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Theodore's POV


Mattheo was right. So fucking right. She is tattood into my memories. Burdened into my skin. Woven into my soul.

She was an addiction, and she had me hooked.

One night caused it all. And now- I can't move on. I can't get over her.

And Saturday was no help.

And here I was, outside her classroom, a minute before the bell was supposed to ring.

She was ditching with me.

And at last she exited. I swung my arm over her shoulder, making her eyes shoot up at me, surprised.


"Picnic?" I grinned, looking down at her.

She frowned, before giving a chuckle. "Theo, it's third period. We can't just-"

"You have an excuse. Got another reminder of your Aunt Vicky and it lead to a breakdown. I will just admit that I haven't been to a single class today."

She gave a chuckle as we walked down the corridors. "I'm not ditching school to go picnicking with you. You must be crazy."

With my free hand, I grabbed my chest in mockery. "My heart."

She laughed. "Which heart?"

I rolled my eyes, before pulling my arm off her shoulders, grabbing her hand. She was forced to follow me through the courtyard, and down the stairs.

"Theo," she complained. "I have Potions."

I grinned. "I'm quite fully aware. Reminder of the day: I have Potions with you."

She rolled her eyes, yet I didn't feel her refuse to actually follow me.

We slipped behind a corner and then behind some towers. Not even Hagrid comes looking for kids here. Despite how old they are, I don't think they know about this spot.

There, I slipped my wand from my robe pocket, before giving a swish towards the ground.

Suddenly, to Zoe's surprise, a blanket appeared with a basket and two pillows.

She loves sitting on the floor with pillows. She always has.

She laughed lightly, looking at me. "You weren't joking with the picnic pick-up line."

I laughed, gesturing for her to sit down. She slowly, but surely did. She looked at me, her eyes faded brown. It made me smile.

I sat down beside her, before pulling open the lif of the basket.

"What are you in the mood for?" I asked, pulling out little containers. "Strawberries, raspberries, apple slices, dried banana slices, jelly babies, jelly beans, marshmallows, jello-"

"Where did you get all this?" she laughed.

I grinned, shrugging. "I got my sources."

"The kitchen?"

"Irritating chefs," I stated, making her laugh.

Only then I noticed she had gotten dimples. Well it's hard to notice it if she never laughs around me. Or smiles brightly.

And I really hope to change that.

"Well, enjoy."

She rolled her eyes -clearly playfully- while picking a strawberry from its container.

"Why did you drag me here?" she asked, looking at me as I took a cracker.

She doesn't eat crackers. Or crisps.

"I mean we never get along-"

"We used to..."

"Until you met Draco," she stated, making me sigh.

She was right. Ever since I had to be friends with Draco and Crabbe and Goyle; she and I drifted far apart. I've always regretted that decision. But it wasn't really a choice.

"We can be friends again-"

"Really?" she laughed. "With your crew on your back? I'm not interested for that drama."


"I mean we have this amazing banter going on- but for you to suggest being friends again?"

Her tone changed from really enjoying thie- to really not. Yet she still smiled.

"Theo, I know what you are. Semi-cold-hearted with an entire spoon full of sarcasm and battering. Not to add a pureblood with parents who were involved with all three of mine's deaths. Imagine that drama."

I sighed. "I don't care about that drama, Zoe. I'm serious. We're not really enemies-"

"Since you dropped Tatiana and I, we sort of were..."

"Zoe, please. We can be friends. It's possible."

"Maybe for me," she said, meeting my eyes. She was serious. "Maybe I am really capable of being your friend. But you're not. You're not in it to mess with Mattheo's head. You're not in it to hear me cry about boys. You're not in it to just watch me try and move on from Mattheo. Admit it, Theo. You're not in it for friends."

So transparent, huh? Merlin, I was really hoping to not jump into that lake.

"At least a friend is as close as I can get," I admitted.

She smiled softly. "It's not worth it, Theo."

I sighed. "I know, but I don't care. Friends or more- I really don't care. As long as I can see you smile."

She sighed. "How long has this been going on?"

"Fifth year," I said, picking at the lighter I fished frommy pocket. "Really got me hooked."

She giggled, making me look at her again. "Remind me to never have one-night stands again."

I smiled. "How's Potter taking it?"

She laughed, burying her face in her hands. "Merlin don't remind me!"

I laughed, before handing her the raspberry container. "There's blueberries in as well. I know you like them."

She looked at the container, then me. "You really haven't hated me all this time?" she asked, taking it.

I shook my head. "Not really possible. I do know that you have, though."

"Got the impression that the feeling was mutual."

"Hard to believe that."

She giggled, looking into the container. "Not really when you get into fights with my friends, spit insults our way, lie to my face, and ignore me for weeks on end."

I looked down at the lighter, before back at her. "Yeah, I- I never hated you."

She nodded. "Gathered that..."

I smiled, looking at her. "Still hate me?"

She glanced at me. "A bit harder now that you've fed me fruits."

A laugh slipped my lips. "Understandable. Fruits always persuade you."

"That's debatable," she said, a smile on her lift as she playfully narrowed her eyes. "No, I- I'm mad at you, but hate doesn't really fit in the sentence."

"Mad at me?" I questioned, frowning.

She scoffed smiling. "It's hard not to be after you lied about Mattheo for the passed three months."

I sighed. "It's not that easy, Zoe. He-"

"It's alright," she said, making me sigh again. "It happened and it's passed. It's alright."

I smiled. "Alright." I looked down at the containers, before picking one up. "Marshmallows?"

[1078 words]

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