Part 23

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No One's POV

Toni woke from a peaceful nap, still in Cheryl's arms. Though seeing the bright sunlight coming in the small gap in the curtains, she quickly guessed it was nearing lunch time and she couldn't miss that as they were having guests.

Toni got up quickly. "Oh my. I cannot miss lunch. What time is it?"

Cheryl who was awoken by Toni's suddenly gotten out of bed, muttered. "There's a clock on the mantle above the fireplace."

Looking quickly, she could see it was just before 11:45. That meant she had some 45 minutes to get home and cleaned up. She needed to get cleaned up as she smelled of sex. While she didn't mind it here, at home that was simply not an option.

Cheryl sat in bed with a sad expression as Toni quickly grabbed her dress and put it back on. Once dressed, she looked at the sad looking Cheryl and her heart sank. Toni then quickly kissed Cheryl on the cheek and then whispered in her ear.

"For the first time, I felt like a true woman. I wish we could be together longer, but I must depart.'

"Thank you." Cheryl said quietly.

After a strangely awkward moment, Toni made half-smile and left.

Though the morning had been wonderful, Toni as soon as she left began to feel guilty, dirty. While she was with Cheryl, she felt safe, beautiful, loved, wanted and in general she felt right.

After returning home, she quickly got a basin of water and cleaned herself off. When Mrs. Bailey asked why the water was needed, Toni she had sweated a lot from the heat of the day. It was in fact a rather hot day, so her explanation was perfectly plausible.

After eating lunch and conversing with their guests, she felt like she needed some time to think, so she took her horse out and did some riding. A little while later she found herself sitting alone on isolated hilltop, trying to sort out what just happened and how she felt about it. Was it just her giving into her urges, with the sole intention of purging them or was it much more than that.

Toni would sit there for a long time, trying to decide that. Even when she went to sleep later that night, it stayed in her mind.

Cheryl on the other hand was happy, at least until Toni left. Then her own doubts and worries started to creep in as the rest of the day ticked on. Cheryl did try to occupy herself with a good horror novel but she had a hard time concentrating on it. Though Toni was now her lover, Cheryl was still very much a fraud and that stuck firmly in Cheryl's mind. Not to mention she had not told her about Fangs. She was scared to, scared to say anything that would break the wonderful spell between them. That was why she didn't tell her. It all worried Cheryl tremendously.

Cheryl would lie awake for hours that night, wondering how if ever she would explain this. Then maybe Toni could fall for the real Cheryl.

The next day all was as it normally was, or at least it seemed that way. Cheryl arrived at 6 am and helped, Thomas Bailey, the cook, and Emily prepare breakfast. Deep down Cheryl was worried. She was worried that Toni would say something or reject her or even her saying something to blow it.

"What if I say I love her and scare her off?" Thought Cheryl, as she started her tasks for the day.

The thing about yesterday that really bothered Cheryl is that it was largely physical. Little of anything important was said. No relationship was established, no secrets were whispered as the lover held each other and so on. Cheryl wanted more than just sex with Toni, she craved a much deeper connection. Something that her relationship with Heather was lacking.

7:30 rolled around and it was time to serve Toni and her father breakfast. As Cheryl grabbed the tray of eggs she was to carry, she found that worry inside of her suddenly turn into paralyzing fear. It felt like a strange kind of nervousness one would get just before a first date. Where a thousand scenarios would run through your mind, would they like me, would we hit it off, what if the date's a dud.

"You alright Cheryl?" Said Emily, with a look of concern, jolting Cheryl out of her paralysis.

Cheryl nodded quickly. "I'm fine. Thank you."

"You just looked a bit pale, er I mean paler than normal for a moment."

"Thank you again. Let's serve Breakfast before, Mr. Topaz gets cross." Cheryl said as moved into the dining room. Though very scared, Cheryl took a page from Mr. Green the actor and simply acted if she wasn't.

Entering the room, Cheryl instinctively looked at Toni and for a moment their eyes met. Toni gave Cheryl a pleasant but somewhat neutral looking smile than gave her customary greeting.

"Good Morning Cheryl, How are you this morning?"

