Part 34

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No One's POV.

The pair had a very nice lunch, though Toni weren't too fond of the rock music that was playing in the bar.

"I do not like this music. Must all modern music be about people's behinds? It's so vulgar" Toni said as she finished the last bite of her salad.

Cheryl raised an eyebrow and listened to a few bars of Baby Got Back by Sir Mix a lot that happened to be playing, before shrugging. "Sorry Honey, it's all about asses these days, either looking them or getting them."

Toni wasn't sure if Cheryl was kidding her, but it certainly seemed like the modern music was all about things that one in her day, would never speak about in public. All this talk of sex openly, made her a bit uncomfortable. She liked sex, but it was something people didn't talk about.

Cheryl got up from the table. "Come on let's go."

Toni got up and looked around, while some of the changes were a bit unsettling, Toni felt a sense of pride that the Inn her father built was still running.

Outside, the pair took each other's hands Cheryl suggested they take a walk and see the town. Toni knew she needed to reacquaint herself with the town so she agreed. She also loved being able to openly walk hand in hand with her female lover.

The pair walked around a little bit, mostly in a happy silence with Toni pointing out buildings she recognized. However at one point Cheryl stopped on the side walk in front of a Belty Burger restaurant. A cheap McDonald's rip off in the UK, Cheryl threw caution to the wind and ate there when she first arrived in Britain. She found the food to be horribly greasy and it made her sick to her stomach. She hadn't been there since.

But at this point, Cheryl stood in front of the Belty Burger and started to laugh.

Toni looked at Cheryl rather puzzled. "What is so funny Cheryl? It is just, what you called a fast food restaurant. I do not get your humor."

Cheryl stopped laughing after a few seconds and turned to Toni. "When I first came here I ate that horrible food and got sick. I think I know why that place may be so horrible."


Cheryl then pointed to a large rock that happened to be sitting in the grass between Belty burger and the shoe store next door. "That rock was there in 1869. I remember it. I remember it as it was about 20 yards away from the outhouse behind the cabin. Now the Belty burger is now about 20 yards away from the rock."

Toni's eyes opened wide. "You mean?"

"Yes, the Belty burger is built right were the old outhouse was and." Cheryl then looked down at the ground sidewalk for a moment. "If my guess is correct, we are standing in what used to be my kitchen."

With a frown, Toni shook her heard. "I do not wish to have a Belty Burger."

Cheryl urged Toni on. "Me neither."

As they were near the park which still existed, they took a long walk which Toni loved. The park was very much as she remembered it and it brought back very fond memories. At one point they found a nice grassy spot near the river and lay together, holding hands, looking at the clouds.

For both of them, it was a wonderful day spent with the woman they loved.

By the time they came back, it was nearing supper and Cheryl suggested that Toni try something new. Up to this point, Cheryl had only made things that used to be served in Toni's home.

"How about Chinese food from the Emperor's kitchen."

Toni suddenly gasped. "Food from China, from the kitchen of the Emperor in the Forbidden City no less. Such wonders. How does it get from China so quickly, by Jet plane?"

Cheryl shook her head and suppressed the urge to laugh at or mock Toni. "No, it's a semi crappy Chinese Restaurant about 3 blocks from here. But they make excellent Kung Pao Chicken. You'll love it. Why don't you relax and read a bit. I know you don't like the TV and I'll order the chicken and make some other arrangements. Until I call you, stay put in the bedroom. Please."


Cheryl smirked and walked into the kitchen. "That would be telling. Sorry, can't help you. Please check your number and try again."

Toni just shook her head. She had seen a few minutes of the TV here and there, but didn't quite like it. Sadly what she saw was, a few minutes of the Kardashian reality show, which is enough to turn anyone off of television, permanently.

So Toni, read for a while in the bedroom while Cheryl ran around the apartment and occasionally out the door. Other than an occasional "Where in the fuck is that or god dam it." Cheryl said nothing. Toni made a mental note to speak to Cheryl about her language.

"Can I come out now?" Toni said after half an hour.

"NO!" Was the only reply.

Sensing it was a special occasion, Toni did pick out a nice dress and snuck into the bathroom to wash up and make herself presentable. Her mother would always stress that it is proper to dress and clean-up for dinner, especially when it was special occasion.

