Part 13

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Cheryl's POV

As Antoinette and her father ate breakfast, we prepared a simple porridge for the 3 guests at the inn that had requested breakfast. I delivered that then helped clear the table as Toni and her father had finished eating breakfast. Once that was done Thomas the cook, made a simple but hardy meal for us. It consisted of eggs, bacon, toast and milk that had been squeezed from a cow only a few hours earlier. The milk was a bit different, but I was hungry and didn't care. The food was actually pretty good.

Once our breakfast was prepared we ate, in the kitchen. Being new, they asked me a few more questions about America, California and the old blossoms. I stuck with my cover story and answered the questions as best I could.

After eating, Emily was assigned to cleaning dishes and the kitchen and Mrs. Bailey took me to help with some of the household duties. I could only imagine what she'd have me do first.

From a closet, she pulled out a greenish ceramic pot with a lid and handed it to me.

"Your first duties will be to empty the slop or if you're not familiar with it. Take this pot and empty the chamber pots in Mr. Topaz and Miss. Toni's bedrooms. Once the slop is emptied into the privy outside, you will take the soap from the downstairs closet and thoroughly clean both the slop bucket and chamber pots. Once cleaned and dried, they should be put back under the beds. Once you're done with that, you can assist me in changing the linens"

Chamber pot? Seriously you said chamber pot? Oh goodie, I travel back more than a hundred years and I get to do what for the girl of my dreams? Clean her up her piss, that's what! It took every bit acting skill I had, not to visibly cringe at the thought of it.

I just bowed slightly, grabbed the slop bucket and set off to work. Heading upstairs, I first went to Mr. Topazs room and looked under the bed where I spotted the white ceramic chamber pot. Pulling it ou,t I did cringe as I could see it had been used.

"So Cheryl, how did you spend your summer vacation?" I muttered as I emptied the vessel.

Next was Toni's, but I felt much different as I crept into her room. Though I had perfect reason to be there, I felt like an intruder as I crept into the empty room. Mrs. Bailey told me, Toni had gone riding this morning and wouldn't be back until lunch.

The first thing I noticed was the faint smell of wildflowers. I could see a bunch in a vase by her bed. The room had a large 4 poster bed, an antique dresser and a vanity table with chair. There was also a large trunk at the foot of the bed and a small bookcase in the corner.

I was in her room, though on one level I felt like an intruder, I also felt an odd thrill as I walked to her dresser to see her things laid neatly out on the dresser. I picked up a comb; it was the very same come that in 2022 I would find a single strand of hair on it. It looked much newer and had a lot more hairs caught in it. It felt so strange to be holding it again.

But I quickly snapped out of my reverie as I realized, that messing around in Toni's room, would not be a good idea. So I retrieved the chamber pot and did my duty, despite how disgusting it was.

When I was done with the rather horrible job of emptying and cleaning the chamber pots, I helped Mrs. Bailey change the linens then I scrubbed the pantry floor, after that I polished the sliver. In this household, there was always something to do and always something the needed cleaning.

Before I knew it lunch had come around and I was once again tasked to help with making and serving of lunch. Actually by the time I had arrived, Emily and Thomas had almost already finished making it. I would be serving lunch and helping with cleanup. Lunch today consisted of a vegetable soup, assorted cut meat and cheeses and a pudding for dessert.

Like Breakfast, lunch was always served at the exact same time each day. In this case, lunch is always served at 12:30 sharp.

Walking in the kitchen I could see Emily reading three bowls of soup on a gleaming silver tray. It had better gleam, as I was the one that polished the fucking thing.

I am now able to add to my long list of things I hate, the following

-chamber pots

-emptying chamber pots

-cleaning chamber pots.

-Polishing silver

I'm sure that list will grow much longer by the time I leave 1869.

I looked down at the three bowls. "Who's dining with Miss Antoinette and Mr. Topaz?'

Emily blushed a bit and couldn't help but gush. "It's Mr. Frances, Miss Antoinette's husband to be. He's joining them today."

Instantly I felt a sickening feeling form in the pit of my stomach. I would finally meet the villain of this tale. I was brought out of my thoughts, by the chime of the kitchen clock indicating it was 12:30.

"That's my cue." I said with a fake smile, which only resulted in a puzzled look by Emily.

Walking into the dining room, I could see Toni and her father both seated at the table. However across from Toni was a young, well dressed and even I'll admit, handsome man with thick black hair and sort of a roguish smile.

"Who's this?" He said with a raised eyebrow as he looked me over with a subtle look I've seen from horny men and women all too many times.

Avoiding the overwhelming temptation to take the nearest knife and shove it in his eye, I put on my best fake smile and said. "Miss Cheryl Blossom of Riverdale, California, at your service."

The only service I want to do him, is bury the asshole. I had read today's diary before I went to work and there was no mention of Fangs coming over for lunch. But then again, lunch was never mentioned at all. I guess Toni left out details sometimes.

"Yes Frances." Said Toni. "This is Miss Cheryl. She's an American and is traveling. She has taken a job as Molly's replacement for a while. Today is her first day."

He nodded politely and turned his smile on me. "Well it's nice to meet you Cheryl."

I nodded in return and played my part as a respectful servant perfectly. "Thank you Mr. Fogarty." Despite I was screaming inside, at the fact I knew he would do to Toni. I get him now. He's charming and devilishly handsome, but behind that, lays a total self-centered asshole, with and utterly black heart. A bit like a male version of my ex-girlfriend Heather. Wouldn't it be hideously ironic if Heather was his descendant?

