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In two independent houses, separated by a compound two people were living, in one a retired person and in the other, a techie. They had planted identical saplings on either side of the compound.

The techie used to give a lot of water and manure to the plants. The retired, just a small quantity of water and little manure.

The techie's plant grew into the lush green, leafy robust plant. The retired person's plant was near normal but much more luxuriant than his neighbor's.

One night there was heavy rain with gusty wind. The next morning both came out to see the fate of the plants.

To the techie's surprise, his plant had got uprooted whereas his neighbors were unharmed.

Techie asks the retired why his plant was uprooted despite such good care whereas the neighbor hardly cared.

The retired person's answer should be a lesson for all of us.

Look, young man, you had supplied everything a plant would need, in abundance and the plant did not have to go in search of it. Your roots did not have to go down. I was supplying just enough to keep it alive. For the rest roots had to go down into the ground to fulfill their needs.

Since your roots were superficial the rain and wind could easily feel it.

Since my roots were pretty deeply grounded they could withstand the onslaught of nature.

The same applies to your children too.

Unknown Writer

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