Chapter 14- Confrontation

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Another long one only because I have a field trip so might as well.

"Okay, so what if we start by looking at who follows the person Because if they are friends with certain people we can look for those people personally and try and get an answer? Or we can put them on the dark web and just have them killed or something?!?" Nadia stood up from her chair which caused Mr. Gray to give her a death stare and so she sat back down "Sorry..." I laughed but Mr. Gray didn't notice, We've been trying to figure out ways to find the culprit of this post but we've had no luck at all, Nadia turned towards me again and called me over with her hand; I leaned towards her and she started whispering "Seriously though the first idea was good-" The only thing that bothers me about that is the talking part, Half the schools already talking about it and so there's no way someone's actually gonna tell us something USEFUL. "Orr~ We look at the school cameras and find our culprit?" Skyler pulled a chair over and crossed her arms, Nadia thought about it for a minute but then he slowly nodded "Yeah, That's really smart because the cameras can get a face and I'm sure one of us will know who it is!" Nadia gave Sky a high-five then they chuckled "Okay that is a good idea but how are we gonna do that without a teacher's permission or the principal?" I asked and Skyler looked like a lost dog while Nadia just slumped down onto the floor "Nooo! Why the hell did this have to happen to us Plannings hard my brain hurts" She closed her eyes and kinda just layed there while Sky got out a piece of paper and started writing something, I leaned over so I could see, and turns out she was making a list "Alright Mrs. Valentines, Mrs. Stephen, Mr. Arabia and possibly Mr. Collin...They are gonna be are best options since they like either high school drama and want to be in it or hate it and want to stop it whenever way they can" Sky handed me the paper and I think I understood what she wanted me to do-? Maybe...Okay no, I don't. She rolled her eyes then pointed to Mrs. Valentine "When you get the chance ask her to help out, if she doesn't keep moving down the list until you can't anymore" She laughed and I just put my head down "Do I really have to-" I was cut off by Nadia grabbing my face really REALLY aggressively "YES." Right as she yelled that in my face the bell rang and so we had to leave. The author of this story is super lazy so we're gonna skip all the talking I had to do but long story short, While we were doing a worksheet I explained everything to Mrs. Valentine but she said she wasn't allowed to let me in that room because she doesn't have access to it she did let me leave and ask the other teachers though before I left I told Luna about it and so she joined me and we both split up, I didn't have any luck with anyone though Mrs. Stephen and Mr. Arabia both had access but they couldn't let me in there unless it was an actual issue going on currently, I didn't tell them Karma and Vivi had sex in the bathroom and got caught since they'd definitely get in trouble for that but I just told them someone reacored something and posed it but they shouldn't have and so I wanted to know who it was so I could talk to them and their response was the exact same "No, because when you kids say talking you mean fighting and I'm not dealing with that sorry." I really don't understand this school anymore, by the time I was done with that it was already our break and so I had to find Luna to see if she had any luck but the only way I could do that is if I text her of course.

Hot Lesbian😈🪨

Lunaaaa, Where'd you go?? There are too many people and I forgot what classes you went to and I had no luck the other two said no as well 😞
- Ben🍃

HA, You get lost everywhere.

Anyways meet me in the girl's bathroom but don't get caught, I'll be in the farthest stall and I'll explain what luck I had there💞
- Hot Lesbian😈🪨

...Are you seriously gonna make me sneak into the girl's bathroom?!?
- Ben🍃

Uh yeah🙄, Love you Ben~
- Hot Lesbian😈🪨

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