Chapter Seven

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Why did she agree to that?

She was a third of the way home. Hot dogs from the stand across the street wafted across her nose. She licked her lips. She missed lunch. No surprise. She lost her appetite after her conversation with Heaven.

She doubted Mr. Stalker waited for her at his table. She couldn't help wondering if he had. Was he hosting a full table? Did he keep his eyes locked on the cafeteria doors waiting for a particular bronze-skinned overly tattooed girl in sweats?

She puffed her cheeks. She wouldn't know. And thinking about it would get her nowhere. 

She did her digging on the editor and all she could find on his website, Crime with Kyle, were articles he wrote on local neighborhood cold cases.

Her stomach grumbled and she contemplated venturing across the street to the stand. The line alone was discouraging.

She jogged forward.

Kyle insisted he would walk both sisters back home.

If he was affected by Holly blowing him off at lunch, he didn't show it.

It barely made any sense. Why would he offer to walk them back when he lived on a completely different street? They lived on West Adams street. He lived by Jackson Boulevard at Harrison Congress Apartments. She only knew this from paying close attention to his Instagram feed. Okay, maybe the hunter became the hunted. She stalked him.

It wasn't as if her neighborhood was unsafe. The closest thing West Adams street saw to an actual crime was noise pollution from a party Ken Sawyer threw before the Steinfeld divorce was finalized.

So, why was Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome walking leisurely between the two girls?

Heaven walked ahead, book bag hanging crooked on her shoulder, books in hand, and ears plugged. She was yet to break the ice with Holly.

Holly would wait. No matter how long it took for her sister to see reason, Holly would sit on the sidelines.

"I was dropping someone off." Kyle said. He slowed his pace, enough for Holly to catch up. She wasn't trying. "My Mom." He scratched the corner of his nose. "She believes she would be better off getting a fresh start. She had a late flight to Miami. She got a new job there with a publishing house. With business hitting a drywall, she was going to sell the printing press. I wasn't able to talk her out of it, I was able to buy some time."

"And that's why you need this story so bad."

He nodded.

Perhaps there was more to suburbia than ostentatious neighbors.

The walk was silent for about three steps before he cleared his throat.

"I was willing to forego my pride and come clean about why I was at the airport. It's your turn." He had a look in his dark eyes, regret...?

"My—Our—parents are getting married next month." She waved a hand in Heaven's general direction. Holly's twin hadn't once looked back. The sister who claimed to care the most couldn't even bear Holly a pitiful glance. No, Heaven was right. She was out of line. She owed her parents an apology. She was being unnecessarily difficult. "And as you can tell, I didn't take it well."

Cars whizzed past screeching by the intersection.

"Very descriptive," He had his hands in his pockets.

"They're getting remarried after an unpleasant divorce three years ago."

"Divorces are generally unpleasant." He clarified.

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