Season 2: 1# Back To College

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Zach's POV

Today is a new day, my teammates are going back to college as usual with some of us just having our first day here. I am now back in front of that computer and started writing my next code. Or trying to update the apps I recently made.

Zach: Tommy, is there anything I could improve with the app that checks your blood pressure and oxygen levels?

Tommy: Not really, I just need a pulse oximeter in my amulet.

Zach: There is a pulse oximeter installed in your amulet, I always made sure it is in case someone constantly gets low or high blood pressure. Or to check your oxygen levels if you suffer from a respiratory disorder like me and Tubbo.

Toby: Yup.

Zach: Oh and I made sure everything is dyslexia-friendly as well coming from someone with dyslexia.

Toby: Pretty cool to meet someone with dyslexia. I feel like I look up to you like seriously.

Zach: We're leaders, Tubbo.

Toby: I know.

Freddie: Hey guys.

Tommy: Freddie, I thought you were signing up for a bachelor's degree in music.

Freddie: Decided to do computer science.

Zach: But everyone's in Biology though. Referring to the teenagers in the team.

Toby: Thaiyo's in business.

Zach: Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Toby, you alright?

Toby: Yeah, I'm just hoping that dad's okay.

Freddie: Mat?

Toby: Yeah, recovery's hitting him like a rock. You know, post-sepsis syndrome. His depression and anxiety skyrocketed and last night, he woke up from a nightmare.

Tommy: We know that we were there.

Toby: Just hope he's okay and not get worse. He is immunocompromised already. Not to mention his eating disorder.

Zach: He will be okay, don't worry.

Mr Tan: Say, it seems like there's a new kid in class.

Freddie: Hi Mr Tan.

Mr Tan: Hi Freddie.

Zach: So, how are the Guardians?

Mr Tan: Well, I'm not the one who should answer for them but I'm not sure. We'll find out once we get back to our dorms after lunch.

Toby: What about orientation? The assembly?

Mr Tan: Postponed until tomorrow.


After our half-day course, we went to the cafeteria to get lunch and meet up with the rest of the team. I wonder how did the orphans handle their first day today. I know it has been stressful but it's actually worth it being in college and stuff.

Zach: So, how's your first day?

Aimee: It was great.

Oli: Yeah, I learned about the Earth, like climates, photic zones and more. Including solar radiation.

Toby: That's cool.

Niki: Have you noticed that Oli has a similar hairstyle to Tubbo?

Oli: Really?

Tommy: Oh yeah, I noticed it.

Oli: Not my fault I didn't have time to cut my hair because of being in an orphanage.

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