Toni then greeted Emily, who had come in right behind Cheryl much in the same fashion. That didn't help Cheryl's nerves one single bit. But like a good actress, she didn't break character and served breakfast.

Cheryl retreated into her character and went about her duties, trying to ignore the worries that were plaguing her. About an hour later, Cheryl was in the process of making the beds. Mrs. Baily normally did that chore, but when she was busy elsewhere had Cheryl perform the duty.

Her mind was still on Toni, despite not having seen her since breakfast. She was partway through making Toni's bed when she suddenly felt a pair of soft hands slip around her waist from behind.

Startled, she turned around to see it was Toni who had a rather mischievous smile on her face. Looking over at the door than back to Toni, did Cheryl realize she was so engrossed in her thoughts she didn't near Toni, come in, close the door and sneak up to her.

"What?" Said Cheryl with wide opened eyes.

Toni merely put her finger over her lips to silence Cheryl, then planted a tender kiss on the Redheads lips.

After a brief but intense Kiss, Toni moved her lips to Cheryl's ear and whispered. "I couldn't go another hour without stealing a kiss."

Toni then giggled, let Cheryl go and left the room without another word.

Cheryl felt alright again, more than alright. She in fact did a little victory dance in Toni's bedroom, but stopped when she remembered she had to clean the chamber pots next.

"How fair is that, I kiss her one minute, clean her piss the next? Someone upstairs has a demented sense of humor." Cheryl said with a shake of her head as she finished making the bed.

Things for the rest of the day went well for Cheryl, considering she had to work her ass off as she did every day. But that evening, after she got finished she received a knock at her door.

It was Toni of course, having told her father she was going on a nighttime walk. The only place Toni walked was straight to Cheryl's bed.

And so it continued, during the day, Toni would frequently steal a quick kiss or a gentle touch. Cheryl was just a bit too nervous to initiate these little encounters, but in any case Toni seemed to enjoy it. Since Cheryl busy working all day, Toni would when she could steal away at night to Cheryl's cabin where they would make love.

The next few weeks seemed to zip by, with Toni and Cheryl carrying on their clandestine affair. If there was one constant with their little sessions together, it was very little would be said. No declarations of love were made, nor any plans for the future. When they talked there seemed to be a strange awkwardness that seemed to develop more and more over time.

Cheryl of course was caught up in merely being with Toni. She knew she had to "drop the bomb" so to speak, but she kept putting it off. The more she was with Toni, the more she didn't want to lose her. The more she didn't want to lose her the less she wanted to do to screw it up. Cheryl's fear seemed to feed on itself and kept her quiet. Every day Cheryl kept telling herself. "I'll tell her tomorrow and hold her today." She was terrified of losing Toni. Cheryl found it all too easy, to say nothing and just fall into bed with her.

Toni on the other hand eventually discovered she was more than just purging sinful urges. Instead of her urges becoming less, they became stronger. She found herself wanting to be with more and more. Of course she went on with the wedding plans, fully planning to marry Frances Fogarty as planned. Fangs had even come over several times and all seemed normal, but Toni would notice a subtle look of jealousy in Cheryl's eyes. She was afraid of losing Cheryl and kept her thoughts to herself.

While Toni could initially dismiss the affair as nothing, a distraction, a temporary means to purge her sinful thoughts and prepare herself for marriage she found herself feeling more and more in conflict with herself.

Besides that, Toni soon came to the conclusion that Cheryl was not telling her something. That only increased the tension between the pair.

But neither woman said anything about the fears and doubts they had. They just kept meeting and things seemed to form into a strange, intense and physical relationship. At the same time, each wanted more out of the other, but were afraid to open up themselves.

The wedding date got closer and closer and things seemed to become even more tense and awkward between them. Cheryl just kept putting things off and Toni felt more and more conflicted about what she wanted. Not only that she got the feeling more and more Cheryl was holding something back. At least 2 dozen times, Toni noticed it appeared that Cheryl was about to say something important, but never did.

