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One person was going on worried for a long time, due to which he was quite irritable and stayed in tension. He was disturbed by the fact that all the expenses of the house have to be lifted by him, the responsibility of the whole family is the same, any relative or relative is going to visit him.

Thinking about these things, she was very upset and often scolded the children and most of her quarreled with something about her wife.

One day his son came to him and said, father, do my homework in school, that person was already in tension, and he scolded the son, but after a while his anger became calm, then he went to the son. See that the son has slept and has a copy of his homework in his hand. He looked through the copy and as soon as he wanted to keep the copy down, he looked at the title of the homework.

The title of the homework was

Things that we do not like at the beginning, but later are good.

On this title, the child had to write a paragraph that he had written. Curiously, the child wrote the child's writing;

I give a lot of thanks to my final exam because they do not seem very good at first, but after school there are vacations.

I am very grateful for the bad taste of bitter medicines because at the beginning it seems bitter but it cures me of the illness.

I am very grateful to the alarm clock in the morning - which tells me every morning that I am alive.

I thank God very much for giving me such a good father because of his scolding I initially feel very bad but they bring toys for me, take me to rotate and feed me good things and give me this It's a pleasure to say that I have a father because my friend Sohan is not the only father.

After reading the child's homework, such a person has suddenly woken up from sleeping. His thinking changed. The child's words were circulating repeatedly in his mind. Especially those last lines His sleep was blown away. Then the person sat down quietly and began to think about his problems.

I have to bear all the expenses of the house, which means that I have a house and by the grace of God I am in a better position than those who do not have a home.

I have to take responsibility for the whole family, which means that my family is a wife child, and by God's grace, I am luckier than those who do not have family and they are all alone in the world.

I have a friend or a relative here, which means that I have a social status and I have the pleasure of giving my happiness to others.

Hey! My god Your multiplied thank you ••• I'm sorry, I could not recognize your kindness.

After this his thinking changed completely, all his problems, all worries ended like a breath. He turned out to be absolutely changed. He ran away to his son and slept on his lap, kissed his forehead, and started thanking his son and God.

Whatever troubles we have, we will be surrounded by problems until we keep looking at them from a negative perspective, but as soon as we see those same things from a positive perspective, our thinking will change completely, all our worries, All the problems, all the stress will end with one breath and we will start to see new ways to overcome difficulties.


If you like the thing, imitate it and make life happy.

Writer: Unknown

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