Season 3: 2# Searching Through The Debris

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Zach's POV

As soon as I hit 3, our Spiritual selves had finally been released. I also noticed that Tommy and Tubbo also managed to release their Spiritual selves. This is the first time they've done a Psychic-based power without their mental health being in the way. I was happy that I've taught them well. And I also noticed that the Guardians were doing it too and it's my first time seeing them extract their Spirits.

Zach: Wow.

Toby: It worked.

Tommy: Yeah.

Mat: Well done, guys.

Larry: Now what?

Zach: Search the place, we need to find the records of all the orphans in our team. Maybe we could find out how and why they were orphaned, especially Tommy.

Tommy: Don't ask, I don't really know how I was orphaned, I was told my parents neglected me but I dunno.

Toby: Yeah same, until I realised my parents died in a plane crash.

Jim: What exactly are we looking for?

Zach: Anything, birth certificates, just anything.

Ben W: If I could find the truth about my son, I would.

Zach: Let's get searching.

We entered the barrier, split up and searched through the debris to find out the records of the orphans. Some of us had to throw the wood around but it didn't go pass the barrier. It was a really hard process, I felt like that goddamn caretaker must've burned all the records.

Zach: Where did the records go?

Tommy: I dunno.

Zach: Did that goddamn caretaker burn them?

Toby: I dunno if she did or not.

Mat: Why would some dumbass burn legal stuff? That's just gonna put her in jail and get this orphanage shut down.

Zach: Tommy, Tubbo, do you remember where that stupid caretaker kept your records?

Tommy: In the 'record room' but now it's all shattered.

Toby: I think I know where it is.

Martha: Do you?

Toby: Yeah, follow me.

We followed Tubbo to a specific spot where the records must be hidden in. We had to dig through the wood in order to find those goddamn records. Once we found them, we need to find the names of the orphans with us. Starting with Aimsey and then Sniff, Bill, Oli, Beau, Freddie and then Tommy.

Zach: So many papers, whose records are we looking for specifically?

Toby: Aimsey, Sniff, Bill, Oli, Beau, Freddie and Tommy's.

Ben W: We must do a lot of digging, the records are buried deep below the wood.

Zach: Maybe a bit of Earth-based powers could help.

Martha: Wait, moving wood is Earth-based?

Toby: Yeah, you should've seen Max or Harvey.

Ben W: That's actually cool.

Zach: Alright people, let's do some digging. We need to telekinetically move the wood in order to prevent splinters. I don't want you guys going over to Brad just to get it out.

Ben W: At least he's got a point.

Larry: Okay lads, let's get digging.

We started digging through the debris to find the records and it took us half an hour. It wasn't until I found the first folder, it is filled with Aimsey's history and stuff. I looked through it and learned that she ran away from her home in Wales which is what she said before but another fact caught my eye but I saved it for later.

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