Chapter 52

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Cheryl's P.O.V
I woke up to an empty bed I sat up and looked around the room and saw Toni struggling to put on her shirt.
"You need help honey?" I asked her and she turned to look at me but her head was stuck inside the shirt. She turned her body to me and gave me a thumbs up and I giggled and crawled to the other side of the bed and helped her properly put on her shirt.
"There's that beautiful face I love." I said and kissed her nose. She smiled at me and stood back up and put on her pants along with a short sleeve button up shirt.
"Where are you going?" I asked as I got off the bed, and walked to the bathroom. She followed me to the bathroom and showed me her phone. I saw the date and my eyes went wide. I quickly brushed my teeth and took a quick shower and got dressed.
"Toni why didn't you wake me up earlier?" I said and put on my bra and underwear. I wore a white shirt with a brown plaid jacket along with blue jeans and black boots.

And Toni also wore a white t shit with a yellowish short sleeve button shirt over it, and black jeans with white height top Nikes

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And Toni also wore a white t shit with a yellowish short sleeve button shirt over it, and black jeans with white height top Nikes.

"Did Harley give you a time she was going to come over?" I asked Toni and she nodded her head and pulled up the text messages as I fixed my hair

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"Did Harley give you a time she was going to come over?" I asked Toni and she nodded her head and pulled up the text messages as I fixed my hair. Toni showed me the text message and faxed it to the mirror where I saw the time.
Dr.Harley: hello Toni just reminding you that I will be at your home at 11:30am. I saw that it was already 11:28 I turned off the bathroom lights and grabbed Toni's good hand and we walked down the stairs together. I went into the kitchen and saw that the coffee was already made.
"Who made this?" I asked and got two cups and started to pour the coffee into them. When I turned around I saw Toni pointing at herself.
"Well thank you for that, I need this bad." I said and took a sip of mine and handed Toni a cup who grabbed it, and just then someone knocked on the front door. We walked over to the front door and saw Harley on the other side of it once we opened it.
"Hello good morning." Dr.Harley said and we smiled.
"Good morning, please come in." I said and she nodded her head and walked into the house. We lead her to the living room and sat down on the couches.
"Can we offer you anything to drink or eat?" I asked her and she shook her head.
"No thank you, so how are you feeling today Toni?" She asked her and Toni shrugged her shoulders.
"It's just an eh day?" Harley asked again and dig in her bag, and when she looked up Toni nodded her head.
"Ok and how are you doing Cheryl?" She asked me.
"Im doing well thank you." I said and she smiled and took out these flash cards, and set them aside.
"Ok first thing first we want to warm up your vocal cords. So just repeat after me and remover it doesn't matter if you can say the word or not. This is just so your body is use to stretching it's self out so when the time comes you can talk easier." Harley explained and Toni nodded and followed her through the exercise. Her and Toni did the exercise for a few minutes and when they finished Toni held my hand and Haley grabbed the flash cards.
"Ok so the first thing I'm going to have Toni do is these flash cards. Essentially what we want Toni to do is recognize these objects and if possible try to sound them out." Harley said and I nodded and saw her show Toni the first card, it was a card of a cat.
"So Toni do you recognize this animal?" Dr.Harley asked and Toni nodded her head.
"Good now can you try to sound it out?" She asked and Toni took a deep breath. For a while all you heard was random noise coming out of her mouth, I placed my hand on her back and rubbed it.
"It's ok my love." I said and kissed her cheek, she took another deep breath.
"C-c-c-a-t." Toni said and took multiple deep breaths after that.
"Amazing, most patients cant do that." Harley said and Toni huffed and rubbed her eyes. I leaned in her ear and whispered.
"What's wrong?" I asked her and she turned her head away from me. I frowned but choose to ask her about it later.
"Ok now, can you tell me what this says?" Harley said in a soft and comforting voice as she held up a picture of a plate with the word food written next to it. Toni took a deep breath and rubbed her hands on her jeans.
"F-f......o-....od." Toni manage to say which brought a smile to me and Harley's faces.
"You're doing amazing, now we're going to movie up to some small talk. And I know you might the thinking that I'm moving to fast, but you are progressing amazingly so I want you to give this a try." She said and took out another set of index cards.
"We'll start with hi and bye." She said and held the cards for Toni to read.
"You got this TT." I said and rubbed my thumb over her hand.
"H-h-i...b-b-ye." She said and Harley smiled and nodded her head.
"Perfect." She said and took out a notebook and wrote some things down.
"Ok let's continue." She said and Toni nodded.
Thirty minutes pass.
"You did amazing Toni keep up the practice." Harley said as she walked out the house.
"Th so you again Harley." I said and me and Toni waved at her. I closed the door and walked to the kitchen.
"Toni honey what do you want to eat for breakfast- we'll brunch." I said and looked at her. She looked disappointed but grabbed the pancake box and handed it to me.
