Season 4: 2# Curt And Roland

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Author's note:

I seriously didn't have to add this to every chapter but whatever. So this will be the first chapter that will include flashbacks from the 1980s heroes' lives. Enough said, enjoy.


It is around 1974 where Curt first met Roland. Curt spotted Roland sitting alone and playing the guitar on the bleachers.

Curt: Hey.

Roland: Hey.

Curt: Nice song you're playing.

Roland: Oh really? Thanks. I'm Roland, what's your name?

Curt: My name's Curt.

Roland: That sounds like a cute name. I mean, cool name. Sorry, I'm sounding a little girly.

Curt: It's alright. Raised in toxic masculinity, am I right?

Roland: Yeah. Wait, do you share the same childhood as me?

Curt: Abusive or neglectful fathers, disapproving mothers, middle of 3 children. How do you know?

Roland: No way.

End of flashbacks...

Zach's POV

My teammates and I followed Curt and Roland to some sort of hotel or whatever just a block away from the train station. It doesn't look like a 5-star hotel but at least we might have a place to stay while it rains or for the night before we go to Swansea tomorrow. I dunno what our plan is now because of those Time Eaters.

Zach: What is this place?

Curt: The estate building, it was recently converted into a hotel. Roland and I used to live here.

Roland: We were neighbours, apparently.

Mr Tan: You guys lived here?

Curt: Didn't we tell you that?

Mr Tan: Sorry, it's been a while.

Curt: Actually, I've been living here throughout my childhood and teenage years. Roland moved here after living with his aunt for quite some time.

Roland: My parents split cuz dad was abusive.

Curt: Why don't you guys get inside and make yourselves at home. We'll meet you at the lobby.

We entered the estate building which felt really old-fashioned compared to the Bernard Resort back in Thailand. But at least we got a place to stay for the night because there is no way we could head to Wales while it's raining. I found Ryan, Noah and I a room, put our bags down, and laid on the beds which felt a bit hard.

Zach: I am so tired.

Ryan L: Why would those Time Eaters break down the tracks and our train?

Zach: What their name said, they waste time. So apparently they wanted us to waste our time, we ended up in Bath instead of Swansea. And that's time-wasting.

Noah L: And the fact that we had to stay here for the night as it rains outside.

Zach: Yeah. But whatever, let's meet up with Curt and Roland downstairs.

Ryan L: They seem like cool uncles.

Noah L: More like grandpas.

Zach: Uncles, grandpas... heard of Uncle Grandpa?

Ryan L: Yeah, but why are we mentioning that show?

Zach: They just remind me of Uncle Grandpa. Let's go.

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