirling, what in God's name happened to your eye? It looks like you were on the losing end of quite the fight," asked Colin, pleased to see that the bruise on Michael's face had turned a rather unpleasant shade of purple that was yellowing at the edges.

"Tis but a scratch. In a few days I will right as rain," Michael replied pleasantly.

"Well, I do hope that it will not leave a scar. Whatever will the young ladies do if your face has become permanently disfigured?" Colin bit back.

Michael smirked at him, causing Colin's blood to boil. "Do not trouble yourself on my account Mr. Bridgerton. I have it on good authority that young ladies particularly enjoy the appearance of a well-placed scar. Miss. Penelope even said that I looked like a dashing hero this morning."

Colin quietly growled while Michael stared back at him like the cat that got the cream. "I wish you a pleasant rest of your day Mr. Bridgerton." Colin watched Michael's retreating back until he disappeared around the corner. It was then that Lord Rochester was called into the drawing room leaving himself and Lord Fife waiting in the hall.

"When did you return to England Bridgerton? Lady Whistledown reported that we should not expect you for a number of weeks?" asked Lord Fife.

"The day before yesterday," Colin answered curtly.

"I see," replied Lord Fife. "Things have certainly changed since you left."

Colin held in the exasperated sigh that he desperately wanted to let out but controlled himself. "It appears so. May I ask Lord Fife, what prompted you to begin to court Miss Featherington? I thought I heard rumors that you were courting Miss Goring last season."

Colin watched as a cool smile spread across Lord Fife's face. "Miss Goring would not make a suitable wife for a lord. She was much too eager to please if you understand me." Colin nodded but inside he was grimacing at Lord Fife's words. He doubted that Miss Goring had just thrown herself at Lord Fife unless he had encouraged her attentions in some way. It was decidedly ungentlemanly behavior to treat a lady in such a way. "And I have had my sights on Miss Penelope Featherington since last season. She is often overlooked but has a decidedly quick wit and is by far the most intelligent woman of the ton," said Lord Fife before leaning towards Colin. "And her breasts," said Lord Fife as his eyes rolled upwards and he bit his lower lip. "I could feast on them for days and would die a happy man."

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