Part 12

628 31 4

Cheryl's POV.

The next thing I knew my alarm was buzzing. Much to my surprise I slept from midafternoon until 5:15 the next morning. I'd like to say that I felt well rested, but that crude bed would take a bit getting used to.

The next thought I had depressed me completely. It was that I realized I had to go to the bathroom. After a minute I crawled out of bed and stood in a somewhat cold cabin for a few seconds. Then I decided to brave the outhouse.

The first unpleasantness of my day was that I had to walk outside across the cold dew covered ground.

"Son of a bitch. Stupid morning dew. I hate it." I cursed loudly as I walked to the outhouse.

Upon arriving at the outhouse, I detected what I'll merely describe as "The Smell". A smell so rank, that no amount of the spray stuff that my mom keeps in the bathroom would cover up. I nearly threw up as I walked in the little wooden outhouse.

Entering, I was greeted by the sight of a round hole on the small platform in a room which was the size of a small closet. I didn't bother to look down the hole, no person should have to see that. Of course it got even better when I noticed what they had for toilet paper; some old rags. Thank god, I only had to pee.

After peeing quickly, I quickly fled the outhouse and returned to the cabin. Normally I would take a hot shower to wake up and get clean. But that wasn't an option. I didn't even have any soap. But considering the smell I detected from some of the people here, bathing wasn't done all that often.

So I did the best I could, I threw on my shoes, grabbed a pitcher from the cabinet and got some water from the stream. Taking a drink, it was cool and clean, at least something here didn't smell.

After splashing water on my face, I combed my hair and dressed in my other dress. The entire time, I had to ignore my hunger and desperate need for a coffee, from the yet to be invented Java Barn.

I hated the conditions, but all I had to think of was that Toni's grave in 2022 to spur me on. I refuse to let the Antoinette's age beat me, I am Cheryl Blossom and I will crush it. I also think of it this way, if I'm ever up for a part during the Antoinette's era, I've got it nailed. The last thing I did was put my phone on the solar charger. I did take pains to put it in a way, it would not easily be seen.

At this point a thought occurred to me and I dug my phone out of my bag. I had scanned in all of Toni's dairies and maybe I could see what she wrote last night. Would they change with me interacting with her? I desperately wanted to know what she thought of me.

But my spirits soon feel as I read the entry.

April 29th, 1869

"It rained most of the day. The big news was that Molly, the servant, quit today as she has just gotten engaged to her beau, Richard Howe. She was always a quiet sort, but very attentive to her work. She will be busy planning her wedding and will also soon be moving away. I hope father will be able to hire someone to replace her soon. Until then, we will have to do without. I spent some time working on my needlepoint, but otherwise it was a pretty normal day. I find myself wondering what life will be like when I live in the Fogarty estate. They have many more servants than we do. I just know I will be happy there. I have my doubts, but I'm positive they will disappear, once I happily settle into married life."

It didn't change, after re reading the entry three times, I realized the entry didn't change. Not one single word changed from the first time I read it and no mention of me. I know from her comments she always wrote in her journals just before she went to sleep. So she would have known of me by then. Somehow the diaries I have stayed exactly as they were. So much for knowing what Toni is thinking. I guess the powers that be have decided, that would be one advantage too many. I guess I'll have to earn this one.

Ready for my first full day in 1869, I headed down the path towards the Topaz home. I arrived a few minutes before 6. Entering the back way, as all proper servants should. I found myself in the kitchen where a middle aged man looked at me with a smile.

"Hello, you must be Cheryl. I'm Thomas Bailey, the cook. My wife told me that you would be starting today. I've made some coffee. The pot's on the stove. I'm not sure if you drink it. "


"Thank you. I could really use some." I said, while ignoring my internal excitement.

"You'll find a cup in the cupboard to the left of the stove.

Badly in need of some coffee, I found a cup and poured myself some from the antique coffee pot, which was on the stove.

