[28 - A Talk About Business]

Start from the beginning

"You're getting rather annoying," The Reverse Flash shouts and I reply with, "Yeah, I realize that!"

I turn my head to look behind my shoulder where Iris was clutching Eddie. "Is that-" Eddie begins to say.

"Yep, that's him. But he's dangerous. I need you guys to run in the other direction, and don't look back. Okay? I can hold him off until the Flash gets here." I look at Eddie, and he nods in understanding.

I look back at the Reverse Flash to see him running towards the water shield again. What's he expect to happen? To miraculously run through it?

Yes. That's exactly what happens. I'm jinxed when he seemed to phase through the water like it was nothing. Oh, schist, I'm so dead. He runs at me at a blinding speed, and I barely have time to react before I feel myself be pushed towards the railing of the walkway, and I lose my balance, and fall down.

The water shield around us dissipates, and I was too out of it to create a new one. My ribs ached, and I felt too groggy to move. What was taking Barry so long? I tried to stand up but when I try to, I see my hand is handcuffed to the railing. Seriously? When did he have time to get handcuffs?

He looked down at me, and a smirk was plastered on his face, "This isn't the last you'll see of me, Perseus." And he runs off towards Eddie and Iris who are almost off the bridge. I struggle to stand up, but I fail aimlessly. I extend my free hand forward, summoning water and I blast it towards the Reverse Flash, but he seemed to have seen it coming since he dodged it easily.

But to my dismay, he ran right past Eddie and Iris. And I thought that was it. Maybe it was over, but of course, the Reverse Flash ran back, knocking Eddie off his feet where he hit the walkway with a loud thump that echoed across the floor.

The Reverse Flash says something to Eddie, but he pulls his gun out of his holster and points at the Reverse Flash. It was a stupid move, I have to admit. This provokes the speedster because he goes up and grabs Eddie by the collar and without saying another word, he runs off with him. Iris falls to the floor, shouting Eddie's name but it's too late.

Barry, who decided now would be the best time to intervene, runs past me and to Iris where he says some things to her and runs off, attempting to catch the Reverse Flash, but we both know he's too late.

So I'm sitting here handcuffed to the railing, realizing it'll take a while before Barry comes back. I use my powers to create a sharp water. . . thing? It easily breaks the handcuffs, and I let them drop down. I see Iris alone, but I wasn't sure if I should approach her or leave her alone.

After a moments hesitation, I go back to S.T.A.R. Labs.


Barry was already in the medbay by the time I arrive. Woah, was that a new record? It barely seemed like five minutes since everything just happened, and Barry is already all beat up.

Caitlin is tending to him when I go up to scold him like a mother. "Where were you? I was waiting for your help! You seriously couldn't have expected me to hold him off forever! And you could've at least gotten me a ride back."

"I'm so sorry, Percy, I really am. My suit wasn't working and it began to malfunction, so I had to go scour through a closet to get my old one. And now it's all my fault that Eddie's gone, gah! Stupid suit."

"Hey, don't call my suit stupid, all right? And besides, it wasn't your fault. It was the Reverse Flash's fault, we all know that."

"Yeah, for once, Cisco's right. Try not to let today get to your head too much," Caitlin looks up from tending Barry.

She continues to treat for Barry and was in the middle of dabbing some ointment on an ugly, red gash on his temple when he winces in pain. "You seriously got to stop getting beat up by this guy. If I had a dollar for every time the Reverse Flash kicked your ass, I'd be rich by now," Cisco laughs, and I grin at him. Caitlin, on the other hand, glares at him.

"Why don't you try fighting against an evil speedster, Cisco, and let's see how you end up," Caitlin says, putting a Band-Aid on Barry's head.

"Yeah, nevermind. I'm good. Anyways, are you hurt Percy? Seems like he pushed you against the railing pretty hard," Cisco turns to me with sincerity in his eyes, and I just shake my head.

"All good. Hurts a bit but I'm sure the pain will subside in a few days," I said. I highly doubt that it would go away in a mere few days, but they don't know that I got ambrosia in my backpack which would heal my ribs in simply an hour.

"Want me to take a look at your injuries once I'm done with Barry?"

I wave a hand dismissively, "Nah, I'm good, thanks anyways, though. I think Barry needs all the help he can get, no offense, but you look like you got a fist fight and failed horribly."

"That is technically what happened," Barry chuckles, running his fingers through his hair.

"He's right, you do look terrible, Barry" an unknown voice says from behind us. My eyes widened as we all turn around to realize Iris is standing there, looking up at all of us. She was especially looking at Barry who had his suit still on. "Or should I say The Flash?"


After moments of pure awkwardness, Barry and Iris went into a separate room which was connected to the Cortex. There was a special treadmill there in which Barry could run on so Cisco and Caitlin could track his vitals. I've never seen him on it before, though. But thanks to soundproofing, we couldn't hear a thing they were saying.

The rest of us had to wait in the Cortex, allowing the two to talk things out, however, from looking at the security camera for that room, things were starting to get angsty. We all wanted to know what they were saying, but we had the microphone off. "This is one of the few times I do not want to be Barry Allen. He's going to get scolded so badly."

"I wonder what he's going to say to defend himself," I pondered out loud.

Caitlin responded with, "Well, I hardly think whatever Barry is going to say will make Iris forgive him."

"We should absolutely not listen in, though. Definitely none of our business," Cisco said. He says it with such certainty, it's hard to believe he was being sarcastic. Although it was so tempting to just press the button and listen in on their conversation.

"But technically, The Flash is our business," Caitlin noted, and I started to put the pieces together.

"And Iris did just figure out Barry is The Flash. . ." I add on.

"So by transitive property, they're both our business," Caitlin makes a small smile, and Cisco and I nod and watch as she unmutes the camera on the screen.

We suddenly hear Iris' and Barry's voices from the speakers, and we listened to their intense shouting match from the Cortex.


thank you guys so much for 20k reads on this book! I really appreciate the love and support I've been recieving <3

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