Mental happiness is very important for a successful life

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Once, there were two great friends. The first friend used to work hard throughout the day but hardly got anything. Whereas, the other friend worked for four hours and used to help the needy and meditate the rest of the time.

When they meet after a long time they discuss their life with each other. The first friend asks his friend, "Why is it that you get success and money after working for just 4 hours and I remain poor even after working the whole day." After hearing his friend's complaints, the other friend smiles and asks his friend a question," What do you have in mind while you do your work."

The first friend replies, "I keep thinking about ways and means of earning more wealth." At this the second friend replies, "This is the reason behind your unhappiness and failure."

He explained that," One does not attain success by just working hard. Success is a state of mind. What is the purpose of working hard when you stay unhappy."

"Mental happiness is very important for a successful life."

He advised his friend to stay calm under every circumstance. Refuse to stress over things that you can not control. It's absolutely useless and unwise to worry about things that you can not change. Things happen the way they have. Everything happens for a reason. Let the waves of the universe rise and fall as they will~~~ Learn to accept people and things as they are. Practice acceptance. Simply do your best, understanding that the results are beyond your control. Do your job and leave the results to nature, to Dhamma. If you make a mistake, accept it, and try not to repeat it the next time. Again you may fail; again smile and try a different way. If you can smile in the face of failure, then you are a wise person. After hearing his friend's advice the first friend started following the same thing and soon he became rich and successful in life.

Writer: Unknown

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