Chapter 167 Cents 2

  Zhao Youzhong was so angry that his nose was blue and his face was swollen.

  Regarding the fact that many people offered to give Zhou Heng and Li Mingyue processing points, Li Shizhu pressed it.

  He said: "These are enough, and the processing points can't be too outrageous. Although they have a great role, without the hard work of the big guys, they can't get today's results."

  That's all.

  Zhang Jinlin quietly asked Li Mingyue if she had any ideas.

  Li Mingyue smiled at the mirror, her luck value just increased by 12 points, she watched her luck value rise slowly.

  It feels so much better than getting more work points.

  Zhang Jinlin: Why do you love stinky beauty so much?

  I just heard Li Mingyue say: "Everyone recognizes me, I like it very much; the captain is right, although it has a role, it requires other people to work hard, so the increase should be reasonable."

  Zhang Jinlin gave her a thumbs up, "You can really think about it. Makes sense ."

  The next step is to pay according to the work points.

  Gao Tieshan and others with the highest work points shared more than 120 yuan alone, Li Mingyue also shared 56 yuan, and Old Man Li shared 65 yuan.

  Mai Lili and Shen Xiaoqin were 69 yuan, and Xu Yingna shared 75 yuan because she took more agricultural machinery theory classes.

  Brothers and sisters Zhang Junbo and Zhang Jinlin are not considered work points, they both earn wages directly.

  Zhang Junbo was originally paid monthly, and he just received this month's salary, so he did not share the money this time.

  But there is Zhang Jinlin, she has been here for half a month, and this time she directly received half a month's salary of 15 yuan.

  Everyone was choked up with joy.

  Many people have more labor, and the more people there are, the more income they have. After all, they have made a fortune!

  Such as Gao Shoujin's family, Chang's family, Wan's family, etc.

  The grandfather and grandson of old man Li also have more than 120 yuan together. The grandfather and grandson are very satisfied, and they do not feel that it is much less than others.

  Old man Li handed the money directly to his granddaughter, "Buy some candy to eat, and then pull a few feet of floral fabric to make myself a flower gown to wear." Zhang Jinlin, who was on the

  side, looked at it and was very envious. Drowning your grandfather.

  Shen Xiaoqin and Mai Lili were also very happy. They came to the country and shared so much money for the first time. This is the money they really earned through their own work.

  Xu Yingna couldn't wait, she wanted to go to the commune to send a letter and send 60 yuan back to her family. She kept 15 yuan for herself, and she didn't need to spend money on food and drink, and there will be more in the future.

  Gu Shijie also shared dozens of dollars, and he was thinking about when to take a leave to go to the county seat and buy more literature books to read.

  Several educated youths felt that they had come to the right place. The people here are simple and enthusiastic. Now that they have jobs again, they feel that life has a head start.

  Many people have money, and they all plan to build a new house and marry a daughter-in-law.

  Mrs. Xie pulled Mrs. Gao to speak: "My eldest grandson is twenty-two, and it's time for us to meet someone. The family has been poor for the past two years, and other girls don't like it. Now that I have money, I can build a new house. , even if you buy a bicycle as a dowry gift, you can buy it.

  There are a lot of people in your parents' house, you can help me to see if there is any suitable, if there is, you will help to run errands, don't worry, I will definitely give you a matchmaking gift. "

  The old lady Gao didn't want to answer the old lady's matter, but when she heard that there was a matchmaker ceremony, she agreed after a little thought.

  It just so happened that she hadn't been to her mother's house for a long time. Now that she has money, she can buy half a catty of brown sugar and cut a catty of pork to take to her mother's house.

  It's just a matter of the way for Xie Jiaxiang to see it.

  The next day happened to be a weekend, and the school was off.

  Shen Xiaoqin asked Li Mingyue: "Tomorrow we will go to the commune for a walk, are you going?"

  Zhang Jinlin also said, "I just happened to be going home with you."

  Li Mingyue didn't want to go and didn't have much demand. She didn't want to run so far and waste time. She might as well write and read books at home. She hasn't read much of the new books in the library.

  The old man Li on the side encouraged his granddaughter to go, "Go buy yourself some snacks and come back. I haven't eaten meat at home for a long time. Seeing that there is good-looking meat, I will buy some and stew it."

  Zhang Junbo listened and asked inexplicably: "Master, why do you want good-looking meat?"

  Isn't the meat all the same? Is there beauty and ugliness?

  The old man Li said casually: "Eating good-looking won't make you ugly."

  Mai Lili and others: Uncle, you are fooling people again!

  Although I think so, I have made up my mind that I will choose the ones that look good when I buy food in the future.   Old Man Li saw that his granddaughter didn't want to go, so he

  whispered, "I'm going to pull a piece of cloth for my grandpa. I have to change my floral pants."

Made of cloth.

  Every time he washes and hangs to dry in the yard, his old face is full of embarrassment.

  In order not to be laughed at, he could only use evil spirits to fool him.

  When Li Mingyue heard this, she immediately agreed.

  So Li Mingyue went to the village with Mai Lili and others. The team knew that many people were going to the commune to spend money today, so they deliberately emptied the brick delivery tractor with the bucket and sent everyone to the commune.

  When they came to the head of the village to take a tractor, they found that Zhou Heng was already sitting next to the driver's seat in front.

  "Brother Zhou, are you going too?" Li Mingyue greeted her in surprise.

  Zhou Heng glanced at the others and said, "Well, let's go send a few letters."

  There were so many people going to the commune.

  The road was full of dirt, and everyone kept their mouths tightly shut to prevent eating dirt, so they arrived at the commune without a word.

  Zhou Heng went for a walk again, Xu Yingna couldn't wait to go to the post office, and Zhang Jinlin went straight home.

  Li Mingyue followed Shen Xiaoqin and Mai Lili to the supply and marketing agency to buy things. She pulled a few feet of plain cotton cloth for her grandfather, and then called a pound of cakes.

  Shen Xiaoqin and Mai Lili bought a lot of things.

  After leaving the supply and marketing cooperative, it was still early before the agreed time to go back by tractor.

  Shen Xiaoqin and Mai Lili discussed going to see their classmates in the commune, and Li Mingyue took things to visit Niuniu at the Bo'an Taoist House.

  As soon as she entered the yard of Bai's house, she found that Bai Andao was teaching the Three Character Classic to Niu Niu in the yard.

  Bo Andao spoke very well. He spoke softly and eloquently, and Li Mingyue couldn't help but pricked up his ears and listened.

  After a short speech, Bo Andao stopped and turned to Li Mingyue.


  Li Mingyue came back to her senses, smiled embarrassedly, and then nodded: "You speak so well, I am fascinated by it."

  Niu Niu found Li Mingyue, jumped off the small bench, and looked at Li Mingyue . Li Mingyue rushed over.

  "Sister, you came to see me, I miss you so much."

  Li Mingyue felt a little guilty after hearing this. If it wasn't for her grandfather urging her to come to the village this time, she would not have thought of visiting Niuniu.

  She raised the cake in her hand and smiled, "Look, my sister bought you a cake."

  Niuniu cheered.

  Beside him, Bo Andao shook his head in disapproval, "Your family is not well-off, so don't waste money on Niuniu in the future."

  Li Mingyue explained to Bo Andao, "Our village I just shared the money yesterday, and my grandfather and I got some."

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