Chapter Thirty Three

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Holly squeezed between Kyle and Rowan and knocked.

No answer.


This time, the door pulled completely open. On the other end, Jenna-Sue- Leighton had a firearm cocked to the side in one hand. "Leave my daughter alone." The woman's voice cracked. "She's finally resting in peace. You are trespassing and..." The weapon shook violently in her hands. "And it is within my constitutional right to do whatever I deem necessary to protect my property." She had a cold look in her eyes. "Now, I'm going to count to ten you half dead freaks, get. Off. My. Fucking. Lawn."

She pointed the barrel onto the ground and pulled the trigger.

They had their arms raised over her head and scattered onto the curb; the woman retreated into her home and thumped her door shut.

"Now what?" Rowan had her hand on her chest.

Kyle had his hands over his ears.

Holly could still hear the bang of the gun; she could still see the hole it left on the wooden floorboard.

Her legs were shaking.

"Got any ideas?" Cody asked leaning against the car. He held Heaven as if she were going to disappear.

Kyle glanced between Rowan and Holly.

Adrenaline prickled her skin. She sat by the curb.

She was still trying to catch her breath. What if it ricocheted off the floor and hit one of them?

It wasn't likely, but what if?

She looked up at Kyle. He had a rough-around-the-edges look going in a pair of ripped sweats and a loose-fitting white V-neck. His eyes roamed the Leighton home. "I wonder which one was her room?"

She regarded the two-story that was like every other home on the block. She wanted to say the one by the left with the windows shut and the lights off. It was never mentioned in any of the articles or news channels.

"Think we could ask around?" Her voice was strange against her ears. She was on edge.

"I told you we should have gone to Malcolm's instead."

"I thought we could get the mother on our side, sue me," Heaven rolled her eyes.

"Which one did you say was his again?"

Rowan lifted a finger.

Holly got up and walked over. Ten houses down. He was tending to a garden.

"She can be a handful sometimes." The man pushed off his knees. "New to the neighborhood?"

"Something like that." Holly admired his work. From tulips and Muscari's to coneflowers and black-eyed Susan's.

He ripped off his gloves and tossed them on the disturbed soil.

"We're looking into the Leighton case."

He winced. "Touchy subject. No wonder she kicked you out like that."

She shrugged.

"Come inside, I'll make you guys a cup of coffee. I'm Malcolm, by the way, Malcolm Kent, the boyfriend from all the tabloids." Jackpot.

She waved Kyle, Rowan, Cody, and Heaven over.

He walked them into his living room.

The walls were a shade of green that made Holly feel comforted. And on them were awards, certificates, and pictures. Over the door were three hanging plants. The living room was cozy. The deep blue armchairs are a daring contrast to the grey-white couch and baby-blue and pink throw pillows. There was a foosball table where Holly supposed the dining table should be.

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