cheer camp part 11 (Annoying and stupid people)

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Cheer camp part 11

hey guys !!! here is another chapter of cheer camp :) hope u like it ,

this song tht ive picked today is just a random im listning to it now so yeah , i luv it !!! anyways i should shut up to u can read

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luv u all !!!! :)


"ahhhhhhhhhhhhh" Ashley screamed in excitement

"OMG prom is gonna happen in 3 weeks, ahhhh I'm so excited !" Alex screamed along.

I smirked at how pathetic they were, freaking out about prom. How stupid.

"So do you think I'm gonna get prom queen ?" Ashley asked Alex

"Omg of course you are, your Ashley Scott"

"Um correction it's Gertrude Ashley Scott" I said butting in to their conversation

Ashley looked and gave me a death stare then carried on talking.

"yeah I know I will be choosen,  I mean I am so popular and not to mention pretty"

"Everyone hates you ?" I said pointing out the obvious

"you know what whore, why don't you shut up and mind your own business" Ashley said rudely

"well you know what Ashley at least I don't dress up like a whore and have sex with every guy I meet , I mean how do you even find a place to do it ?

"you know what Taylor why don't you ask your boyfriend Tom ?, he would know, since he is the BIGGEST man whore in this school"

I walked off super pissed off and then Cami came up behind me and grabbed my arm

" WHAT !?" I snapped at her

"Taylor that is not true !, Tom wouldn't do that I promise, Ashley is a bitch and she's just lying "

"well why do I sorta believe her ?"

"you shouldn't, she just wants Tom all to her self!"

I thought about it for a bit and I was jumping to conclusions,I forced my self to smile.

" that's a girl, Cami said while patting my shoulder, so are you ready to go to class?"

"yeah, I guess"

"well go get dressed, class starts in 10 minutes"

I quickly ran to my closet and got a pair of light blue denim shorts, a white loose tee shirt and my white high top converse, I quickly tied my hair in a messy bun than left the loose bits fall out.

"alright I'm ready" I said grabbing my bag

Cami laughed


She grabbed me by the arm and we ended up running to French class.

When we walked in everyone was on their desk writing quietly

"um sorry miss" cami said sweetly

"say it in French and you won't get in trouble"

"je sues d'esolee mademoiselle"

"vite ! Get in your seats she said in a French accent, Cami and I both hurried to our seats not really notice who I was sitting next to.

"naughty girl, look who's late"

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