"Hey hon what's wrong?" I asked her and she turned away from me.
"No talk to me." I said and Toni scoffed and pointed at her mouth. I sighed and pulled out my phone and handed it to her letting her type what she wanted.
This is taking too long!
"I know sorry, but honey these things take time. Today was your first lesson you need to be patient." I said and she huffed and handed me my phone, and sat in the stools in the kitchen. I walked over to the pancake after and started mixing it. As I was mixing the batter I felt a hand hug my waist. I turned to look and saw Toni behind me. I turned around and saw that her head was down. I lifted it up and pecked her lips.
"I get that you're frustrated honey, and if you're wondering if I'm mad but I'm not." I said and cupped her cheeks. Toni looked at me in the eyes and a small tear escaped. I immediately hugged her and rubbed her back. We stayed in this position for a few minutes until she lifted up her head and kissed my cheek.
"Want to help me make brunch?" I asked her and she nodded. She helped mix the batter while I grabbed a pan and placed it on the stove. She then came over and poured it into the pan.
"So what do you want to do for the rest of the day?" I asked Toni who made another mix of pancake batter. She looked at me and walked over to the fridge where the white board was.
Can your mom come over?
I looked at her confused and she just gave a innocent and small smile.
"Yes of course she can come honey. I'll call her after we eat." I said and she smiled Wilde my and erased the message.
"Nice to know you prefer my mom over me." I said in a playful way. Toni looked at me and shrugged her shoulders, and went to grab the marker again.
She makes amazing food, and gives the best advice.
"Wow." I said and she smiled and kissed my cheek. I giggled and finished up making the pancakes.
"Here you go my love." I said and handed Toni her plate. She kissed my cheek and sat down in the dining room table. Through tus eating I could see that Toni was struggling a little bit, but she got herself together and finished the whole plate. After eating our meal Toni handed me my phone. I looked at her confused and she opened my phone and clicked on my moms contact.
"Damn I feel like you love my mom more than me." I said and called her, and Toni bounced on the balls of her feet.
"Hello Cheryl dear." My mom said.
"Hey mom what are you doing?" I asked her and and Toni looked for an answer.
"Just hanging out with your Nana Rose, why?" She asked me and I looked at Toni who smiled at me.
"Toni what's to see you, I asked her what does she want to do for that rest of the day. And she asked me to call you." I said and Toni gave me a thumbs up.
"Very well then, did you guys eat?" My mom asked me and I stood there shocked.
"Y-yes we ate pancakes." I said slowly and my mom hummed.
"Ok then I'll be there soon. And tell Toni I'll be there too." My mom said and hung up. I turned to Toni who turned her head.
"She's coming." I said and Toni gave the biggest smile I've ever seen. I smiled and rolled my eyes, and kissed the top of her head.
"I love you." I said and Toni smiled and kissed me on the lips and held me by my hips. I smiled into the kiss and ran my fingers through her hair. The got deeper, and Toni squeezed my hips and pushed me against the counter. I moaned and Toni moved to my neck.
"T-Toni my moms gonna be here any minute." I said and she stopped kissing me and started to remove her shirt.
"What are you doing?" I asked her, and she did a speeding motion with her finger.
"No we're not speeding up sexy time." I said and her shoulders slumped down.
"Hey I know I want you too, but I don't want my mom walking in on us. Especially after I told her to come over. We can have sexy time some other time ok?" I said and she nodded her head and kissed my nose. Just then we heard a knock on the door, and Toni immediately went to leave but I grabbed her and fixed her shirt. Once that was done she ran to the door and my mom immediately hugged her and kissed her cheek.
"How are you honey?" My mom asked her and Toni smiled at her and gave her a thumbs up.
"That's good how's the arm?" She said and touched the cast, and Toni gave her another thumbs up.
"That's good, so Cheryl told me you ate but I was baking these cookies and I couldn't help but think of you. So here." She said and handed Toni two Tupperware's that were full with cookies.
"Wooow fine just forget me over here." I said and my mom rolled her eyes and walked up to me and hugged me.
"How can I forget about my favorite daughter." My mom said after we hugged.
"Mom I'm your only daughter." I said and she rolled her eyes.
"Sarcasm dear." She said and turned around back to Toni.
"So what do you want to do today?" My mom asked Toni who was too busy stuffing her face with the cookies my mom baked her. I rolled my eyes and took the Tupperware out of Toni's hands.
"TT you ate four pancakes like ten minutes ago." I said and she shrugged her shoulders.
"I honestly don't know how you stay in shape." I said and she patted her stomach, and flexed.
"Come on dear before my daughter kills you." My mom said and held Toni's hand and took her to the living room. I placed the cookies on the kitchen counter and walked to the living room, only to see my mom flurrying up the pillows and making Toni comfortable.
"Wooow so this is why you wanted to call my mom?" I said and she gave a evil smirk and got more comfortable.
"What movie do you want to watch dear?" My mom asked. And Toni pointed at her.
"You want me to pick?" She asked and Toni nodded.
