[25] Terrifyingly Terrible Tuesday

Start from the beginning

"We won't discuss the matter anymore. Moon, get ready for the dinner. I have preserved seats for you and your fiancé."

"You're never here, probably out making out with your boyfriend, you barely manage to pay the bills, and you're making me get married without my consent? You're despicable! Utterly disgusting."

"You're crazy," Deathbringer said to Secretkeeper as he shook his head. I stood up from the chair and ran to my room. I ducked under my bed and pulled out my jade green luggage before shoving everything I could fit into it. I furiously started zipping it when Deathbringer walked in.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm running away from this stupid place," I spat. "And I'm not coming"—I aggressively put on my sweater—"back."

"Don't be foolish, Moon," Deathbringer said reassuringly. "I have an idea of how to get you out of this mess, and my ideas are always such a help."

"Even when the time I fell in between the wall and the sofa and you decided pouring soap on me was the best solution?"

"Yes, because it got you unstuck, didn't it?"

"I broke my arm."

"Okay... but what about the time I saved you from getting stung by a bee by pushing you into the pool?"

"It was a fly and I fractured my shoulder."

"Nobody likes flies, anyway."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine. What's this plan of yours?"


"Oh, dear, what has happened to your face?" Secretkeeper poked my cheek. "Is that... chicken pox? Your fiancé can never see you like this. Maybe I'll have to postpone the wedding..."

"YES—I mean, what a real bummer," I lied. "I was really hoping to meet my apparent soulmate." Secretkeeper hummed with curiosity before reaching over and rubbing the makeup off.

"It won't work on me, Moon. But good effort. Now, stop joking around and get ready. Grandeur and her family will be accompanying us at the dinner."



"This has to work," Deathbringer said. He stared at me before hiding in my closet. I sighed. Desperate times call for desperate matters.

"OW, I think I broke a bone! Help!"

There was a muffled shuffle coming from the other room and I quickly got into position; arm in a bent position that could sell the lie.

Secretkeeper poked her head in my room before walking up towards me. "What is it this time?"

"My arm... It's—it's broken!"

"And I'm Kylie Jenner. Moon, for real, stop it."



"AHHH, someone broke into our house and stole my—uh—sanity!"

"Don't make me speak to you again."


"Have you seen the news? People are inviting others over to their house and it always ends in a homicide. I'm not trying to get myself out of this situation. I'm just spitting the truth."

"Moon, so help me, I will ground you."


"This murderer on the loose again and she's dressing up as random people to get into people's houses!"

"Give me your phone."


"My friends actually invited me for ice cream, so..."

"Moon, stop it!"


"You know, Glory just texted me. My fiancé just died so we can just cancel the dinner."

"We are having this dinner whether you like it or not!"


"Help... I think I'm having a heart attack!"

"Don't make me send you to a mental asylum."


"I give up! Thanks for nothing."

"Hey, hey," Deathbringer said. "Don't worry."

Don't worry? Don't worry? Is he crazy? Worrying is the only think I have to do in this situation. And another thing I have to do is get ready for the damn dinner.


So like, no the best not the worst blah.

Many writers writing an A/N would say something like: "Life has been very stressful for me and I'm just really having a difficult time in life right now. Please forgive me for everything." But no. I'm straight up just lazy. So. Bye, I guess.


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