Not wanting to be in his presence anymore, I quickly but efficiently served the soup and returned to the kitchen to get the rest of the food.

"Isn't he handsome?" Said Emily as I returned. I could tell she, like probably half the women in this town, had a crush on him.

Not wanting to be rude to Emily who was rather simple but nice, I shrugged noncommittally as I grabbed the next tray to be brought out. "I guess."

I served lunch and then went to help to dish the pudding that would be for dessert.

I came back out at the end of lunch with Emily to collect the dishes, so the pudding could be served. As I came out I could hear Fangs boasting.

"I've been told I have some talent in the field of acting. Lord Ellsworth was so impressed by my reciting of the opening soliloquy from Richard the III, that he said I could be the next John Philip Kemble."

"Oh could I hear it please?" Said Toni, looking impressed, with irked me to no end.

I kept on working collecting dishes as I heard him speak.

"Now is the winter of our discontent
Made glorious summer by this sun of York;
And all the clouds that lour'd upon our house
In the deep bosom of the ocean buried.
Now are our brows bound with victorious wreaths;
Our bruised arms hung up for monuments;

Grim-visaged war hath smooth'd his wrinkled front;
And now, instead of mounting barded steeds
To fright the souls of fearful adversaries,"

"Oh. That's so good Frances." Toni said clapping and looking even more impressed than before, sending my jealousy meter off the scale.

But thinking over what he just said, I realized something and though it was a horribly idea, I couldn't resist.

"You forgot two of the lines", I said as I started to walk out of the room. Besides being an actor, I played the part of Lady Ann Neville from that play in high school.

Fangs's smug smile abruptly melted off his face. "I'm sorry, What?"

By now both Toni and Mr. Topaz were looking at me oddly. From the doorway, I could see Emily looking at me with a horrified expression her face.

I stood up and put a slight smirk on my face. "You did well, but you forgot two of the lines. After, Our Bruised arms hung up for monuments; you should have said."

I stood up straight and confidently said.

"Our stern alarums changed to merry meetings,
Our dreadful marches to delightful measures."

"Then comes the line, Grim-visaged war hath smooth'd his wrinkled front."

To say they looked stunned wasn't quite the word for it. Judging by the embarrassed look on Fangs's face, he knew I was right.

"I..I...Think that's correct." He stammered briefly before trying to recover. "You are familiar with Shakespeare?" He said cautiously.

Besides the fact that I played in Richard the III, and Macbeth at different times, got an A+ last semester in my class on William Shakespeare.

"My father had an extensive library and believe it or not there was a small theatre troupe that operated in my area that was led by one of your former countrymen. His name was Barnabas Collins. I attended several of the performances and had a few minor parts."

Still looking slightly insulted, he said in a rather snotty tone. "Perhaps you could quote something for us."

I looked him straight in the eye and confidently recited another one.

"Men at some time are masters of their fates:
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves, that we are underlings. Julius Caesar, Act 1, scene 2."

It was a quote about fate and in this case very appropriate. Fangs sat there looking as if he didn't know what to make of me. Toni just looked really puzzled, and Mr. Topaz's face had a very unreadable expression.

After a moment, Mr. Topaz nodded politely. "That's quite good Miss Cheryl."

Realizing my jealous need to drop Fangs down a few pegs, may have gotten me in hot water, I quickly bowed.

"Over the years I've grown to love Shakespeare and I just hate to see it misquoted. My apologies. If you'll excuse me, I have to attend to my duties."

I didn't want to apologize, but felt it was necessary as the last thing I needed was to lose my job.

As I walked into the kitchen, Emily looked at me as if I had strangled a whole basket of puppies. Mrs. Bailey quickly pulled me aside and mildly chewed me out for embarrassing Fangs. I was reminded I was there to serve and had done an excellent job so far, but I was not hired to correct misquoted Shakespeare. I apologized profusely and was told to return to the duties of serving.

"You're lucky Miss Cheryl. Mr. Topaz's father was a great lover of Shakespeare and he will understand, but don't press your luck." Mrs. Bailey said as I went back to work.

"I am sorry; I just let my passions get the best of me. It won't happen again."

When I returned, Fangs gave me a rather dour look and Toni's father looked at me suspiciously for a moment. Toni's jaw I think was still hanging open from before.

Knowing it was the best course of action. I quickly swallowed my pride and apologized. "Again my apologies, Mr. Fogarty. I meant no offense. I'd hate to see you embarrass yourself by misquoting it another time. My father always said, if you do something. do it right."

This time Fangs eyed me suspiciously for a moment, but then begrudgingly accepted my apology. "Quite alright Miss Cheryl. I see you are quite passionate about Shakespeare. It's nice to know that not all Americans are totally uncultured."

I think there was an insult buried in there, but I half expected that. At this point I smiled, finished serving the pudding began to leave.

"That was very impressive Cheryl." A now smiling Toni said as she looked to me with admiration. Just seeing that, made my heart sing, right then and there.

I genuinely smiled back. "Thank you Miss Toni. If you'll excuse me."

As I left the room, I reminded myself that I needed to not let my jealousy interfere with my plan. Little victory's like that are nice, but could do more harm than good. I blow this job, I might possibly blow my chance to save Toni. I need to be more careful.

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