Parvati grinned when she saw Hermione. "You missed the first Gryffindor party of the year" Parvati told. "Seamus managed to sneak in some butter beer"Neville added.

Hermione smiled, "I'm guessing McGonagall found out?"

Harry groaned, "She stormed in 2 hours after we started, sent us to bed and took 10 points"

"You're head girl, you can give us points" Seamus said as he sat up straight. "He's right"Dean grinned.

"You know I can't-"

"But you'll give points to Zabini won't you?"

Ron spoke for the first time since Hermione had arrived. They all stared at him.

"What?" Hermione questioned.

"Not this again" Ginny scoffed.

"What... happened with Zabini?"Parvati asked, glancing at Hermione.

"I don't know, ask Hermione" Ron said, glaring at her.

"Nothing happened"Ginny told before Hermione could speak. "Zabini and Malfoy were in the head compartment when me and Hermione got there. He saw Zabini sitting beside her and now won't listen when we tell him nothing happened"

"You didn't go with Hermione"Ron snapped.

"I was like 10 seconds behind her!"

"Nothing happened"Hermione told before they could start arguing.

"Why was he sitting beside you?"Parvati asked. Hermione glanced over and Parvati and Lavender both had terribly hidden smirks on their faces.

"He was offering a truce because he'd be at the head dorm with Malfoy and his friends often. That was it"She snapped.

"A truce?"Harry repeated, a bit suspicious.

"He wasn't serious, he was messing around"Ginny said before they could jump to conclusions.

"He was sitting right beside you! He must've said something else!"Ron snapped.

"What do you expect him to say!"Hermione barked. "Nothing happened so stop holding it over my head as if I kissed him!"

Ron let out a huff before standing. He didn't glance at any of them as he walked out of the room, the portrait closing behind him loudly. "Has he been upset the whole night?"Ginny asked Harry, glancing over at the portrait.

"He was mumbling something about traitor and all"Harry told.

"I woke up to him pacing at like 3 in the morning"Neville added, leaning back in his seat.

"But how are you sure Zabini wasn't offering a serious truce?"Parvati spoke again, her eyes darting from Hermione to Ginny.

"Parvati"Hermione spoke in a warning tone. There was a difference between a private conversation in their dorm and in front of the rest of their friends.

Parvati only smirked in return before turning to Lavender. Hooking her arm through Lavender's, she bid them good bye, and her and Lavender left the common room.

"That's... a bit strange. Coming from Zabini, I mean. I don't remember him getting involved a lot with Malfoy" Dean said.

"He's said his fair deal, don't you worry"Harry mumbled, remembering what he had said about Ginny at the beginning of 6th year.

Though Bloodtraitor wasn't as bad as Mudblood, Harry valued the Weasley family a lot, even before his feelings for Ginny were noticed.

"It doesn't matter now, does it?"Ginny shrugged. "What happened when they saw you? The Slytherin lot?" She asked, turning to Hermione.

Hermione scoffed, "They looked at me as if I had entered their territory! As if it wasn't my common room!"

"What do you expect from them? Hugs and kisses?" Harry gave her a sheepish grin as she huffed.

"I'm just hoping they'll be gone after Breakfast. I'll move back here if they stay any longer"

Having to run into them in corridors was bad enough without having them practically move in to her common room.

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