Don't postpone your joy, be contented

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There is the story of a man who vowed to start living joyfully the moment he got the lady of his dream to marry him.

By the time he did, he discovered his home was too small.

Then, it became obvious his joy could not be full until he got a bigger home. Years of toil produced a bigger home but also revealed the need for a more pleasurable car befitting the new status.

By the time the befitting car arrived, other needs had surfaced that kept the man from a life of joy and peace he had so many times postponed.

Dissatisfied with his life, he went into a serious depression. Death became the only way out of the unending needs of life.
He took his own life, his dream of joyful living unrealized.

Do yourself a favor: Don't postpone your joy. Be content with who you are and what you have. Be content but don't be complacent. Pursue your dream, but also enjoy the NOW. Don't just focus on the destination; enjoy the journey as well.

Are you still postponing your joy?


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