"Ok we'll go with a classic, one that Cheryl used to love." My mom said and went on Disney plus. I groaned and rubbed my temples, knowing what my mom will be putting on.
"The little mermaid." My mom said and Toni giggled.
"Oh shut up." I said and laid on top of her cuddling up next to her. Once my mom pressed okay she walked over the couch and lifted Toni's head and sat down placing Toni's head on her lap.
"You know when Cheryl was younger she would wear her mermaid tail to the tub. And she only took it off when we promise to take her to meet Ariel." My mom said and I groaned, and Toni laughed.
"Mooooom stop embarrassing me." I said and she rub my head.
"Toni has to know so she can tell these stories to your kids." My mom said and kissed Toni's head. We continued to watch the movie until my mom noticed that Toni was asleep.
"It's already 2 in the afternoon. I'll fix up lunch." My mom said and gently lifted Toni's head up and left for the kitchen. I also slowly got up and followed her to the kitchen.
"Toni is a very nice person Cheryl." My mom said and started taking out ingredients from our fridge.
"I know." I said and she looked at me.
"So when's the wedding?" My mom asked me and my eyes went wide.
"Mom I don't have my business started yet, I want that to happened before I settle down." I said and she nodded her head.
"And do I get a seat in your business?" My mom asked me and took out flour.
"Yes you can be my part board adviser." I said and she had a smile on her face.
"Good, now help me make this fried chicken." She said and handed me a bowl that was filled with seasonings.
"Are you making a fried chicken sandwich?" I asked my mom and she looked at me and nodded.
"With hot sauce and a side of Mac and cheese?" I asked her again and she nodded her head.
"You know Toni's favorite?" I asked and she scoffed.
"Of course I do, how else am I supposed to feed my future daughter in law." My mom said and put the chicken in the oil.
"Honesty mom if Toni was awake she hug you right now." I said and battered some more
pieces of chicken.
"You know mom it means a lot that you, dad and Nana Rose like Toni. Especially you know after Heather.... It just means a lot and I know that Toni looks up to you as a mother figure that she never had so thank you for being that for her." I said and my mom smiled and kissed my cheek and gave me a hug.
"No problem darling." She said and we continued to make lunch. As I was planting the food I heard foot steps come into the kitchen, I turned around and saw my mom holding Toni while she's walking and gently leading her on the dinning room chair.
"What would you like to drink?" I heard my mom ask.
"W...w-a-t-t-e-r." Toni said and my mom squealed and hugged Toni very tightly.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry but I got excited. I can't believe you can speak." My mom said and I smiled and brought Toni her food and a water bottle. Toni lit up once she saw what we made her, she grab my hand and gave me a passionate kiss and held my mom hand.
"You're welcome honey." My mom replied and went to grab mine and her plate. We all sat down together and ate with some conversation.
"Thank you mom, it's nice seeing you again and I know Toni enjoyed having you here." I said and Toni hugged my mom and kissed her cheek. My mom smiled and kissed her head and also gave me a hug and kiss.
"See you guys soon." My mom said and drove off back to her house.
"Did you have fun today TT?" I asked her and she nodded and took out her phone.
Since you're practically taking care of me. I feel like you kidnapped me and that I can't escape. Honestly it's kinda kinky 😈
Once I read that I instantly rolled my eyes and Toni laughed.
"Of course leave it to you to turn this situation into one of your fantasies," I said and Toni winked at me.
"Is that one of your kinks?" I asked her and she nodded and made a whipping motion.
"Looks like I hit the Jackpot with you," I said and bit my lip and walked up to her, wrapping my arms around her neck. She smirked and leaned in to kiss me but I placed my finger over her lip.
"Only good girls get to kiss mommy." I said in a low voice. Toni bit her lip and nodded her head.
"Good now go be a dear and hand me my phone." I said and Toni went back to the living room and grabbed my phone.
"Thank you," I said and took my phone and kissed her near her lips. Toni whined and tried to get another kiss but I stopped her.
"What did I say about only good girls getting kisses," I said and she groaned and turned away from me, and went back into the living room. I giggled and put all the dishes in the dishwasher, once I finished that I went to the living room and found Toni laying on the floor.
"Toni stop being dramatic get up," I said and lightly kicked her. She took out her phone and started typing something.
If I can't get kisses or sexy time I'm staying here until I die. I rolled my eyes and straddled Toni.
"Is this better?" I asked her and she bit her lip and sat up wrapping her god hand around my waist. I smiled and leaned in her ear, and lightly bit it.
"Sexy time is over come on let's go." I said and grabbed her arm making her stand up.
"I know something that will cheer you up." I said and she looked at me.
"How about we go to the hot tub, and you can have a blunt. I know you love those." I said and Toni instantly cheered up.
"But first give me a kiss." I said and Toni gave me a passionate kiss. After breaking the kiss Toni went to go get changed into her bathing suit and I grabbed her a blunt from her house office. After getting the blunt I heard a few groans coming from the bathroom. I ignored them and changed into my pink bathing suit.

