• Warm Comfort •

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I was at school like always still in absolute horror about my disgusting dream.
I got an email on my school account, it was about a non school uniform day. I was sooo excited. I love not wearing uniform and wearing outrageous things to school, me and lily decided we had to go shopping at the weekend, to get some cute outfits.
At lunch me and lily were discussing outfits when Michelle's friend Holly walked past staring at me. That girl hates me so much, and I don't know why. Sometimes it really gets to me.
"Don't let it bother you bitch! She's just jealous" Lily reassured me
"Yea and plus she's fugly" Zia said whispering
I nodded.
I needed to go to the toilet so I headed to the closest one, in the English building. I was near the bathroom door when Holly walked past with her friends giggling.
"Fucking ugly Slut" Holly shouted at me laughing. I stood there in shock, I couldn't believe what they said. I knew she didn't like me but really? My eyes started flooding with tears, my vision going blurry and my nose starting to get stuffy.
Mr Mitches Classroom was opposite the bathroom, I'm not sure if he came out is classroom just to tell off Holly or wether it was something else but the office door flung open and he stood there menacingly, staring at Holly.
"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY HOLLY?!" He shouted at her. The smile on her face dropped and she stared at her feet.
"I-it was just a joke" she stuttered, the fear in her voice.
"I'll chat with you later"
"Y-yes" she replied
"Now shew" Holly practically ran away and he let out a sigh and looked at me.
I stood there, still crying but trying to wipe them off my face.
Mr Mitch looked at me and gestured his head inside his office opening the door for me. I was about to when I realised who it was, Mr Mitch. I wanted to decline but I didn't want to say no so I stepped inside his office.
It was a light grey room with a slightly darker carpet, with a large desk and two brown wooden chairs and a cool spinning chair opposite.
He looked at me but I just looked at the floor. He sat in his desk chair and I sat in the wooden chair.
"Are you okay?" He asked. He's kind of nice for asking but I can't forget his strictness in lessons and the dream.
He leaned closer to me "it's not true what they said, your not a slut."
He leaned back slightly annoyed "pfft, how can anyone in your year really be a slut, especially you." He said in his strict tone, but he sounded a bit nicer.
I looked at him only to realise he was already staring at me. I wiped the tears from my cheeks and sat up.
"I I'm sorry" I snuffled in a shaky tone.
Mr Mitch looked at me through his brow. "Don't apologise without reason, it annoys me. How many times have I said this?"
I look down at my hands on my lap
"Sor-" I was going to apologise again then I processed his previous words.
"Now child, are you okay?" He asked.
"I think so" I said, sniffling still.
"You think so?" He said annoyed.
"I'm okay, Mr Mitch. Thank you." I said looking at him. For a moment I forget how mean he actually is, and for just a moment I like him.
"Shit it's 1:25" I say standing up panicking.
"Language young lady" Mr Mitch stands up and clears his throat.
He heads over to the door and opens it for me.
"Goodbye Ms McLane, See you Thursday"

I walk out the door and go to my next lesson. I'm just in shock how nice Mr Mitch was, I'm sure he's still a dick.
I don't like him, right?

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