Season 4: 1# Back To The Trains

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Author's note:

So, the last season took me about 2 months to complete and it's now pride month. So now, here's Season 4. I was originally going to send the Zodiac heroes straight to Wales but then I got into Tears For Fears and I was like, 'what if they end up in Bath instead of Wales.' I know they don't live in Bath as of now but this is an AU so just pretend they're just visiting or something. Also, I'm planning to make an 80s spinoff of The Darkest Awakening where many young 80s stars are portrayed as secondary school and university students where Roland and Curt are 1st Years and are the Leaders. And of course, Jerry, or Mr Tan, will be in the spinoff which will be set in 1981 and 1982, during his final years of university. And like the present-day arc of The Darkest Awakening, it will also cover the Zodiac Heroes' journey after Mr Tan's graduation. So yeah. Let me know if you want an 80s spinoff. Anyways, enjoy. Also, I'm also planning on a 2000s spinoff with Delilah and Gerald in it. Let me know if you want me to make it as well. Now you'll see The Darkest Awakening-fied Curt and Roland. Enough said, enjoy.

Zach's POV

My teammates and I are now waiting at the guided bus stop excited to go to Wales. But first, we have to go to London for a stopover as there are no direct train routes from Cambridge to Swansea. I just hope our trip didn't go wrong like the one back in Norwich.

Zach: Wales, here we come.

Aimee: I'm excited.

Dylan: Same.

Zach: We are technically going to another country within the UK.

Aimee: Yeah and that country is my home. Although I hated my family.

Freddie: You ran away, right?

Aimee: Yup.

Zach: Okay, so while we wait for the bus, you gotta tell us some cool places to see in Swansea.

Aimee: Of course.

While Aimsey was talking about all the cool things to see in Swansea, our bus arrived. We hopped in and once again, said goodbye to Cambridge as we head to the train station. Heading to Swansea via London. But I dunno if anything would go wrong or not.

Brad: Zach, your oxygen levels dropped again, you alright?

Zach: Just stressing out if our trip would go wrong.

Brad: Our trip won't go wrong, trust me. We dealt with Dark Spirits trying to fight us but I believe they won't catch us on the way to Wales.

Zach: Really? There's a specific town filled with Spirits in there, those are the targets of Dark Spirits and you know that. Not to mention, the 1980s massacre happened because of that. Many Pure-Blood spirits are decreasing in number because of that.

Brad: But Half-bloods exist right? Without us, we couldn't live on the legacy.

Zach: Balancing Light and Dark?

Brad: Exactly. Now, listen to me. Don't stress over the small stuff, just have fun while you can. We have trips frequently so that we could bond with the other team members, right?

Zach: Right.

Brad: So, whatever happens, we're going on this trip to learn and bond with others.

Connor B: Zach, did your oxygen drop again?

Zach: Yeah.

Connor B: We're putting you on high flow oxygen once we get back to Cambridge.

Zach: Goddammit.

Brad: Stubborn lungs, am I right?

We soon reached the train station and we're now heading to London for a stopover before going to Wales. We're basically just standing there wearing our slightly bulky backpacks. Even more bulky for those with medical conditions or something.

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