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A young lady sat in public transport: an old grumpy lady came and sat by her as she bumped into her with her numerous bags. The other neighbor got upset, asking the young lady why she did not protest and insist on her rights: she responded with a smile: "It is not necessary to be rude or argue over something so insignificant!' I'll alight at the next stop, replied the young lady".

Here's a response that deserves to be written in golden letters in our daily behavior and everywhere:
*It is not necessary to argue over something so insignificant, our journey together is so short*

If each one could realize that our passage down here has such a short duration, to darken it with quarrels, futile arguments, unforgiveness, ungratefulness, and bad attitudes would be a waste of time and energy.

Did someone break your heart? Be calm, the journey is so short!!

Did someone betray, bully, cheat or humiliate you? Be calm, forgive, the journey is so short!!

Whatever penalty anyone serves us, let's remember that the journey together is so short...

Let us, therefore, be filled with gratitude and sweetness. Sweetness is a virtue never likened to bad character nor cowardice, but better likened to greatness.

Our journey together down here is really short and cannot be reversed...
No one knows the duration of his journey!!

No one knows if he has to alight at the next stop!!

*Let us therefore cherish and hold on to friends and family! Let us be calm, respectful, kind, thankful and forgiving.!! If I've hurt you, I ask your forgiveness. But remember: The journey down here is so short!!*

Writer: Unknown

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