I immediately took a drink, only to discover the coffee was both crude and extremely strong. I 'm pretty sure you could strip paint with it. Regardless, it was coffee and I drank it.

Feeling marginally better, I turned to Tom. "So, where do I start."

"Well, my wife left you out a proper servant's uniform for you. She guessed at the size. It belonged to a servant that quit some years ago. After you change into that, you can help me in preparing breakfast. Breakfast itself, will consist of Devilled Kidneys, Kedgiree, muffins and fresh milk from one of the local farms. Breakfast is served promptly at 7:30. Mr. Topaz is very strict on punctuality. A holdover from his old army days. But I'm used to that, as I was once a soldier myself. Was wounded fighting the Ashanti in 29. " He said while slapping his leg, obviously showing the location of an old wound.

I wasn't familiar with the Ashanti conflict, but the British army was involved with numerous conflicts in the 1800's as they expanded their empire. Undoubtedly that was one of them. I just nodded quietly.

I found a small empty storage room and changed into the uniform, which was a simple all black dress. Despite my experience with time travel, it still was a bit disorientating. Here I was in a house full of antiques and not a single modern device to be seen. Not only that, the clothes, the attitudes, everything. But I pressed on. Not only did I have a mission I was actress and I would play my part. I guess I get to be a method actress for a few months. No problem.

Returning to the kitchen, Tom looked me over. "Good. It fits. My wife was worried she would have to make some alterations. Oh. Once the main meal is prepared, we make simple one for the guests at the inn who have paid for it. Thought that is usually just porridge. The staff eats here in the kitchen at the table once everyone else is fed. "

In the center of the kitchen was a large round wooden table, with several chairs. The kitchen itself, looked like the ones I've seen in movies and TV shows. In my research, I even stooped so low as to watch the hideously boring Downton Abbey. It would be better if more people died. The kitchen had a huge wooden stove, prep areas and a sink with old fashioned pump. A door at one end of the kitchen led to the pantry, another door led to the dining room.

A moment later a young woman of about 22 years of age, with light brown hair in a tight bun came in. "You must be Cheryl. The new girl. I'm Emily Hughes, the kitchen Maid. It's a pleasure to meet you." She said in a wonderfully crisp, Welsh accent.

I quickly made a mental note to lean to copy that accent. I could use it on stage or in a production.

"Nice to meet you Emily." I said as I shook her hand.

"Emily, see that Cheryl gets started." Said Tom as he walked into the pantry.

Emily took the coffee pot and poured some of it into a smaller pot. "Cheryl, take this out to the barn and give it to Robert. To get to the barn, go out the back door and take the path to left. It will be just past the trees."

I did so and met Robert, who was sort of a grumpy loner type, but that didn't bother me. Upon returning, I was put to work doing menial prep work. It was like prep work in any kitchen, except I did it all the old fashioned way, which took 10 times longer than I was used to. But without complaint, I got my nose to the grindstone. Everyone except Robert was nice, but once they started to work, they were all business. There was some chatter and a little gossip, but Mrs. Bailey seemed to frown on it. I did get a lot of questions about America and if I had ever been an Indian attack. I had done my homework and stuck with my character and cover story. That I was the daughter of a horse trader from Riverdale California who was born in Michigan. I told them that I remember the trek westward in a covered wagon, but said it was very boring and the Indians didn't bother us any. I figured it would be best not to embellish too much. If go and make up wild stories of the old blossom, or in this case the current blossom, it will only invite trouble.

A minute before the large clock struck 7, Emily poured a cup of coffee in a china cup and placed it on a silver tray. "Cheryl, Mr. Topaz takes his coffee in the dining room promptly at 7:00 am. Could you take it out to him please."

"Of course."

The second the clock struck 7:00 AM. I took the coffee and walked out into the dining room, where I found Mr. Topaz, already dressed and looking at some papers.

"Your coffee sir." I said as I placed it on the table in front of him.

I knew from my research, that striking up a conversation shouldn't be done. Servants were meant to serve and not talk. Unless spoken to first.

