Chapter one

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Harry Shawn Parker. A handsome young boy that wanted nothing more than to please his parents and make them proud of him. He never could get what he wanted though.

He tried everything he could to get his parents to notice him but they were always paying attention to his sisters. Because of this he never wanted a daughter, only sons because in his mind girls took up to much time and attention. Even though he never got their full attention, he got some but the kind that he got wasn't good.

Harry was abused, scars lining his legs and torso. He always thought that it was normal for it to be this way so he never thought of it as abuse. Harry assumed that all of the least favorite children in their family was beaten until they were begging for everything to stop. No one ever knew about this because when he found out that it was illegal he was to scared to say anything about it, until he let down his walls and let Laura in.

Laura never made fun of him or asked questions about his scars. She was there for him when he needed help, they fell in love and got married. But something bad happened, it seemed to everyone that Harry just attracted trouble. His parents did not approve Laura, they said that even though he wasn't a girl he should have higher standards. And that's when it happened...

Harry went on a rampage saying how they never cared for him and that they had no control over his life anymore. He was so angry that he didn't even register what he was doing, by the time he snapped out of the hatred trance that he was in he looked around himself and saw his family lying lifeless around him. Their eyes were glazed over with white and they were lying in a pool of their own blood, Laura being in the corner finally spoke up, saying,"Y-you k-k-killed the-them." Harry turned to her and said,"You will never tell a soul about this because if you do" he grinned maliciously,"you will die like they did tonight."

Laura was to scared to even move front he spot she was in so she silently agreed. The next morning the Parker family was pronounced dead and all of their money went to Harry and Laura. Laura did the absolute best she could to forget about the situation but in the back her mind she always thought,'I'm in love with a murder, I'm married to a murderer, I have children with a murderer.'

Laura had to act as if she was ok because if Harry thought that she was doing anything suspicious at all he would kill her. Laura never did tell anyone about what happened because she knew that even if he was sent to jail, he would breakout and find her.

Eventually, Laura and Harry and their first child, a young boy that had the purest and innocent eyes ever, Harry couldn't be happier, he was a proud father of a son who would definitely do great thing in the future, he was named Terrance. Six years later they had a second child, a boy with the most majestic eyes he was named Mason , Harry and Laura were so overcome with joy because now, their lives were perfect, they were happy.

But then Laura was pregnant again. They weren't as happy this time like they were with Terrance and Mason because the both of them just wanted two children but after discussing it they would be happy with a third child. But then they found out that it was a girl.

Harry never wanted a daughter because it was his sisters that made his parents hurt them, it was his sisters that were absolutely perfect in every way imaginable, it was his sisters that made him the mistake of the family. And just like that, Harry's life fell apart, because he had a daughter.

Harry sort of came into terms of having a daughter after trying to convince Laura to abort the child. But when he saw the baby for the first tome he knew he made a mistake. A HUGE mistake.

He saw a girl with an animal appearance, ears and a tail. And then that thing opened it's eyes, it's eyes were a fiery red color. He thought that his daughter was a demon, a demon that was in his wife's belly. She made a screeching noise when she opened her mouth, she somehow managed to sit herself up and looked around the room.

Then she looked at Harry, he never felt so disgusted in his entire life, seeing this creature look at him as if they were actually related, he had been made before but now, now he wanted the child dead. He had the perfect life with his wife and two kids and then this thing shows up out of the blue and dares to look at him as if he actually cared.

The doctors in the room immediately took the baby away from them after some of the initial shock wore off to run some tests on her, Laura and Harry couldn't even talk because they were still in the state of shock. When the baby was brought back the doctors informed them that this baby was their and they couldn't find the reason for her being a human-animal hybrid.

They were on the way back to their home to show Terrance and mason their knew sister and get her situated when she started to giggle. Laura and Harry both looked at her then they looked back at each other before continuing the ride back home in silence.

They didn't know what to expect from this baby but they knew that she was going to be trouble for them. But what no one knew at all was this baby was going to be the downfall of the entire Parker family.

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