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Zoe's POV


His lips were inked into my memories; drowning in my thoughts. His kiss was like a tattoo; stuck with me forever. I couldn't get rid of it. The memory was always there.

Truth be told, I didn't want to forget that one single minute. Even if it didn’t last long, it felt like eternity. An eternity I'd never want to leave. I'd love to remember it forever.

Nothing could make me feel different.

I haven't told Aria or Kieran or Dorcas or Mary. I haven't told anyone. How could I? They'd torture me forever! Even though I think they know I've been different lately.

Or well the passed two days.

I haven't been to school yesterday though. Slept till eleven. Figured it'd be stupid to go to school so late. So I stayed in my dorm. The entire day. I didn't go out for lunch or dinner.

No point.

Instead, I stayed in my bed curled up with a book, or three. They were heaven. Every couple I read of, I didn't read Romeo, or Laurie, or Darcy. I read Mattheo. And Merlin was that crazy.

It was just one kiss, right? No feeling?

Wrong. A lot of feelings. Too many.


At least I went to school today. I woke up just in time, and made it to Herbology.

After that I reached Astronomy on time, and DADA. Surely I was surprised. They were quite spread around the castle.

Then lunch. I wasn't hungry. So instead I went to the northen-courtyard, where I sunk onto a bench, with a book.

"What you reading?"

"Little woman."

I didn't even look up. I knew Mattheo was behind me. I knew that voice well enough.

He chuckled. "Interesting."


He then hopped over the wall, before jumping off the bench, and standing in front of me.

"Where were you yesterday?"

"Slept late and stayed in."

"Could've gotten someone to tell me."

"Could've come checked by yourself."

He lift his hands in defeat, which made me laugh lightly. "Alright, darling. You've won."

I smiled, narrowing my eyes. "Victory."

He laughed, before snatching my book. "What is this about? Dwarf-sized woman?"

I snatched the book back as I stood up.

"No," I bit. "It's about sisters and romance and sickness. It's not about dwarfs. Seriously."

I closed the book, slipping it into my bag.

"Let me guess- drama?"


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