Freaks // Treebros soulmate au

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@introverted-tree Thanks for the request! I'm literally doing this in the middle of my english class. sooooo

Oh god, first day of school. It's hard. 

brb have to do a presentation // alright done// 

"Evan! C'mon! It's your first day of senior year, and you're 18 today!" 

"Great. I'll be out in a minute, Mom." 

Evan literally rolled out of bed, and threw on his iconic khakis and blue polo, but not before checking his arm for his tattoo. Thank god it was on the arm that his cast wasn't, otherwise that would have been another story. 

"You're in the wrong class." That was the sentence. He'd have to go through horrible humiliation to meet his soulmate. 

"Alright, thanks for the breakfast, Mom, gotta go."

time skip, woohoo. 

He'd forgot his schedule. Dammit, alright then, this is okay. He would just walk into random classes until he found the right one. 

After walking through some classes, and getting the: "Evan, this is the wrong class." and such, he went into one that caught his eye. 

"You're in the wrong class." He whipped around, and made eye contact with a long haired boy, with blue-ish brown eyes. 

"Oh, fuck, hi." Great first impression, Hansen. 

We made awkward eye contact for 10 seconds, realizing the truth, and then me, with my dumbass brain, took off in a sprint. 

"Shit, alright."

I finally found my right class, and sat down, next to a girl apparently named Heather. 

"Um, hi, hello. I'm Evan. You're..Heather, right?" 

"Yeah, I'm Heather, and that's Heather, and Heather over there, as well as Veronica."

She pointed to some girls in matching outfits, although with different colours. 

"Have you found your soulmate yet? I haven't, but Veronica, in the blue, has. Jason Dean"

"Um. Well, I think I have..he's said the words-"

"Wait, holy shit. He's a he? Is it Connor Murphy? Because there's no fucking way it's Kurt or Ram. 

"Connor's the one with..long brown hair, right?"


The bell rang, and the first thing Evan thought was

Find Connor.

pt 2 coming soon lmao 

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