[2] A Monkey That's Obsessed To Its Banana

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"If there's anyone I'm sitting with, it definitely won't be with you."

Deathbringer and I was looking for a seat, unsuccessfully of course. All I wanted to do was grab my lunch and sit down. So far, we had done zero of both of those things. We gave up on looking for a seat and instead went into the line.

One minute.

Two minutes.

"We're not getting any younger, people!" I cried. "Can't ya'll make the process a bit more faster?"

"I thought I'd be the one embarrassing myself on the first day," Deathbringer muttered. "I guess I was wrong."

"Says the 15 year old who got caught playing Subway Surfers in class."


That blue eyed guy was in the line too, two people ahead. He was closer to the lunch register than we were. I gave a sideways glance at Deathbringer, who had googly eyes for her.

"If you like her so much," I said. "Even though it's the first day of school—sit with her and leave me to be by myself."

"Alright, but you said it, not me." And with that, he ran out of line. I crossed my arms and watched him casually make his way toward that girl— Glory, I think—and tapped her shoulder. Glory scanned the crowd and noticed me. She gave an exasperated look to the both of us. What did I do?

Alright, my brain strategized, I need to get him out of there before he annoys her and then he's depressed because she'll probably tell him to fuck off... or I can get lunch and not care.

Or I can get lunch and save him from his misery. Dunno how I'm bouta do that, but I guess I'll try.

"Hey, uh, how are you?" I tried as I took a step towards blue eyes guy. "So, um, I'm pretty much in a rush sooooo... Would you mind if I went in front of you?"

"Yes, I would mind," he said. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"But that won't be a problem, now would it," I slowly asked.

"Asking him is no use," said someone in front of him. "Too stubborn. You can go in front of me, though."

This one had sort of exotic eyes, ones I've never even seen before. It was like the color of the sun. So... peculiar, is what it was. He had yellow-ish blonde hair and freckles scattered across his face. Both his hands were shoved deep in the pockets of his hoodie. He made space for me to squeeze in.

Well this one's going to be annoying later in my life.

"Thanks," I managed to say, pulling my gaze off of him and staring intently at Deathbringer. He was rocking back and forth on his feet, looking extremely nervous. Although Deathbringer looked somewhat "attractive" (not my words), he was horrifyingly stupid. As in, he'd go and ask a girl for her number if they even made eye contact for two seconds.

One time, two years ago, Mother brought Deathbringer and me to a restaurant and there was a pretty looking waitress there. I told her that I absolutely loved her hair, and I asked what products she used. Of course, Mom and Deathbringer were listening in on our conversation, so Deathbringer got a good look at this girl. The girl and I exchanged numbers, since she was near my age—slightly older—and turns out her name was Cathy—short for Catherine.

Leave it to Deathbringer to ruin a good moment, though. Right before we left the restaurant, Deathbringer said something about her body that was a failed attempt at a compliment.

So Catherine thought we were all perverts and that almost got the police involved. Long story short, we got sued and wasn't allowed to go to that restaurant since then.

That's why I wanted to save Deathbringer. He's so stupid but also so vulnerable and I wanted to protect him from it. I couldn't do that, though, because his dumbass was always getting himself into situations that I have to get him out of. That kid needs a guard on him.

When I realized how long the line was taking and I saw a frown slowly settling oh Deathbringer's face, I thought, fuck it, and rushed out of the line. Of course, that exotic boy must've seen me getting ready to leave because he nudged me and asked, "Where are you going?"

"To go save my brother's dumbass," I stated calmly and left without another word. As I made my way to my brother, I found myself rolling my eyes. He was always putting his heart out on the table just to get it broken, acting like that. I honestly felt bad for him. His self esteem is much too high for his own good, and it was slowly ruining his life.

And mine too, I realized. How? He got me banned from my favorite restaurant. Might as well move to Texas and burry myself there because those tortillas were so good, and now I can't even have them.

"What're you doing?" I asked, yanking Deathbringer backward right in the middle of Glory's sentence of rejection, probably. "Are you trying to make your life miserable?"

"What are you talking about," Deathbringer asked. "She probably loves me already. You're the one making my life miserable, thank you."

"I'm sorry about him," I said to Glory instead of feeling hurt for what he just said, because, to be honest, I felt quite the same way towards him. "He's annoying and is already obsessed with you, so just tell him to fuck off and then you'll have everything covered."

"Alright," Glory slowly said before turning to Deathbringer and saying, "Fuck off."

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds...

"It's not working," Glory said, exasperated.

I grabbed Deathbringer and dragged him away, and boy was he heavy. "What do you eat?"

"I only had four waffles and three bowls of cereal, not much," he mumbled, "but that's not the point because she's probably already into me."

"Get the fact that she isn't into you in that hardhead of yours. You're too confident, knock it off."

Deathbringer merely shrugged as we sat down at a different, much quieter table. "Being confident is a good thing. It's what kept me sane."

"I'm pretty sure I kept you sane, but have it your way. By the way, we need to reprint our schedule when we get home because the school printer ran out of ink so the writing's messy—stop staring at her, you monkey that's obsessed to its banana," I snapped, pinching him to bring him back to reality.

"What banana?" he asked, completely lost in this conversation. I shoved the schedule on his chest and said, "Just print this when we get home."

"I wouldn't do it even if you paid me," he scoffed.

"Good thing I'm not paying you."


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