Chapter 22- Shall The Time Come.

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"First I got into my dream college, And now are first performance is in a few hours and I'm freaking out! What if I mess up, That's gonna be so embarrassing I mean it's a two-hour play and so I probably shouldn't be losing it right now but holy shit I can't help it!!" I yelled, Flopping face-first onto the couch. Asher sat on my back which caused me to groan and he started laughing so I sat up throwing him onto the floor "Little shit-" I said looking down at him, He stuck his tongue out proceeding to flick me off I literally hate 10-year-olds. "Boys If you start fighting I swear to god I'm going to shove my foot up both of your asses, Now c'mon we've gotta go out and get Oilver a gift remember It's eir 18th Birthday today and After your Play sweetheart e's parents invited us to eir house for a birthday party. So make sure you have an extra pair of clothes, I'm going to wake up your Daddy." My mom said, Making her way upstairs. Okay one it was extremely weird hearing my mother say "Daddy" and Two what am I supposed to wear to Oliver's Party, Maybe I should dress up for once? Only because it's eir 18th and I'm pretty sure that means a lot to e's Family. "So Oilver's 18 already..? Has it really been that long since I met em?" Asher asked, picking up Tomo and standing up petting him. I'm pretty sure that cat is miserable. "I know right, Can you believe you guys met when you were only 3~?" I laughed, Making my to the stairs but sight as I was at the bottom I just saw my dad rolling down the stiars like a baby pfft...Eventually, he made it to the bottom and he looked folded like actually folded, I knelt down and started to poke him just to make sure he was alive and to my surprise, he was "Leave me alone. I'll get up." He said, I shrugged proceeding to step over him and make my way back up to my room "Alright then, Mom Nice throw" "Thank you, Benny, ~" I shut my door, Throwing my backpack onto my bed and looking out the window. It was late in the evening already and the play starts in 4 hours, but that time gonna go by really fast with me packing my stuff for Oli going to get em a gift that I am 100% e will like, and having a mini panic attack on our way back to school...You know what Maybe I just need some mental help. Anyways what should I bring with me...I'm gonna bring my laptop, My favorite Jacket, My necklace, of course, My phone duh, and the gift we're gonna get. And I have the perfect outfit, aka some Blake somewhat fishnet stocking, my jacket around my waist, A gray sweater that said "Brooklyn" On it, and a bunch of random bracelets. I should totally be a fashionista...Let me shut up before I actually do something like that. "Ben! Robin's here!" Asher yelled from downstairs, I just threw my shoes on and grabbed my stuff, Making my way down "Hunny do me a favor, Since you're in the kitchen just bring me a coffee out of the fridge." My mom and the rest of us made our way to the car, while Asher basically smashes Robin into the door. "Ah-! Ash, I thought we were friends???" She yelled, Asher, looked at her and then got into the back seat of the car "We are I just had to get in the middle in case we crash because the car has a higher chance of landing on a side with doors than the mi-" I got into the car from the other side and covered His mouth, Robin got in as well smiling at me. Not too long after we were all in the car and making our way to Target, Actually now that I think about it I'm pretty sure we graduate this Saturday...Holy shit I completely forgot.

Target honestly probably wasn't the best place to look for a gift for Oilver, Not like they have anything bad it's just that Oilver's kinda difficult to find a gift for...Mainly because e doesn't really ask for much all I know for sure is that e loves crafting, painting, and reading. In the end, I found this dye-led light and a random frame, I just thought e could put a picture inside it since I also remember e likes photography...Somewhat- I think??? "Hey Ben, This is gonna sound Kinda odd coming from me but...I've always wondered how everyone's so touchy with their partners and I was wondering if you could maybe teach me how since you and Danny seem to have more a more family-friendly type of contact...That doesn't make much sense heh." Robin said, covering her face as I could see a soft red tint slowly appertaining on her face but actually what she said caught my attention. I kinda just stared at her, I'm not exactly the best person to go to whenever you need advice that's literally why I go to other people dammit!?! I guess I could just think of something though...Just for now. "I guess uhm...I'd say just go for it? I mean the worst that could happen is Sky gets too embarrassed to speak which I doubt knowing her a little bit-" I smiled and Robin lifted her head giving me a small smile in return, She really isn't that social but at the same time I think that's what makes her so interesting. "Ben! Robin! C'mon we're leaving!" Asher yelled, Waving at us farther down the aisle, That kid is one of my many reasons :). Now my only issue now is the play...I've always been nervous before them but this one I'm seriously freaking out, I don't understand why though? Maybe it's because Danny's gonna actually be there and if I fuck up anything I'm gonna hate myself for who knows how long...It's already 7:46 pm and We should be at the school at about 7:50 which means 40 minutes of practice or mentally dying inside. My phone began to go off and that's when I saw a message from Luna actually, Not really a surprise but at the same time it kinda is-

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