Season 4: 2# Curt And Roland

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I carried my portable oxygen concentrator as my boyfriend and Noah went downstairs to the lobby where Curt and Roland are waiting. I sat down and tried to relax and breathe for a bit because I'm so tired. Later, the rest of my team arrived at the lobby as some of them sat down and the others remained standing.

Curt: We've been trying to call you guys.

Tommy: I'm sorry, what?

Zach: Curt, I didn't even hear my amulet ring.

Roland: Hold on, your amulets...

Kyle: Zach's a Computer Scientist and Software Engineer, he knows a thing or 2 about Zodiac technology.

Zach: Kyle, can you please sit down? Anyways, let me see your amulets, it seems like they're outdated.

Curt: Sure.

Zach: I'll be right back, my toolbox is in my backpack.

Curt: Who brings a toolbox on a trip?

Ryan L: Zach does that a lot because he's been working on new software every single day.

Mr Tan: He's one of my top students. Not to mention, he also has cystic fibrosis and dyslexia but neither of them stopped him.

Roland: He's so ambitious.

I ran back to my room and then took out my backpack to get my toolbox. Then, I went back to the lobby and took out the necessary tools and materials I needed to upgrade these amulets. The amulets Curt and Roland have are the 1980 model unlike the 2020 model we all have. Previously, Luke and his original team members has 2010 models. I looked at the old amulets and tried to demonstrate how to get the upgraded to the 2020 model.

Zach: Okay, so the amulets you guys have are the 1980 model.

Curt: Oh yeah, I forgot how to upgrade them but thanks to the genocide, I dunno where to do so.

Roland: Same here.

Zach: That's fine. And here is the 2020 model current Zodiac heroes have. You see, the 2020 model doesn't have the case every watch has. And to activate them, you press on them and they'll generate a holographic screen with the 'case' opening up. See?

Curt: Wow.

Roland: Reminds me of Tron.

Zach: Now let's see the 1980 model. You see, it resembles a human digital watch but unlike the 2020 model, when you press the 'case,' it expands and generates a holographic model. That's just the hardware of the watch.

Curt: What about the software?

Zach: I'll explain it to you as soon as I fix up the model to match the current model. But it'll take some time so feel free to talk to any of my teammates.

While I was working on fixing and upgrading Roland and Curt's amulet, they both proceeded to talk to my teammates and getting to know them. I also made sure not to break anything to prevent the holographic screen to be distorted. So I needed to keep focus instead of being distracted by the noise.

Curt: So, how did you guys end up in Bath?

Aimee: Roedden ni i fod i fynd i Abertawe ond fe benderfynodd un o'r Bwytwyr Amser hynny ddinistrio'r traciau a jamio injan y trên a achosodd i ni fynd i Gaerfaddon. Er bod Karl yma wedi llwyddo i drwsio popeth ond y traciau a'r injan yn anymwybodol. (We were supposed to go to Swansea but them one of those Time Eaters decided to destroy the tracks and jam up the train engine which caused us to end up in Bath. Even though Karl here managed to fix up everything but the tracks and engine unconsciously.)

Roland: What is she saying?

Mat: She said that we were supposed to go to Swansea but then the Dark Spirits decided to jam the engine and destroy the tracks so we ended up in Bath.

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