"Done touching yourself?" I asked Toni as she came out the bathroom

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"Done touching yourself?" I asked Toni as she came out the bathroom. She blushed and I smirked and walked out the room and to the backyard. I got in the hot tub and lit up the joint taking a small hit out of it. Toni came in the tub and went to kiss me, and when our lips meant I blew the smoke into her mouth. When we broke the kiss I bit her lip and pulled. She smiled and took the joint of my fingers and took a hit. I leaned my head on her shoulder but she took my head off, and placed me in front of her.
"I love you." I said and she kissed her temple and took another hit.
"M-m-meeee t-ttoo." I heard Toni say tiredly. I turned around and straddled her.
"I love you more." I said and she shook her head.
"If you disagree you have to verbally say it. Otherwise it doesn't count." I said and she groaned. I giggled and kissed her cheek and grabbed her wrist and turned it to me and took another hit from her joint. Me and Toni shared the joint and went back inside the house. We each took our showers separately because Toni needed to go to her home office to do something. But after she finished she came inside the room and took her quick shower and came out with only her boxers and a t shirt.
"Wanna watch some tv?" I asked her and she nodded.
"How about we watch this new tv show called First Kill?" I asked her and she she nodded her head and laid her head on my boobs. I ran my fingers through her hair as we watched the show. After the third episode I lightly shook Toni and she groaned and got closer to me with her head still laying on my boobs.
"Good night my love." I said and turned off the tv and fell asleep with my hand in her hair.
Ain't gonna lie got writers block and just pulled some shit out my ass.

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