[23] Ice Cream Without The Ice Cream

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~One Day Ago~

Glory invited a few girls to get ice cream. I don't really know why I decided to come, but honestly, I have nothing better to do. Mom has been grounding me 24/7 for literally no reason. But getting ice cream sounded better than hearing her hollering.

When I got there, it was outside of Little Laker's Mall. There was at least five other girls there, but I was way too lazy to count. Glory was walking around looking all shady in a pair of sunglasses and a zoo hat. I found it hilarious to see Glory look so stupid, but then again, I've had my moments.

Picnic tables were displayed all throughout the whole park where people can sit and eat. Two of my favorite things to do. I squinted at Glory as she secretly ushered me over to her table, where a bunch of other girls were sitting at, too. I rolled my eyes and made my way over to them.

"Why are you acting like every drug dealer when a cop is around?" I asked when they got into earshot. I plopped myself down next to Kinkajou, who was busy trying to save a worm. It had gotten way colder, but where we live, it doesn't snow. It just gets cold enough for you to think it'll snow. But I wouldn't know. No one I know even has a clue on how snow looks or feels like. Something to add to my bucket list.

"Facts," Fatespeaker agreed. "Who are you trying to hide from? And why are we all here?" Fatespeaker started tiredly picking at her nails as she mumbled to herself. She had her pretty features and ugly ones, like every girl. Human. Why couldn't I just be a Goddess and get over with it?

"I don't want anyone listening," Glory said skeptically. She had her hair in a tight ponytail and had heavy makeup on. I narrowed my eyes at her.

"And who would be listening?" I asked but honestly didn't care for a response. I only really came here for the actual ice cream part. "Don't care. What did you want to talk about?"

Glory looked a bit startled but quickly spoke. "I like Deathbringer but I don't want to and I need help."

There was an awkward silence as we all stared at Glory. I shrugged.

"I know. We all knew that. You're too obvious. Anyway, where's the ice cream. You said there'd be ice cream," I grumbled. Kinkajou returned her consciousness back onto the worm and Fatespeaker began picking at her nails again.

"Right," Sapphire agreed. "Where is the ice cream?" I saw Glory turn from embarrassed to annoyed. She just invited practically every girl she knew to tell them she had a crush on someone everybody already knew she had a crush on? Not worth my time.

"That's not the point," Glory said impatiently. "I need advice. Remember... the Halloween incident? Yeah, well I regret that. So, um, help?"

"Why not just go to a mental hospital?" Clearsight asked. "Or maybe your therapist? Look, we don't have time to worry about your boy problems. You said there'd be ice cream! I'm still waiting."

"Ugh, then you can all go," Glory grumbled. "You're no help." I finally noticed Sunny when she screamed out in excitement. I hadn't noticed the past few minutes she had been frozen in happiness after Glory admitted her crush.

"SHIP! I ship! Y'all ship? This is the best love story everrr!" Sunny sang as she sprang up, doing the Hokey-Pokey and started to sing the Titanic song. I snorted as Fatespeaker burst out laughing. Glory's face was red again.

"Stop! Stop it!" Glory cried. "I mean it. Just stop. I regret inviting y'all. Go home." She had her arms crossed and was staring in the other direction.

"Aight, bet," I said as I started grabbing all my stuff. Sunny grabbed me by my shoulders and pushed me back into sitting before huffing and sitting down herself.

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