Stoned in my basement

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"Heya, Jer! What's up!" Michael said cheerliy, spinning and bopping to his Marley flowing through his headphones. 

"Marley, huh?" The lanky boy questioned

"Yep! Anyways, wanna get stoned in my basement after school?"

"Um, sure! I gotta check with my dad first, though."

"Okay, Jer." He ruffled the boy's hair.

The boys walked off to their separate classes, sitting through them boredly. 

"Oh, finally!" Jeremy sighed, hearing the bell.

"Hey! Micha! You got your Cruiser?" 

"Yep, ya know it!"

They both got into the car, the drive being relatively silent, apart from the occasional small talk. 

"C'mon down, Jer!" 

"Okay! Coming!"

Time skip!

"Okay, so Jerry, I-"

Michael fell into Jeremy's lap by accident.


"You gooooood, Jer~" 

"UM, okay, um, I-"

He pulled him in and kissed him.

"Michael! What the heck!"

"I know you, Jeremy, even when I'm high."

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