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" Where are you lost?" Yasmeen was glad Baby dwell on her lost state and went on to tell her about her boyfriend.

" Yesterday, he came to meet our mother. He brought a lot of gifts for our mother and father. Even Yaa Abdulsalam and Mustapha were not left behind. He brought expensive fabrics for them." Baby informed Yasmeen happily. Then she lead her to a corner away from the family's hearing." Yasmeen I am scared."

Fear was evident in her eyes. Yasmeen asked her why while looking around. " You know in Nilefa when a man begins to appear more freely with your family it means he's marrying you soon. I am scared he's going to bring it up now."

" I thought you loved him, you told me you would marry him. " Yasmeen was confused. Did Baby change her mind?"

" Yes I did but I am only 17 Yasmeen. None of my friends are married. I don't want to go and mess up. "

" You guys will be living far away from here. Nobody will know. You won't be seen messing up Baby. " Yasmeen tried to calm her. She was hyperventilating. "What is it?"

" I don't want to leave my mother" she teared up.

" Don't be a baby, Baby. You can't possibly think you will be living with your mother after marriage. "

" It would have been great " the idea lightened her up. " I will talk to Ali about it. I can forgo the idea of living in England.

" Are you sure?" Yasmeen raised her eyebrows and with a slight mischief in her eyes and voice " imagine sharing a private moment with your husband and your mother calls you, or even worse, Yaagana barges in without knocking." Baby gasped as if it was just happening. She had always complained about her sister's lack of manners.

" That's bound to happen" Baby said in agreement. She was relieved that leaving her mother wasn't a bad idea after all. Before Yasmeen could answer, Audu's voice called.

" Hey what are you still doing here while everyone is in the car?" He ignored Yasmeen's presence totally.

" Good afternoon " Yasmeen said to him regardless. He didn't answer and just stared at her instead, the way he did the first time they met. Baby said goodbye and left the two. Audu stepped forward once, putting his hands in his pockets. He looked like he was about to say something. He opened his mouth and scrunched his eyebrows when she interrupted him. She was begining to get annoyed with his attitude.

" What is it?"

He pointed his finger at her in preparation of an outburst when she cut him mid task.

"How may I help you?" Yasmeen happened to enjoy the anger on his face.

" Let me speak!" He didn't hide his annoyance." I don't like the conversation you just had with my sister. I don't like you encouraging her on matters like that. She is too young for....."

" I don't understand. What have I to do with it? " Yasmeen asked him.

"Don't pretend. I heard everything you were telling her. Stay away from her. I won't have you compromising my sister morally."

" Excuse me because you are already compromising me physically." She said , her eyes pointing to their proximity. He was almost having his chest to hers as she had her back to a pillar." Barrister. Morals are not bred in your home only. You have crossed your boundaries with me."

" Boundaries you say" Abdulsalam took a step back and continued in his Kanuri-tinged accent. " You were texting me in the middle of the night while I was supposed to be sleeping after..."

" But you were not and I was simply ignored, wasn't I?" She finished raising her full eyebrows stunningly as she pushed past him. " I will not text you again, neither will I call you. If that satisfies you." Yasmeen widened her eyes at him and she swore she say him gulp." And if you are scared you will lose your sister to me because she can no longer open up to you about her love life, it's too late. I am being the big sister she never had. "

Amir brought a Chinese barbie doll box with him." Jazz will she like this?"

" I don't think so baby. Let's get her something terrific that will blow her mind. Chinese dolls are hardly the way to please a girl." She said deliberately looking back to Abdulsalam who continued to stare. His phone rang drawing his attention. He picked it up and exited the store.

" Sadiq what are you getting Yaagana?" Amir asked his elder brother. Sadiq didn't pick anything out for almost half an hour. Amir got her a luminous pink lamp, while Yasmeen got her beautiful wonder woman PJs.

" I am not getting her anything. I am here against my will remember?" Sadiq shrugged.

On arrival from shopping, everyone went to their respective rooms.  Mother called Yasmeen to help her in the kitchen and she did. Father came in just before 8:30pm. Over dinner, they talked about the forthcoming primary elections.

" The resident electoral commissioner has been sacked" Father stated. " The governor has appointed Professor Usman Kunduli as the new REC"

" Why was the previous one sacked?" Aishe asked nonchalantly. She was engaging in his political and electoral talks because she didn't want them to maintain the chill they had been having lately. Hajju had passed a sound warning to her. The thought that she could lose her husband to the younger, more read and experienced in terms of politics woman got her on her toes.

" Corruption. He mislead some fund, and sold all the computers brought for the next election. The national body came and everything was out of place. No sign of new technology, no funds. And the employees testified against him in court" Father chewed at his food.

" How Nilefa has changed. One would not possibly believe a man like him could do such a thing." Mother stated shaking her head.

" That's just it. I will make sure when I become the governor, all the people bringing chaos upon Nilefa are brought to book" Father stated confidently.

Aishe rolled her eyes mentally. Twice. Yasmeen could sense the air shifting. She sighed and asked when the primaries with be.

" If I am right there's only 50 days left" Father said, devouring his meal.

" I want to become a governor too dad" Amir looked at his father. Dr Abdulkarim smiled an ruffled his son's hair.

" You will make the best governor there would ever have been in Nilefa" Aishe interrupted the conversation.

" Enough. My son is not engaging in any of these dreary acts." She turns to Amir" You will become a medical doctor ,Sayinna and if you don't, you will be just like your grandfather and have your own Islamic school and plenty students. Okay?"

"None of that will happen. My son will only become what he chooses. He doesn't need anyone's opinion. Right son?" Amir look down torn between his mother's choice and the liberty his father granted him. He looked at Aishe, her eyes were boring into his, anticipating his reply. He just let out a small laugh.

" I don't know."

" Aishe always has her way, Amir.  Get ready to suck some science in" Yasmeen joked. The air cleared as everyone laughed along. Aishe glared for a while and joined in the playful banter. It was a perfect evening for Aishe.

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