Chapter 15 - Jin Ling's Blame Game

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He immediately positioned himself in front of Lan Wangji. Then, he turned to the wooden windows of where the voice came from.

A careful knock could be heard through the windows, then a small voice drifted through the slit, "Young Master..."

Wei Wuxian finally noticed that his heart was beating a bit too fast. He puzzled over it again, then regained his composure.


Jiang Yanli looked at Wuxian, "puzzled, huh?" She questioned teasingly.

"Mmm, Shijie, don't tease me," Wuxian whined.

"No, no, I'm not," She giggled and continued to tease him, "I totally don't recall you asking me why a person should like another. Your heart tells you first. You fell hard, A' poor naïve soul."

Wuxian folded his arms and started to pout, "you don't need to rub it in, okay."

"Is that a lip I see popping out?" Lan Wangji asked now teasing him.

"Oh, you better be careful with what you do or say here, you are about to embarrass yourself," Wuxian said.

Wangji blinked, he remembered that he just drank on screen, and soon, he will witness what he did this time. Last time it was vandalism and chickens, he pondered for what it will be this time.

"Haha, I stumped you, didn't I," Wuxian teased, "well you're in for a treat babe." Lan Wangji turned to face Wuxian again and flicked his bottom lip that was popped out, "ouch! Was that necessary?"

"Yes!" Wangji said turning his attention back to the screen.

"I'm tempted to put Xichen-Ge between us for a bit, you're scaring me," Wuxian said.

"I won't sit between you but I can sit beside you," Lan Xichen said moving to sit beside Wuxian.

"Thanks, you're a great help," Wuxian said.

"Anytime," Xichen said and laughed a bit.


Walking over, he raised the window to see a black-clothed figure dangling upside-down with legs hung at the roof, preparing to knock once more. Wei Wuxian quickly opened the window, which bumped into the person's head. The figure exclaimed with a light ah. Holding the windows back with both of his hands, he finally made eye contact with Wei Wuxian.

A cold breeze barged into the room. Wen Ning's eyes were opened, no longer an ashen white, but instead filled with a pair of black, silent pupils. The two stayed like this, one standing, one hanging, and stared at each other for a few moments.

Wei Wuxian, "Come down."

With a sudden loss of balance, Wen Ning fell and slammed onto the ground outside the inn.


"A'Ning, I don't think that's what he meant by, 'Come down'," Wen Qing stated.

"I think I am aware of that now," Wen Ning said, "but I am fine."

"Don't do that again," she demanded.

"Yes, JieJie."


Wei Wuxian wiped away the nonexistent sweat on his forehead. He commented, 'We really chose the right place!'

It was a good thing that they chose this inn. For the sake of tranquility, the windows of the private room faced a small grove instead of the streets. Using the support pole, Wei Wuxian left the windows open and looked down, leaning outside. With his heavy body, Wen Ning made a man-shaped dent on the ground. He was still staring at Wei Wuxian even as he lay in the dent.

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