Chapter 1 - I won't leave you

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We are now at a scene where it shows a red headed girl sitting up as her head was being held by a hand on her face. Her breathing being too slow as she feels the arrow on her heart killing her slowly.

??? : Well it was only a matter of time.

As he turn our camera we see a female in a dress who was holding a bow in on her hand who was also grabbing the face of the red headed girl.


Another girl was seen as she was using some kind of ability that made her go up higher as we see her wearing a battle outfit, short black hair with the red tip on the end of it. She was having a face of desperation as she kept going up.

She finally reached the top but only to bare witness of a body in front of her. She sees the girl holding the red headed girl while smirking.

The girl in the dress looked over to the girl with black and red hair before smirking.

??? : Too late~

As those words were said the red headed girl's bodies suddenly started to incinerate as her body slowly destroys itself leaving only dusts and ashes as it flew away into the wind. The girl with black and red hair widened her eyes as she sees the death of her friend happening in front of her. The moment was something she wasn't expecting as she was too late to even save the person she cares about.

Before the red headed girl even fully turned to her dust she gave a small smile on her face as she slowly and slowly dusted away.

That last moment broke the girl as she held herself together wanting to cry from the death but also scream in rage as to what the girl in the dress did.

We then switch our scenes to when the red headed girl got incinerated.

??? : 'So... I guess this is how I die huh?...... didn't even reach the end of the goal yet....I wonder what would happen now to Remnant..... or what would even happen to me? Well either way I'm ok with what's to come' 

As she dusted away into the sky we only see nothing but darkness. It was silent as nothing happened. A bright light was then seen appearing at the end of the view before it suddenly flew towards us in light speed.

We now see a young boy as he was apparently looking down as he was walking towards the playground. He was 4 as a matter of fact but his face is not one of a joyed kid. His face showed sadness, despair and brokenhearted. As he approached the playground we see 2 kids there as one of them being an ash blonde, spiky hair boy while the other is a long red haired girl. They were playing on the sand pit as they were having fun before noticing the green haired kid approaching them.

??? : Hey Izu you came *smiles*

??? : Hehe about time you finally come.

The green haired boy then looked up to see his friends before smiling and greeting them back.

??? : Nice to see you Kacchan, Pyrrha.

??? : Nice to see you Kacchan, Pyrrha

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