• Grocery Shopping •

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I'm so glad it was Saturday!! No more stupid English lessons and no more Mr fucking Mitch. I'm still in genuine shock about everything he said. He really is a total dickhead. I woke up about 10 am, I've never been so happy about the weekend. I was thinking about going shopping, to get my mind off shit.
My mum texts me and asks me to go grocery shopping. Hmm that's fine I guess. I could go to ASDA then go shopping. I get dressed, carefully looking at everything in my wardrobe and on my floor for the perfect outfit. I end up picking a black crop top with a beige zip up hoodie, a pleated skirt and some ripped tights. I did my makeup while listening to my playlist, maybe this is too much for grocery shopping but I always told myself to look as pretty as possible in case I saw someone cute. After I had finished getting ready I took the list my mum left for me and some money from my wallet and shoved it into my pocket.
I had a pretty chill morning, slowly getting ready and walking to ASDA with my headphones. It was an okay day, clouds were definitely present with little bursts of sunshine bursting through. ASDA wasn't too far away from my house but it wasn't exactly a short walk, maybe I was walking slowly, oh well. It's not like the shop is going to close down before I get there.

I arrived there and realised how busy it was, shit. I hate big crowds of people, especially when shopping, I just want to grab my shit and go, not push through crowds of people.
I grab a trolley and walk through each isle grabbing the things I need and crossing them off my list, still listening to Spotify through my headphones. I walk past the period products, trying to trace my mind back the my scarce source of pads and tampons. I shrug and throw the tampons closest to me in the trolley, it could be just me but I don't understand the sizes- I swear they're all the same.
I grab the rest of the stuff I need and go to the checkout, I automatically go to self service but on my way I see Michelle's new fucking boyfriend there so I swiftly turn my cart around and Chuck myself onto the closest checkout. The old woman with a 'Sarah' name-badge starts moving my stuff through the scanner at snails pace, Like could this woman be ANY SLOWER?!
Then I saw Michelle's boyfriend turn to glance in my direction, I turn away quicker than I had ever moved before. The woman finally scans all my shit after LITERAL HOURS! I pull my money out and hand it to her as I bag up my groceries. I take my change from her clammy hands and stuff it in my pockets. I throw my hood over my head, grab my stuff and rush out, my necklaces hitting my chest. I pick up my pace about where Michelle's boyfriend would be. I stare at my feet almost jogging, I refuse to look anywhere but the floor, there's no way he can see me. I almost reach the exit when I feel something firm in front of me, before I can slow my pace I collide straight into it and all onto the floor.
Only to notice I fell onto SOMEONE. I noticed the shoes that stood still in front of me. FUCK!
"Ms MCLANE?" I hear that stern fucking voice again and recognise it, it was the last thing I ever wanted to fucking hear. MR MITCH!
I realise what had happened and on my hands and knees start to collect the stuff that had fallen out of my bag.
"You must look where you going at all times girl" I could feel his intense eyes staring down at me, burning into me.
"I I'm so so sorry sir" I looked up to see his intense stares at me.
He bends down and starts helping me pick up my stuff. this is so embarrassing!!
I stand up quickly when I think I have all my stuff. I readjust my balance on my feet and pick up my bags. Mr Mitch still staring at me.
"Er thanks for picking up my stu-" I trail off my sentence into silence. I stare at the ground still, looking anywhere but at Mr Mitch.
"It's ok Lara," I want to walk off so much!! The awkwardness is too much!
"Ssee you on Monday Sir" I say with confidence I can leave after I say that.
"Er Lara you forgot something" my heart drops, Mr Mitch has my tampons In his hands, OH MY GOD! THIS IS AWFUL!!
"Oh I'm sorry" I grab them from his hands in speed and stuff them in my bag, in total embarrassment my cheeks grow as red as tomatoes.
"just look where your going ok child, then this wouldn't happen" he brushes himself off and scratches his chin. "Goodbye Lara see you in class" he sternly walks off, his shoes stomping against the floor. As soon as I hear that sentence I rush off as fast as possible.

That was the most embarrassing moment of my life!! My luck is awful!! My one day without seeing that dick and I fucking fall on him!! I practically run home, unable to get that awful awful interaction out of my mind.
I've never been more embarrassed in my life.

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