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Ruwaya was Abdulkarim's younger sister. She and Aishe were best friends, as they lived close to each other and attended the same school ( Girls' college, Nilefa). 

" You missed out on the reunion Aishe! How I wish we made our grand entrance together. That wench Karu would have died of envy" Ruwaya was the dramatic type, Aishe would describe her as  childish sometimes. During their school days, she would quarrel with anyone over the littlest things. A bucket, a seat, giving the appropriate compliment,the right name for certain colors, which Bollywood movie is best, ...... One could go on! She always had her way with things in the school because of a certain advantage her family had . Her grandfather had built the school during his time as the governor and had personally donated heavily to the school, which was still in action.

A spoilt brat would be the best label for her. She cried over her best friend marrying her brother, as she believed that their friendship would come to an end if they became inlaws. She knew that Aishe was the only one who could tolerate her because she lost all of her friends to petty arguments, but Aishe never left her. She had thrown a tantrum when Aishe and her brother were to marry, thank God for Sayinna, he was the only one who could calm her down. She was in her fifth marriage now. Even in her previous marriages, she had come to Sayinna, running when she had issues. Abdulkarim wouldn't tolerate her silliness, everyone else so. Sayinna, who was constantly supporting her, pled that she was only a child.

" Still? You and Karu?" It was no surprise to Aishe Ruwaya still held on to it. She had her second divorce over her husband taking her parking spot." Get over it my dear, she's not worth your time."

" Of course not! I saw all that I needed to see. Did you see what she was wearing? Rags! With some cheap shoes."

" I know you are bluffing. Karu works with one of the biggest companies in Nigeria. And how do you know her shoes were cheap?" Aishe raised an eyebrow with the question.

Ruwaya's lies were shortlived, which made her fumble with her next words." I looked them up off the internet"

Aishe glared at her.  "Okay enough about the wench. How about your campaign preparations? I couldn't afford to miss being your advisor."

"What campaign? " Aishe asked even though she knew what her sister in-law was talking about.

" Hey! Don't tell me you have not started preparing yet. You are about to be the next first lady! How would you not take it seriously? Do you want that 'thing' to come and claim your position? "

" I don't care! I am not participating in any activity that involves Abdulkarim's running. I have my hands full with taking care of my children, I won't add to it."

" What!? No! You can't do that. This is a one time opportunity Aishe. Hauwa has her name flooding the social media as the governor's wife! Do you want to sit back and see your rightful place claimed." Ruwaya was devastated with Aishe's careless attitude.

"Ruwaya. This" she motioned to the house" is my rightful place, and I will only stand up to someone who tries to take my family away from me. The woman is none of my business, neither am I hers. The only thing we share is Abdulkarim, I am learning to live with that. I am not stooping low as to bring myself to a position I am far beyond. I have four children with him, lived with him for more than 2 decades, that's more than enough."

" So you back out just like that?" Ruwaya's eyebrows were raised out of shock.

" There was never a competition dear. "

" I have waited my whole life for this moment. Please Aishe let's participate in this. Keep your sayyida-ship away and join in, please.

" Ruwaya you can go on and do it without me. I mean he's your brother or you can join your other sister in-law, thank God you have two!" Aishe sipped the juice from her glass, waiting for what Ruwaya would say next, which she was sure would be a fit of insults towards her brother and his second wife. Aishe sighed with satisfaction when Ruwaya did just as she expected.

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