Chapter [1!]

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➩Nicolaus University

The whole hallway of the uni became a chaos, people gathered all around at one particular spot where a boy was getting beaten the shit out of him.

"You piece of shit!! You dare to bullie my best friend. When I'm not present around" ?? shouting while kicking the boy on ground who spilled blood from his mouth

"I'm sorry please forgive me I'll never do it again please spare me" the boy begs

"You already did" ?? said picking the boy up and punch him in stomach.

"How dare you!! Cause of you he cried yesterday" ?? said slamming the boy to the lockers

"Please let me go this time.....I swear I will never bully him ever again" the boy begs weakly

"But it won't change the past" ?? said and was about to hit the boy when.......

"SUGA!!" ?? calls him while running to him

Suga turned to the owner of the deep voice to see his best friend running towards him

"Yeah!! Have you lost your mind....why are you beating him" ?? ask panting as he separated his best friend from the boy

"Why are you stopping me?" Suga ask frustrated

"Yeah! Why are you stopping him" ?? said coming to them who is both of there best friend

"What! JIMIN....You want him to die" ?? ask

"He deserve it for making you cry" jimin said as he glare at the boy

"Aish!! Both of you" ?? sigh as kneel down to the beaten up boy.

"I'm really sorry on behalf of my friends" ?? apologize to the boy and helped him to get up

"TAEHYUNG!!" Both his best friends shout at him

"Hush!! Stop it now. Both of you don't be so possessive over me" Tae said while walking to his class

"How can we not are our best friend. best friends supposed to take care and protect each other" Jimin said

Jimin and tae kept on chit chat....laughing.....making jokes.....while suga just look at them fondly

"tsk...enough now let's go we're getting late" suga said as he slide his one hand into his pocket and the other into tae's back pocket

Tae blush when he sense suga's hand on his ass as he 'hummed' and went with them

Suga and jimin are best friends ever since they are in diapers. They lived in same neighborhood ever since then. Tae became there friend since high school

Suga, jimin and tae are the best trio in the uni. Everyone, knows about there friendship. Suga and Jimin are very possessive over tae cause tae is very innocent, bubbly and most important he is the baby of uni while suga jimin are baby protectors.

Right, now they are in class with tae listening to class with a sleeping suga beside him. Jimin sitting in front half asleep.

"*sigh* math is so difficult" tae sigh as he rest his head on the table. He look at his left side to see suga sound asleep

"*chuckle* He looks so handsome as always" tae thought feeling shy.

"Gosh! When am I gonna say my feelings to you. I'm scared you might reject me but it's OK if you did....I'll continue my life with those memories of us" tae thought sighing sadly

It's been 2 years since tae is trying to confess his feelings towards suga but couldn't cause of fear of losing him. So he chose ignore it for now.



Tae was sitting all alone on the bench waiting for other two to come yet they didn't.

"Where did these dumbo's's been 15 mins now" tae sigh in irritation

Just when he was about to get up and leave..........


"Arhhhhh!!!!" tae shut his eyes and scream on top of his lungs

"hahahahahaha" suga and jimin laugh at tae

"You!! You both wait there" Tae said now running towards Suga and jimin.

"Catch me if you can" Suga said running away from him

"Taehyungie here" jimin said waving his hands

The trio were running around the whole hallway....giggling....laughing....

Right now, after they were in the garden laying on the ground with jimin in middle

"Arhh!! We had so much fun" jimin said interwining his tiny fingers with his best friends and close his eyes

"Yeah!! so much fun" Tae said closing his eyes feeling the fresh air....

After, few mins he opened his eyes and look at his side to see and saw jimin still closed eyes......


Suga was looking at jimin's face most probably like admiring......

Seeing, his crush looking at someone else other than him made his heart ache and drown in so much pain. Yet, he still smiled not wanting to assume things.....

At part of him was saying not to think about them so but the other part was saying something which is not so good for him.....

He averted his eyes from looking at other side

Once, he looked away his smile dropped....eyes getting filled with tears but controlled as he shut his eyes.....

➩Few mins later
"Tae!! Tae wakie wakie" Jimin said pinching tae's cheeks

"Noo~" Tae whines

"Yeah!! Wake up we are near your home" Jimin shouts

"Huh!!? My home" Tae woke up suddenly looking at his surroundings.

He was stunned to see himself in car....that too infront of his house.

"When did you bring me" Tae ask shouting that when he felt something hard under his bum

He look down to see he was on someone's lap and averted his glace to the owner of the lap....only to see.....

"Your totally up now?" Suga asks looking at tae who froze at his spot

He couldn't even utter anything, he was constantly looking at him as if he is a ghost

"Are you gonna stay like this forever" Suga ask chuckling at tae

"Uh-h s-sorry" Tae said getting up from his place.

Without saying anything more he ran away from there not even bidding byes.

"Cute" Suga thought

As jimin took of the car went to there house

BESTFRIENDS || TaegiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang