Chapter 19- A Soulmate

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"Basically since the years almost over and I don't feel like grading shit, I'm telling you this is gonna be a free class for the rest of the year but if you get too loud and or do something stupid I'll have to give you something to do." Mr. Grey was standing in front of the class slowly banging his head against his podium and not gonna lie I was kinda worried about him, I know he's like a miserable zombie but still- Anyways after he told all of us that a lot of people ran over to their partners or whatever and before we knew it everyone was split into their own little groups, Sky moved her desk a bit closer to mine and I turned to face her while Nadia jumped out of her chair and sat on my desk "Are you guy's excited about the play, It's in 4 more days!" She said with an excited tone in her voice, I can still remember when the play was 5 weeks away time seriously goes by so fast now that schools almost over god "I'm actually terrified" I said, Nadia, hit me on the back laughing under her breath as Skyler looked away trying I think her best not to laugh-??? "You always get scared when it gets closer to the day plus you always do great Benji just don't overthink it and remember your lines dummy-" I smiled at her and she gave me a bigger smile in return that's when Skyler hit her hand on the desk really loudly and so we both looked at her in confusion "Sorry that wasn't supposed to be so loud ahem Anyways six flags is having a firework event tomorrow night, Do you want to see if we all can go? Since ya know we can all go on little side dates until the show starts!" If I'm being completely honest...I haven't been to Six flags since I turned 6 and that was only thanks to Asher, So I honestly don't even remember what's there but Nadia got so excited she fell off the desk. "Ow-! Oh my gay yes! That would be so much fun and we could all take pictures so I can continue my high school photo album!" Nadia yelled, proceeding to get off the floor and dust herself off "I haven't been there in a while so I'd love to go" I added, Sky started to kick her feet in excitement slowly moving her hair behind her ears "Okay okay! I'll text the groupchat, Hold on" Sky turns around so Mr. Grey couldn't see her on her phone while Nadia was spinning around like a dog trying to find its tail... "What are you doing exactly-?" I asked, She stopped for a second and gave me a blank stare "My pants zipper broke, and I can feel it but I didn't bring any extra clothes..." She admitted, I just stared at her as she proceeded to walk in front of me and sit on my lap "God damn- at least give me a warning?!" She laughed at me, looking back and sticking her tongue out "Warning my ass, You sighed up for this when you became my friend babe" I rolled my eyes at her and she layed farther back starting to get comfortable and look at her nails "Hey you never told me how that call with you and Danny went yesterday, What'd you two talk about? Or where you two doing something dirter~?" Nadia said that second part in a more...Teasing tone. "What-! No, we've never even done that type of stuff over the phone dumbass...We played call of duty together and he actually sucks at it, We talked about my family for a while and he told me a little more about his parents since Luna never really talks about how they act or what they do but they seem pretty nice to me, we don't do anything like "That" over the phone but he did bring it up at some point..." Nadia looked up at me with a smirk on her face "And what'd he say about it~?" She asked "Well he basically said in case we do it again we should make a safe word, We couldn't think of one thought and so we just forgot about it and decided to just sit there and talk about random stuff until we fell asleep and so we did" I shrugged and Nadia was smiling at me like she was just happy to know that I was happy with Danny, She's really sweet. Skyler turned around and clapped her hands together softly "Alright it's all set, Everyone said they'd be able to go well Danny and Luna said if you two are going they'll go but you two already said yes so they'll be there!"And with that being said the Bell had rung and We all began to leave, Me and Nadia waved Skyler goodbye and made our way to our lockers "Okay so this is what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna go into the bathroom with my sewing kit and make something out if my broken pants before someone sees my embarrassing underwear" Nadia said, grabbing her sewing bag and shutting her locker proceeding to give me a thumbs up. I honestly have no response to that and so I just gave her a thumbs-up back "I- I don't think I was supposed to hear that sorry" I felt someone place their hand on my shoulder of course when I turned around it Danny, I turned to face him and he gave me a small smile "Well no shit- Anyways cya-!" Nadia yelled running off towards the bathroom, She really is something I'll tell you that- "Anywhoo, Can I walk you to math class your highness~?" He teased while grabbing me bye the wrist, I just rolled my eyes slowly moving closer to him so I could shove him a bit. He chuckled and we made our way to Mrs. Valentine's class well more like Mrs. Tori's class since she's subbing in for Mrs. Valentine but whatever, "So about the firework thing, I was thinking what if me and you just went off together like a mini-date?" He asked, He was slowly moving his hand closer to mine as he said that, and once he was done he interviewed my pinky with his. I'm pretty sure it's his way of "holding my hand" at school since we aren't out yet or anything, honestly I kinda forgot that we weren't out since we've done a lot in school, we've kissed, had sex, chased eachother...You know what I'm starting to think that no one actually looks at the school camera footage, Speaking of that actually I wonder what happened to Blake...Not like I actually care but after that incident, I haven't heard from him and those anonymous messages stopped getting sent to Danny so I guess in the end it was all Blake, He's like the Mastermind in Danganronpa or something "Ben-?" I heard Danny call my name and I'm pretty sure everything I was just thinking about just disappeared into thin air. I looked up at him and he looked at me like I was a dork or something...I don't know why I can't just be normal "Well I was planning on stealing you away anyways so~, of course, we can have a mini date also stop looking at me like that it makes me feel like a dork-" We both laughed, and continued to talk until we make it to Mrs. Valentine's room there were still a bunch of people in the halls and so we kinda had to push ourselves through a few of them but in the end we made it and we were met with Luna leaning up against the door talking to some random girl. "Oh Lu-" Danny was trying to say but I just covered his mouth and pulled him behind the lockers, I was just interested on who the girl was because I've never seen her from what I know? "So like maybe after play practice I can call you and we can play a few games together..?" The girl asked, She was fidgeting with her hands a lot too which most likely meant she had a crush on her oh that poor girl- "Uhm, I don't know you all I know is your name plus I have a girlfriend who I'd rather spend my time with she's also cuter than you...Anyway cya." Luna slowly evacuated into the classroom, She really is heartless when it comes to confessions...It's also interesting to watch though, I removed my hand from Danny's mouth and kissed his hand. He smiled at me holding up his part of the necklace we shared and then he left, All I could really do was blush he's just so AHHHHHH! Anyways-! That girl started crying and then she just ran away I was kinda just waiting until she left so I could get into the classroom and once I did I saw Luna leaning back in her chair, I rolled my eyes proceeding to take my seat and cross my arms while looking at her, she looked back at me but quickly looked away once she realized. "What...I tried to be nice about it but she just wasn't my type plus it's getting annoying, at least 5 people confess their feelings to me every 3 weekssss" she groaned, lowering her chair back onto the ground "I mean that's sorta your fault, You're a pretty girl with a personality lots of people dig for some reason even if you're a bipolar, rude little shit who is extremely blunt without even realizing it?" I layed my head down on the desk and Luna rolled her eyes with a slight smile forming on her face, She loves me and she knows it I mean hell even I know it. Math class was extremely boring because Mrs. Tori actually taught math and I know that's what you're supposed to do in math but her way of teaching just made no sense and so she just had a class full of kids who were spacing out or either sleeping, once the bell rang everyone got up and just left too- Luna followed me to my locker so I could put my crap away so I wasn't alone "What I'm saying is if you crossed dress like a female and change your name to like uhm Betty...? No Beth...Nope uhm know what I don't know why I'm thinking of white girl names anyways that's not the point if you crossed dress I think you could pull anyone!" Luna said, I just rolled my eyes at her trying my best to ignore every word she has said in the past two minutes but I am having no luck "For the 5th time Luna, I am not crossdressing so you can have a little photo shoot..." Luna turned to face the lockers as she punched one of them which was really dumb but I'm not gonna tell her that since I'm pretty sure she got the message "OW FUCK ME." She yelled holding onto her fist, My phone started going off and so I took it out of my pocket to see a message from Danny again, I love looking at my phone to see that he texted me it makes me so happy.

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