"Very good. Thank you Cheryl. How is the cabin? Are you settled in yet?" He said after taking a quick sip of his coffee.

"The cabin is perfectly fine. I went to sleep right away and haven't had much time to get unpacked. I also need to stop at the store and pick up a few items when I get the chance. Thank you again for employing me."

He nodded and turned to his papers again. "Very good. Thank you Cheryl."

Realizing, I was being dismissed I left quickly.

I spent the last half an hour helping to ready the breakfast dishes and helping set the table. It was long hard work, but I just kept thinking of that lonely gravestone. If I fail, that gravestone will be waiting for me when I return.

At 7:30 sharp, Emily and I served breakfast. I'll admit seeing Toni in a beautiful white dress, made me smile broadly. It was the highlight of my morning and made me feel as if I was walking on air for a moment.

"Hello Cheryl. Are you settling in ok?" She said with a cheery smile.

I smiled back. "Yes. Miss Antoinette, I am fine. Thank you."

"Very good."

I'd be lying if I didn't hope she would invite me to eat with them or at least talk, but just as quickly, she turned to her father and began to speak of the fitting of her wedding dress that was taking place in a few days. It was as if, I was suddenly no longer there, which kind of hurt. Hearing the name Frances mentioned a moment later, only plunged my spirits further back to earth, as a rather distinct scowl formed on my face.

At that moment, I heard the voice Mr. Mahan, my acting teacher from the previous year at college, boom in my head. "Stay in the part, don't get distracted. You're fucking it up."

He was right, I'm a servant and I need to not let this get in my way. I quickly removed the scowl from my face and replaced it with a more neutral expression and went about my work serving breakfast.

I could see now that my work was cut out for me. Though the dairies would be of some use as they would tell when certain events would happen. I could no longer know what Toni was thinking. I only could read what originally happened. On top of that, I had to remember what I was.

I knew what I wanted to be and that was a lover, but for now, I'm just a lowly servant.

Author's note: Now while the journal entry remained the same on Cheryl's phone, Toni did in fact write something different. For your benefit, you will be able to read what Cheryl could not.

April 29th, 1869

A strange day indeed. First it rained most of the day, which isn't that strange. Molly, the servant quit today as she has just gotten engaged to her beau, Richard Howe. She was always a quiet sort, but very attentive to her work. She will be busy planning her wedding and will also soon be moving away. But oddly enough less than an hour after Molly quit, a strange woman entered the inn. I thought at first she was a solider of some kind. But quickly identified herself as a woman and inquired about the position that Molly had just quit.

At that second I realized she was a woman, I looked at her eyes. They were a stunning blue green, I could look at them for hours. Not only that she was simply beautiful. Even as oddly dressed as she was, I couldn't help but notice. All of this caused my heart to beat furiously. I quickly became aware she was looking at me most strangely. It was of course as she caught me looking at her and didn't know what to make of me. She probably thought I to be most rude in my prolonged stare. I did try to cover it, but I need to control my unholy impulses and will pray forgiveness before I go to bed.

Father hired this Cheryl and she will be staying in the old gamekeeper's cabin. I was excited to know that she speaks Spanish. I could talk with someone in my mother's native tongue. I told father that I would have many questions about American and was looking forward to getting to know this Cheryl.

But father quickly reminded me that I am getting married in just over 2 months and need to focus on the task at hand. While he said he was quite impressed by her ability to read and write in two languages, he reminded me that she is one of the help. He said that getting to know and being friendly with our new servant is perfectly fine, a distance must be maintained.

He is quite right of course. I find myself wishing she was of higher status and I could get to know her as a friend. Still, i have a funny feeling about her. It's just the way she carries herself, it's so different than I've ever seen. But I need to focus on my responsibility, Marrying Frances Fogarty and realizing I can be happy as his wife. I know I can be. I know I can. I just need to focus on keeping thinking that and all will be well.

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