Just after she snuck back into the bedroom, Cheryl appeared in the doorway. Upon seeing Toni's dress, she smiled. "You look pretty, but you didn't have to dress up."

Toni blushed, "I wanted to."

Cheryl took her hand, "Come with me."

Toni followed Cheryl out the door and up the stairs to the roof. In the far corner there was a card table with a nice table cloth and a nice place setting for two. In addition to that some multi colored Christmas lights had been strung on a few poles giving it a festive look. On a small box was a boom box playing some soft music.

Toni was most impressed by the effort and the smell of the food was wonderful. "Thank you Cheryl." She said as she threw her arms around the Redhead and kissed her.

"Our first real dinner as a couple and I wanted to at least make it something special. Come on let's eat."

Toni the couple sat down and for the very first time Toni at Chinese food, which she loved. Just the exotic nature of eating such strange food was a thrill, but she loved her King Pao chicken and shrimp fried rice. Of course the dinner was very romantic and Toni couldn't be happier.

The pair had a wonderful romantic diner, where Cheryl talked about California and what it was like back home.

"I remember you talking about sunsets. How beautiful they are." Toni said between bites.

"I hate the beach, I hate the sun, but I love the sunset at the beach. It's quiet, most of the annoying people have gone and its' quiet. I sit and watch the colors in the sky as the sun set's in the sea. It feels magical."

"I'd very much like to see that."

Cheryl smiled and took Toni's hand. "I'd very much like to show you."

As soon as dinner ended Cheryl stood up and went to the boom box. "I was thinking about music and how we could find perhaps a compromise and I found a song that is from a year that is almost exactly halfway between 2022 and 1945. It's a popular song and you may just like it. As I said, a compromise."

"Ooohh...Play it please." Toni said happily.

Cheryl hit the button and the slow sound of Glen Millers 1939 song, Moonlight Serenade, began to play.

Toni listened for a few moments. Though the song was unfamiliar she actually liked the slow romantic melody. To her it sounded like it had a slow dreamy quality."

"Dance with me." Cheryl said extending her hand.

Toni stood up and with an embarrassed look said. "I don't really know how to dance. I want to."

"Don't worry, I'll show you." Cheryl said, taking Toni's hand.

Cheryl quickly showed Toni how to dance and after a few missteps, was managing well. It seemed like the perfect moment.

"You're quite a woman you know." Cheryl said as she held Toni close and looked deep into her eyes.


"You turned me from an angry pissed off, heartbroken Redhead into a romantic. That's not an easy task you know. Something only you could do. No one else. I love you Antoinette."

Toni loved hearing that and responded with her heart's answer. "I love you too Cheryl."

For both the evening was magical, and for a while the pair danced to some romantic Big Band music, until Toni looked into Cheryl's eyes and said. "Make a woman of me."

Cheryl knew what that mean and couldn't help but feel a bit concerned. "Toni, I know you wanted to be a virgin until your wedding day. I've never pressured you. Please don't feel like I expect that. We've done very well without that."

Toni was sure and smiled. "I know Cheryl. I've never felt any pressure from you. But I know we will be together always. I think it was meant to be. Please make love to me."

Cheryl's heart jumped knowing they would never be apart. "Of course"

As tempted as she was to get down to business, Cheryl urged them to clean up their mess first as it was looking like rain.

Once done, Cheryl kissed Toni and carried her into the bedroom where Toni happily gave her virginity to the woman she loved. Cheryl was just happy to have the beautiful Toni in her arms. They made love, tenderly held each other then fell into a blissful sleep.

One month later

It had been a month since that day where Toni and Cheryl reaffirmed their love and officially became a couple. Cheryl had gone back to school and had started her 2nd year at college. Toni gradually started to get used to the 21st century, with some little bumps. Toni learned the microwave is not a good way to dry clothes quickly. Especially if they have metal buttons.

Toni got her first taste of the mall where they went to buy a microwave the next day. Toni was shocked at the amount of clothes and pretty dresses. Toni out of habit and just because she liked them almost always wore dresses.

Toni also found something to do, she volunteered to read stories to children at the local library. It was something she could do and at the same time, read all about the modern world. It felt good to be able to do something and Toni grew to enjoy it.