One day Cheryl woke up and realized she had no more time to put things off. It was now Thursday July 8th, 1869. The wedding was scheduled for 12 noon on July 10th, 1869 and Cheryl had two days. They had made love the previous night, but Cheryl noticed that Toni seemed especially distracted and not into it. As if something was bothering her. Cheryl knew the wedding was in days, but it now seemed more than that.

Cheryl's assessment was right and Toni was now very conflicted about how she felt. Torn between her deepening feelings for Cheryl and her duty to marry Fangs. She had thought Fangs would bring her happiness, but not could not say so for sure. Further complicating things was the feeling that Cheryl was not being honest.

She had gone home that night, physically satisfied but now very much in turmoil. She was due to be married in two days and she just didn't know what to do. She would get little sleep that night.

That day at work, things were very hectic for the last minute preparation for the wedding. Cheryl had more than enough for her to keep her busy for a week, but her mind was firmly on her duty to tell Toni the truth.

That day Toni would steal no kisses or barely glance in her direction which only made Cheryl feel worse. That tension between them now seemed to be at a fever pitch.

Desperately needing to talk to Toni, Cheryl as she leaned over to put a tray on the table whispered in Toni's ear. "I need to see you tonight."

Toni said nothing and acted as if nothing was said.

That night, after the work was done, Cheryl was a nervous wreck. While she paced, she cursed herself for putting this off to the last minute.

Just after 10 o'clock there was a knock at the door, Cheryl opened it to see Toni, but her face was not a happy one. It was a rather sober expression with an odd determination to it.

Quickly Toni walked in and shut the door and before Cheryl could go into her much practiced speech, began to speak.

"Cheryl, this was wrong. I never should have given into my urges. We cannot do this ever again."

That threw Cheryl for a loop. Caught off guard, Cheryl took a single step forward towards Toni, as her mouth fell open. "What?"

After dinner that night, Toni's father took her aside and had a long talk with her. He had noticed how Cheryl and Toni seemed to have spent much time together. While he had given his permission for Toni to associate with Cheryl, he did notice she seemed more and more distracted. In addition he noticed that they seemed to be spending more and more time together. While he had no suspicions that they were carrying on as they were, he did suspect that Cheryl was beginning to having a negative influence on her or at least distract her from her proper duties.

He gave her a very long and stern lecture on her duty to marry Fangs and how important it was to the family. A called off wedding, would look very badly on the family he stressed. He also gave her a stern lecture on morality and her proper place as a wife.

Toni very much loved her father and would never do anything to make him look bad. She also looked up to him and his views. That lecture ended her inner conflict. It convinced her that she was wrong in giving into her urges and she shouldn't do so again. In fact Toni ended up feeling very guilty and shameful of her behavior. After some praying and reading of her bible, she concluded she had sinned and resolved not to do it again.

So she came over to end their relationship.

"You heard me Cheryl. This was wrong, Wrong from the start and we should have never given in to the sin of Lust. It's unnatural for us to be together. I have prayed for forgiveness and I suggest you do the same." Toni said looking very adamant.

Cheryl took a step forward to Toni who took a step back in return. Being suddenly dumped, caused Cheryl to forget her carefully prepared speech. All that came out was, "I don't want forgiveness, I want you."

"NO! I am to be married in two days. Me carrying on like this, is disgraceful. I have come to end this. I shall say nothing to my father, but this thing, us is no more."

Cheryl found herself quickly choking up. "Please. We can be together."

Toni looked at Cheryl as if she'd gone mad. "Together? Have you taken leave of your senses? Even if I wasn't to be married, you and I could not be together. It is not done and it's wrong."

Feeling like she was losing Toni, Cheryl decided to drop the bomb. "You can't marry Fangs. He's a very bad man. He gambles, lies, has a mistress and is stealing from....."

Cheryl never got a chance to finish her sentence as Toni suddenly and very angrily slapped Cheryl in the face. The blow stung and left a red mark on the said of a very stunned Cheryl's face.

"HOW DARE YOU CHERYL BLOSSOM, SPEAK OF MY FUTURE HUSBAND IN SUCH A FASHION!" Toni immediately barked. "You are so desperate for my affections, you slander one of the nicest and kindest men in all of England."

