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Friday, May 26th, 2021. I was awoken by a call at 1am, the call wasn't a usual call either. Someone on the other line saying that my brother had got shot, and chills ran all throughout my body, I was in a shock because my worst nightmare had came true.

I jumped up rapidly and put on some clothes and some slides, got my keys and left the house. As I walk to my car, i feel knots all in my stomach just twisting as I drive to the hospital, and I won't even lie i was going 50 in a 30 trying to make it to my brother. I got to the hospital and saw all my brothers friends, his girlfriend and my aunt. I felt all eyes on me when I walked in the hospital lobby where everyone was standing.
My aunt looked at me as a tear ran down my face and ran towards me hugging me. My brother. That's all I was thinking about. Was he gonna be okay? How did this happen? Who did this? Why did they do this? Questions were racing through my mind while sitting in the hospital lobby just waiting. 10 minutes later
A doctor finally walked out the ER, and looked to us as we all stood up looking worried.

"Hello, are you the parent or guardian of Saleem Taylor?" "I am Dr.Mcrokle" My aunt speaks up and says "Yes, I am his legal guardian". "Saleem has suffered from 5 gunshot wounds to his arm, and his legs" the doctor says.
My heart shattered into pieces, my twin brother , my baby boy, why did this happen to him? and who did this?

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