Later that evening while Ross was laying in bed with Eleanor she asked, "Ross are you sure you don't want to go to the funeral tomorrow?" He wrapped his arms around her and said, "yes, my love I am sure, I want to spend as much time with you as I can. I realize now how much time I wasted, if anything would have happened to you, I would not have survived. Forgive me?" He held her close as she nestled into his warmth. Eleanor said, "always."

The following months passed quickly soon she was going in for her eighth-month checkup. Ross followed her in, and the doctor said, you may be more comfortable out in the waiting room for this part of the examination. Ross smirked and said, "I have seen it all before how do you suppose she got this way. Eleanor hit his arm, "Ross!"

The doctor said, Eleanor, I would like to do another ultrasound just to make sure everything is as it should be. You are thinning out but that could be because of being in your eighth month. The baby's heartbeat is still a little fast and your sugar and blood pressure are a little on the high side." Ross grew concerned, "Eleanor have you been doing things you were told not to." She responded, "Ross I cannot sit and do nothing." The doctor said, "let's check things out okay." When Eleanor saw the sonogram, her heart jumped into her throat. Ross noticing his wife's expression said, "what is wrong" Eleanor looked at the doctor, my baby looks rather large. The doctor nodded; I would say she is around nine pounds. We don't want her any larger or you will not be able to deliver her naturally. Eleanor said, her heartbeat is still rather fast could that be from her size, the doctor nodded I suppose so. I would like to see you maybe twice a week at least until your date. We will deliver your baby if it is not here on your due date. Eleanor nodded, Ross helped her sit up and helped her dress.

When they got to the car Eleanor started to weep, Ross grabbed her hand and said, "Eleanor with is wrong." He wiped her tears with his thumb. Eleanor was silent for a moment, "what if I have done something that has harmed our daughter. I thought I was watching what I was eating, and she was going to be fine, but what if something I did had her little heart beating way too fast?" Ross said, "Eleanor, I knew you would never do anything intentionally to harm our child. I am just as much to blame if not more for your stress levels. What would you like to do for the rest of the day?" Eleanor said, "could you go to Nampara, I know we agreed to stay in the city until after Grace's birth, but I really could use a realizing day at the beach. Ross said, "I think that would be a magnificent idea, why don't you call dad and let him know so they don't worry, tell them we will be back later tonight and not to hold dinner."

They reached Nampara, Ross drove around the resort first he wanted to make sure everything was running smoothly. He went in and there was a little bit of a crisis going on. One of the guests had slipped on a rock and cut her leg. It had a jagged cut, and there was a copious amount of blood. An ambulance had been called but had not arrived yet. Eleanor looked at Ross and then went to the guest. She went to bend over, and Ross grabbed her and asked for a chair for his wife. Once she was seated, she brought the leg with the cut, up on her lap. She told the staff to give her the first aid kit. Then she asked for some warm water and a washcloth. They brought the water and she pulled out a syringe. At the sight, the guest asked, "are you a doctor?" Eleanor nodded yes. Then the guest said, "what are you going to do with that?" Eleanor explained, "I am going to flush the wound. I put some water in this and squirt the water on the cut until I deem it is clean enough." Ross asked for the staff to bring another bucket or basin to catch the water. To Eleanor, he said, "let me do it you should not be leaning over that much." Eleanor said, "I am fine but if you want, I will tell you what to do." Ross was finished flushing the wound out. Then Eleanor said, take the cloth and wipe around the cut." Once that was done, she told him to get a cotton swab and squeeze some of the antiseptics on it and smear it over and around the cut. Once that was done, she instructed him to put a bandage on. The ambulance finally came, and the young woman has driven away. Ross went to the manager and asked how that happened. He said we have signs all along the beach asking people o stay off the rocks since they tend to get slippery. The young woman thought she knew better. Ross said, please go down and take pictures, also take some statements proving she was not following our safety procedures.

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