It was then Cheryl realized her 2nd major mistake, her first being putting off this speech so long, it was that in all that time she was so busy trying to win Toni's heart she had done nothing to undermine Fangs's creditability. It was only now did Cheryl realize just how badly she had fucked things up.

A tear came to Cheryl's eye. "No Toni...I'm not lying. He's a bad man. There is a place where we can be together. I love you. "

Toni fumed. "Do not use those words with me. I thought you kind and someone I would want to know. But your lies now sicken me. You seek to pull me into your perversions and destroy my life. I see you for what you are. You Cheryl the mysterious American, so seemingly kind, tender and understanding seduced me like the fool that I was. Let me quote some Shakespeare for you Miss Actress. When devil's will blackest sins put on, they do suggest at first with heavenly shows. I will be pulled into your web of sin no longer. I will be married in two days and that is that!"

Before Cheryl could answer, Toni walked out, slamming the door behind her.

Alone, Cheryl fell to her knees and broke down in tears. It had all blown up in her face. Cheryl as she sobbed, cursed her own fear and stupidity for forgetting what she was here to do; stop a wedding. Now Toni hated her and wouldn't believe a word she said.

In all this a memory popped into her head, the time she tried out for the part of Maria in Blossom Side Story in high school. It was down to her and one other girl, but sadly Cheryl wound up being the understudy. Even worse, the girl never missed a performance and Cheryl never got a chance to perform the part. It was an odd memory to have at a time like this, but one of the songs seemed poignant at this rather painful time. That song was called somewhere.

Through her tears, Cheryl slowly began to sing.

"There's a place for us
Somewhere a place for us
Hold my hand and we're halfway there
Hold my hand and I'll take you there."

Overcome with emotion, Cheryl found herself unable to sing anymore and just kept sobbing.

Cheryl that night cried herself to sleep. She felt so broken so lost, so defeated.

The next day, the day before the wedding, none of the servants said anything to her out of the ordinary. One of her biggest fears is that Toni said something to her father, but obviously nothing had been said. Still Cheryl was pretty much in deep shit Toni however.

She hoped to try to talk to Toni, at least for a minute. Try and reason with her. Cheryl had messed up and she knew it, she was desperate to make things right.

During breakfast, Toni was cold to her and didn't look at her once. It was a bit later, that Cheryl found Toni alone in her room.

"Toni please, let me talk." Cheryl said, as she shut the door behind her.

Toni again fumed and pointed to the door. "Cheryl. I have said nothing, but if you say one more word or try to drag me into your perversions, I will not only have you discharged, but forcibly escorted out of town. Now get out of my bedroom."

Cheryl didn't say anything, she just lowered her head and slowly turned and left the room. The game was over and she knew she had lost.

Cheryl went into a linen closet and cried again. Once again she cursed herself for being caught up in chasing Toni and not saving Toni. Another thing that Cheryl didn't think of was that Toni calling off the wedding would harm her father's reputation badly and Toni would never do anything to hurt her father.

"I'm stupid for even thinking this could work. We're from two different worlds." Cheryl concluded sadly, after crying for several minutes. It was a heartbreaking revelation but one Cheryl now knew was true.

Then Cheryl took a deep breath and pulled herself together. "But Frances Fogarty, Toni may hate me but I'll be damned to hell if I let you put her into the grave. I came here to stop a wedding and that's what I'm going to do."

Thinking quickly, Cheryl came upon a plan to cause the wedding to not come off without any harm to Toni's father's reputation.

The plan itself was quite simple; she had to totally and completely destroy Fangs's reputation. Then problem was, she had to more than just say he was a bad guy. She had to prove it.

Cheryl barely managed to limp through the rest of her day, fortunately Toni was at the church for the rehearsal and Cheryl didn't see her at all.

The minute she was done with her daily duties, she grabbed her modern devices and convinced Robert to let her borrow a horse. In order to destroy Fangs, she needed one thing that 1869 didn't have and that was the internet.

With a broken heart and less than 24 hours to go, Cheryl raced towards London in hopes of getting what she needed to stop the wedding.

For once, time was not on her side.

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