Chapter twenty

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No point of veiw ~ "did you honestly think you would be able to get away from me. You'll never be able to leave me Kaia Uchiha"The dark voice of oroichicumaru hissed "leave me alone"Kaia hissed back

"You are mine and I own you. You will never be able to leave me. You're my greatest experiment. I will kill you and everyone you love"Orochicumaru hissed tossing a beaten up Hidan, Kisame and Kakuzu who were on the verge of death.

Kaia fell to the ground "no it's all my fault that they got hurt"Kaia said sobbing "let me put them out of their misery"Orichicumaru said in a sadistic tone "No"Kaia yelled shooting out of bed and hyperventilating with tears running down her eyes. She took a deep breath and noticed that she was still in a her room.

"It was just a dream"she whispered. She took another deep breath and got of her bed heading out of her room. She couldn't go to Hidan, Kisame, and Kakuzu's room because they were out on an assassination mission.

Which usually scared Kaia because she is afraid something might happen to them. Even though she knows how strong they are it never helps ease her mind knowing that they are away when she has a terrible nightmare.

She headed down the hall to Obito and Kakashi's room. She knocked on the door three times and waited for about a minute before the door was opened by a disheveled Obito who had just woken up from his sleep.

"What the hell do you want"he hissed. Turns out Obito doesn't like being woken up in the middle of his sleep "can I sleep with you and Kakashi tonight"Kaia asked "no so go away"Obito said "please"Kaia said as kakashi walked up with messy bed hair as well and a tired and sleepy look in his eyes "Kaia your a big girl so go sleep in your own bed"Kakashi said "night"Obito said before slamming the door in Kaia's face.

Kaia head towards Itachi's room. She knocked on the door and waited another minute before Itachi opened the door slightly. His hair was very disheveled and even though Kaia couldn't see his full body she noticed that he was sweating heavily.

"what do you want" he asked with a glare "can I sleep in your room with you tonight"Kaia said "I'm busy right now so go away"Itachi hissed "please"Kaia said "no"Itachi said slamming the door.

Kaia sighed and decided to head to Madara, Yahkio and Zetsu's room. She knocked on the door three times but after a minute there wasn't an answer. So she tried again. But after waiting five minutes she figured that they weren't going to open the door.

She would head to Kurama and Shisui's room but they were out on a mission with Naruto, Shikamaru and Sasuke. Nagato and Konan were probably to tired seeing as Konan was set to give birth in three months time. The others were pretty heavy sleepers. And she didn't want to brother them and her reactions like she did with everyone else she's asked so far.

Kaia sighed and headed outside to the training grounds. Kaia sighed and sat on the ground looking up at the night sky. She thought that the sky was pretty with all the stars out. She was honestly tired but she didn't want to be alone. But at the same time she didn't want to knock on anyone else's door only to get the same reactions.

She sighed to herself and stood up heading back inside. When she did she saw Gaara getting a bottle of water "I'm surprised your still up aren't you usually asleep by now until noon"he asked "I couldn't sleep. Why are you still up"Kaia answered

"I don't sleep until midnight"Gaara responded "can I maybe sleep with you tonight. I really don't want to be alone tonight. I usually go to Kisame-Senpai, Hidan-Senpai, and Kakuzu-Senpai but they aren't here. If not I understand"Kaia said

"I don't mind"Gaara said "thank you"Kaia said and Gaara nodded. Kaia followed him to his bedroom. The walls were painted red and there was a black carpet on the ground. On there were for shelves filled with books and two bookcases filled with books as well. There was a desk in the corner of the room as well. There was a shoe rack by the entrance of the bedroom. Kaia placed her shoes on the shoe rack and got into the bed with Gaara.

The bed was big enough to fit both of them and the comforters were black and red matching the bedroom "thanks again for letting me sleep in your room tonight Gaara"Kaia said "it's no problem"Gaara said "good night"Kaia said "good night"Gaara responded as the two teenagers fell asleep.

End of chapter

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