[25] Terrifyingly Terrible Tuesday

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Who here hates Tuesdays?

Good for you.

Because so do I.

And typically, it's not as bad as Mondays, but we all know that one Tuesday that you'd absolutely love to get rid of. I didn't have one of those weird dreams tonight but I did wake up with the perfect strand of elderly hair. And trying to cut it off did me dirty, so I just had to go to school like that. New Years Dance is actually tomorrow, but I honestly could care less. To be honest, I might not go because if anything juicy happens, there's a high chance Tsunami will already be recording it.

Today was another casual Tuesday of avoiding Qibli and ignoring Glory. I didn't feel anything through it. I feel like the beginning of the year was much better than right now. Anyway, when I got home, I was surprised to see Secretkeeper there. The last time I saw her was a week ago, since she comes home late at night and leaves dead in the morning. But when I saw her face, I knew it was about something important.

"What's wrong? And how are you home?" I walked over to where she was sitting and sat down. She had her hair in a messy bun and looked horrifyingly tired.

"Yeah," Deathbringer agreed. "You look like a zombie, no offense." I sent him a look that said: just because you say no offense, doesn't mean offense isn't taken.

"None taken," Secretkeeper said. Deathbringer sent me a grin of triumph. I rolled my eyes. "I...actually need to talk to Moon about something." Deathbringer looked from me to Secretkeeper, not getting the point. "So... please go upstairs."

"Why?" he asked stubbornly. "I'm just as important as her. Plus if we're a fam- uh... If we live in the same house together, might as well stay away from secrets as much as possible. Am I right or am I right?"

"I know, honey," Secretkeeper said. "But it's not really a secret. It's just... girl talk. Besides, you probably won't even be remotely interested." Deathbringer crossed his arms and leaned back onto the couch, indicating that he was not going anywhere. Secretkeeper sighed and turned to me with a look of happiness.

"Moon," she continued, "you're getting married."

I was just about ready to call today Terrifyingly Terrible Tuesday. So, yeah, I sorta maybe overreacted when I started yelling curses at her, but I honestly didn't care since I didn't really have anything to lose.

"H-her? Married?" Deathbringer was on the verge of dying out laughing. I didn't exactly get the humor. "Damn. Well, okay. This is... a great joke. I seriously needed to laugh."

"It's not a joke."

"Dead grass?" Deathbringer asked and Secretkeeper nodded.

"I'm not getting married!" I cried, as I sent her a glare. "And you can't make me."

"You are, and tomorrow. I was going to make it today, but I decided that having you have a dinner with your fiancé to get to know him was better than 'love at first sight.' Anyway, it's for the best. I met up with Grandeur and she told me a story about her daughter and how she chose a terrible husband. I just want to protect you, and I promise you, I'll do anything in my will to do so."

"But making me get married is not your will!" I was boiling at this point. "Plus, I'm not even ready! Get married? At seventeen? What are you thinking?!"

"Moon," she said calmly. "Don't speak to me that way."

"There's no way you're actually going to make her get married," Deathbringer said. "That's unfair! Making her get married when she doesn't want to. She's not old enough yet, either."

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