They did visit the Fogarty manor and had a lunch with the Fogarty family. Toni found them quite friendly and were able to entertain them with several stories of the Fogarty family that, at least according to her, were passed down in the family. Such a good time was had, Toni and Cheryl were invited back.

On this night, to celebrate their first happy month together, Toni and Cheryl invited Mary and Jughead to join them for dinner at the Inn that Toni's father used to own. It was nothing fancy and just a casual fun meal.

The talked about time and the meaning of Cheryl's meeting Mary twice and talked of the Antoinette's days. Toni and Mary both came to the conclusion that this was all pre-ordained. Cheryl silently nodded in agreement.

"So what of the time machine. Can you rebuild it." Asked Toni.

Jughead nodded but looked a bit sad. "Yes, but there's been some complications."

"What?" asked Cheryl.

"Well it will take me long enough to replace the parts, but something's happened. I need a rare mineral I need that's essential to the whole works. It's called upsidaisium. It's only found in one part of Africa, in a country called Zamunda. They got sick of that king, living in luxury while his people starved to death. Before I got what I needed very easy. I only needed a small amount. But recently a violent rebel group has seized the part of Zamunda where the mineral is. I'm afraid for the time being I cannot get that mineral. The mines are all closed. I can't even start to rebuild the machine without that mineral I'm sorry.

Cheryl huffed. "So you can't rebuild it."

"For now. Hopefully the political situation will change, but for now I'm in a holding pattern. "

"What are you going to do in the mean time?" Asked Mary.

"I'm going to teach at Cal Tech for a few semesters and think about the machine and it's implications in light of what's happened." He then looked to Toni. It may be a number of years, but I will keep in touch and you'll be the first to know when it's running. I'm sorry I can't get you home sooner."

Toni smiled and took Cheryl's hand. "With Cheryl, I am home."

It was a fun evening and everyone had a good time. Near the end of the meal, Mary pulled out an envelope and handed it to Toni.

"Toni" I've had such a wonderful time talking to you and learning what it was like to live in Antoinette's days. I have something for you and Cheryl. As thanks for that and what Cheryl had done for me so long ago."

Cheryl shook her head. "No, please don't. You've paid me back enough.'

"Just open it." Mary said.

Toni looked at the envelope and with a growing sense of curiosity, Toni it open. From it she extracted a piece of paper and started to read. "Deed? I'm not sure what this means." She said to Cheryl.

Cheryl looked at the paper and her Jaw fell open. "Toni this is the deed to the inn and it's been signed over to both of us."


Mary nodded. "I wanted to give you two a present. I bought the inn from its current owner and I'm giving it to you. You're father built it and it's only fitting that you own it now. I have the contact number of the manager and you can give him a call."

Toni hands started to shake as a tear came to her eye. "I don't know how to thank you. This means so much to me."

"Congratulations Toni and Cheryl." Jughead said.

"I spoke with the current manager and he's willing to stay on and help you run the place. I can have some other people show you how to run a business."

Feeling a bit emotional herself, Cheryl shed a tear. "Thank you Mary."

"You're welcome. I wouldn't be where I am without you. It's the least I could do."

Cheryl appeared to think for a moment. "Hey Toni, why don't you take Mary out back and show her where your house was. I'm sure she'd be interested in seeing it."

"If you say so Cheryl." Toni said, looking just a bit puzzled. "Come on Mary."

A second later Cheryl watched Mary and Toni exit out the back of the bar.

Jughead gave Cheryl a strange look. "You're acting suspicious, what gives."

"I just wanted to get rid of them for a minute; I needed talk to you about something."

Jughead raised an eyebrow.

"I noticed something strange...ok downright bizarre last night."

"What's that" said Jughead, taking a drink of his rum punch.

"Well, when I first got to England last year, I saw a web page for a Jack the Ripper walking tour. You get a headphones and a little Walkman with a tape that guides you around to the places the bodies were found, where the victims where last seen and tells you about it. Sounded really least to me. I wanted to see where the bodies were found."

Jughead nodded. "OK, it's a bit morbid but not all that bizarre."

"It's not that, it's the fact that I couldn't find the website anymore or any walking tour. I searched and searched online."

"Perhaps they went out of business. That happens."

Cheryl shook her heard as a strange look of worry appeared on her face. "Puzzled, I looked up Jack the ripper myself, so I could maybe do one of my own. But here's the weird part. I couldn't find any reference to Jack the ripper anywhere, nor any of the murders. Not on any website and I looked for more than 2 hours. The only Jack the ripper I ever found was a Jack the ripper Harris, who was a professional surfer from Hawaii. But as far as the murderer goes...nothing, nada, zip, zilch. I went to the library this morning and looked up books about famous crimes, again the same thing, nothing. I couldn't find a single reference to him or the ripper murders anywhere. I even asked a few people at the library. No one had ever heard of him."

Jughead's Jaw dropped. "What? Who hasn't heard of him. He killed all those prostitutes in the 1880's."

Throwing her hands up in the air Cheryl said. "Apparently no one, because he never existed."

Still half in shock, Jughead mumbled. "We did something to the timeline. Wiped him out. But because we are the only two that remember the old time line we still remember him. I wonder how?"

Cheryl leaned back in her chair and took a very long drink. "I was thinking, in the original time line, Fangs Fogarty by 1882 had been utterly disgraced, disowned by his family and was on the run from his creditors. He set sail on a ship for Australia and it sank with all hands."

"OK, I remember you telling me that."

Cheryl then leaned in close to Jughead "Well....Let's say for arguments sake, that he actually survived the shipwreck or maybe wasn't even on it at all. Perhaps he said he was going to Australia in an attempt to fool the people who he owed money. But in any case, everyone thinks he's dead. So then he hides in the shadows and some darker part of his nature takes control. By 1888 he's carving up working girls in Whitechapel. After that, Lord knows what happens to him."

Jughead thought for a moment. "So you think Frances Fogarty was Jack the ripper. But since you changed history and he drowned in 1869, he never got the chance to commit all those crimes."

"All this made me remember something. At the time it seemed inconsequential but, That day I at breakfast I told you about, where I quoted corrected his Shakespeare and quoted some of my own, for just and instant there was a strange coldness in his eyes. It was quite chilling, but at the time, I was too proud of myself to really pay much attention to it and I forgot it up to now. "

"Of all things and space and time, Fangs Fogarty was Jack the Ripper.

Cheryl laughed and leaned back in her chair. "It is an interesting theory isn't it." Cheryl then took a deep breath and exhaled. "Frances Fogarty was an arrogant, self-centered, narcissist and thief who drowned on July 10th, 1869 and that's all he's ever going to be. I won't give him the satisfaction, of giving him any more credit than credit is due."

"I see your point."

"I'm sure I did something to wipe Jack the ripper out. Perhaps it was me kicking that guy in the nuts on my first day. Perhaps some other ripple of something I did. He's gone and it's not worth losing any sleep over. The Ripper crimes never happened. Perhaps I went back for more than one reason. But that reason was someone else's" Cheryl said, as she looked up to the ceiling.

"Are you going to tell Toni?"

Shaking her head vigorously. "God No. Never. What would I tell her anyway? Tell her about a man that never existed, a man that no one remembers. I remembered the names of the ripper victims. I was fascinated about him and read up a lot, before all this mess at least. One of the victims was Catherine Eddowes. I looked her up this morning and found out that she died of tuberculosis on March 14th, 1903. Again, what would I tell Toni? She's suffered enough and the man now only exists in our memories."

"It is very strange."

Cheryl finished her beer and could see Toni and Mary coming back in the bar. "Yes indeed. I must bid you farewell, as I see my lovely girlfriend coming and it's time for us to get going."

Toni walked up to Cheryl and gave her a kiss. "So what were you guys talking about?"

"Nothing of any importance. Ready to go."

"Toni nodded. "yes."

"Cheryl, I'll keep in touch." Jughead said, as he moved to the door.

"Thank you. Thank you for one hell of a ride."

Jughead smiled. "You're welcome."

After seeing Mary off, Cheryl and Toni walked home holding hands.

"So Cheryl do you think this was all pre-ordained." Toni mused.

Cheryl squeezed Toni's hand. "Maybe. Just as long as I have you."

Toni giggled. "You do and always will."

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